[08:20 PM] New international adoption procedures initiated despite stop announced last year
In May 2024, the Dutch government stopped intercountry adoption with immediate effect.
New international adoption procedures initiated despite stop announced last year
In May 2024, the Dutch government stopped intercountry adoption with immediate effect. Despite this, several new procedures have been initiated in the months since, the Reformatorisch Dagblad discovered in figures requested from the Ministry of Justi…NL Times
Parlamentswahlen in Grönland - Mitte-Rechts-Partei gewinnt überraschend hoch
Die wirtschaftsfreundliche Partei Demokraatit hat die Parlamentswahlen in Grönland klar gewonnen. Donald Trump erhebt immer wieder Anspruch auf Grönland.#Klimawandel #Grönland #USA #Trump #Arktis #Demokraatit #Naleraq
VDLM2 Message From: N206BZ / MX0734
Area: New York City, NY, USA
Live Flight Tracker - Real-Time Flight Tracker Map | Flightradar24
The world’s most popular flight tracker. Track planes in real-time on our flight tracker map and get up-to-date flight status & airport information.Flightradar24
Nach der Bundestagswahl - So gehen Union und SPD in die Koalitionsverhandlungen
Schulden, Haushalt, Migration, Bürgergeld, Mindestlohn, Steuern, Energie, Klima und Verbraucher: Union und SPD müssen sich noch über vieles einig werden.#Koalitionsverhandlungen #Koalitionsgespräche #SPD #Union #Grüne
Massaker an Zivilisten - Syrien zwischen Gewalt und fragiler Hoffnung
Kämpfe und Massaker an Zivilisten aus der Volksgruppe der Alawiten sind ein Rückschlag für Syrien. Wie sicher sind ethnische Minderheiten im Land?#SYRIEN #Alawiten #Massaker #Gewalt #Kurden #Al-Scharaa #AssadSturz
Sondervermögen - Ministerpräsidentin Schwesig lehnt Aufteilung des Milliardenpakets ab
Union und SPD wollen 500 Milliarden Euro für Sicherheit und Infrastruktur durchsetzen. Ministerpräsidentin Schwesig (SPD) lehnt die Aufteilung des Pakets ab.#ManuelaSchwesig #Sondervermögen #BUNDESTAG
[19:33] Fixtures thrown into disarray as inter-county pitch in Galway is vandalised
A stadium which recently staged its first Allianz League match in a couple years after a redevelopment programme that was driven by a huge voluntary local effort has been vandalised in Galway.
[19:32] Fiona McHugh, founder of Fallon & Byrne, dies at 57
Fiona McHugh, one of the founders of the Fallon & Byrne food hall and restaurant in Dublin, has died at the age of 57 after a long illness.
#FionaMcHugh #one #Dublin #theageof57
Fiona McHugh, founder of Fallon & Byrne, dies at 57
Fiona McHugh, one of the founders of the Fallon & Byrne food hall and restaurant in Dublin, has died at the age of 57 after a long illness.John Burns (Irish Independent)
[19:35] Veroordeling Schuiling hakt erin op het stadhuis in Groningen. ‘Het is een persoonlijk drama’
De veroordeling van Koen Schuiling voor masturberen in de auto hakt erin op het stadhuis in Groningen. De uitspraak van de rechter komt woensdag precies op het moment dat de gemeenteraad aan het vergaderen is.
[19:42] Burgemeester praat met Vindicat over wangedrag op ski-reis. ‘Dit straalt ook op Groningen af’
De vernielzucht van Vindicat-leden tijdens een skivakantie in Frankrijk krijgt een staartje. Burgemeester Mirjam van ‘t Veld gaat met de studentenvereniging in gesprek over het wangedrag.
Elon Musk is pushing to end phone services at Social Security, which 73 million retired and disabled Americans rely on to apply for and access their earned government benefits.
From resistance team of US Natl Park Svc
500+ char posts not resent
Robot NOT affiliated w/ AltNPS
#AltNPS #Coup #Activism #NationalParkService #FederalGovernment #USpol #Trump
Passengers describe 'doomsday scenes' on hijacked train
Pakistan train: Passengers describe 'doomsday scenes' after hijack
More than 400 passengers were on board a train in south-west Pakistan when armed militants attacked.BBC Urdu (BBC News)
[19:53] Hans Broekhuizen voorgedragen als nieuwe burgemeester Het Hogeland
Hans Broekhuizen is voorgedragen als de nieuwe burgemeester van de gemeente ‘t Hogeland.
[19:47] GAA president urges members to take part in A5 protest
GAA President Jarlath Burns has urged members of the association to take part in a protest next week to support a campaign to upgrade one of Ireland's most dangerous roads.
#GAA #JarlathBurns #nextweek #one #Ireland
GAA president urges members to take part in A5 protest
GAA President Jarlath Burns has urged members of the association to take part in a protest next week to support a campaign to upgrade one of Ireland's most dangerous roads.Vincent Kearney (RTÉ)
Vector Lights for Earth Hour 2025
Vector Lights for Earth Hour 2025
Vector Lights is joining millions of people worldwide for the Biggest Hour for Earth!OurAuckland
日本GD大賞に「ミセス」 洋楽部門はテイラーさん news.livedoor.com/article/deta…
日本GD大賞に「ミセス」 洋楽部門はテイラーさん - ライブドアニュース
日本ゴールドディスク大賞の「アーティスト・オブ・ザ・イヤー」(邦楽部門)に選ばれた「Mrs.GREENAPPLE(ミセス・グリーン・アップル)」の3人2024年にCDや音楽配信などの合計売上額が最も多かったアーティ共同通信 (livedoor News)
Spotify tries to defend its artist payout rates engadget.com/entertainment/mus…
Spotify tries to defend its artist payout rates
The streamer published its own transparency report.Sarah Fielding (Engadget)
You can follow us in other languages. Visit our website for more information wordsmith.social/protestation/…
[19:11] High Court approves adoption of boy (13) by his aunt against birth mother’s wishes
A High Court judge has approved the adoption of a 13-year-old boy by his aunt against the wishes of his birth mother.
[19:03] Senan Molony: Sighs of relief from the White House to Leinster House as Taoiseach earns Trump’s respect in Washington showdown
Phew! Taoiseach Micheál Martin survived a marathon open-mic session at the Oval Office as questions flew like bullets.
[19:02] Imme en Roosmarijn bij Levi’s in Groningen: ‘Amerikaanse jeans nóg duurder? Dan maar tweedehands’
De verwachting dat Amerikaanse jeans duurder worden door importheffingen wordt met gemor ontvangen in de Groningse binnenstad. „Ik vind het nu al heel duur”, zegt Roosmarijn van der Hilst.
[19:18] Oscarwinnaar Walter Salles: ‘Onder Bolsonaro werd 4 jaar lang geen interessante speelfilm gemaakt in Brazilië’
Walter Salles, regisseur I’m Still Here won de Oscar voor beste internationale film. Het is de kroon op het werk van regisseur, miljardair en autoracer Walter Salles, die met de film voor de tweede keer een renaissance van de Braziliaanse film inleidt.
#WalterSalles #I’m #Oscar #tweede
[19:11] When Martin met Trump - 5 takeaways from their meeting
Everything from the Apple Tax case to his Doonbeg resort and beyond were raised in Donald Trump's meeting with Taoiseach Micheal Martin this afternoon. Here are five takeaways from the meeting.
#Apple #DonaldTrump's #MichealMartin #thisafternoon #five
When Martin met Trump - 5 takeaways from their meeting
Everything from the Apple Tax case to his Doonbeg resort and beyond were raised in Donald Trump's meeting with Taoiseach Micheal Martin this afternoon. Here are five takeaways from the meeting.Jackie Fox (RTÉ)
[19:11] Trump backs Martin to solve Ireland's housing crisis
US President Donald Trump has backed Taoiseach Micheál Martin to solve Ireland's housing crisis.
#US #DonaldTrump #MicheálMartin #Ireland
Trump backs Martin to solve Ireland's housing crisis
US President Donald Trump has backed Taoiseach Micheál Martin to solve Ireland's housing crisis.RTÉ News (RTÉ)
[19:22] Oscarwinnaar Walter Salles: ‘Onder Bolsonaro werd 4 jaar lang geen interessante speelfilm gemaakt in Brazilië’
Walter Salles, regisseur I’m Still Here won de Oscar voor beste internationale film. Het is de kroon op het werk van regisseur, miljardair en autoracer Walter Salles, die met de film voor de tweede keer een renaissance van de Braziliaanse film inleidt.
#WalterSalles #I’m #Oscar #tweede
神様ルース来日が転換点に 開幕戦、日米交流史の一歩 - ライブドアニュース
来日し横浜で歓迎されるベーブ・ルース(ゲッティ=共同)18、19日に東京ドームでのカブス―ドジャースで幕を開ける米大リーグ公式戦。野球を通じた日米交流の歴史は長く、1934年の「野球の神様」ベーブ・ルースの共同通信 (livedoor News)
[18:49] Businessman convicted of attacking bailiff in Paris
Businessman Paddy McKillen has been convicted of attacking a bailiff in his Paris apartment.
[18:44] Relief for Taoiseach after unspoiled visit to White House
The Taoiseach will probably feel that his meeting with the US President was about as good as it gets.
[06:40 PM] Support for expanding Dutch defense industry grows amid rising global tensions
A growing number of Dutch citizens favor increased defense spending and expanded military infrastructure within the country, according to a new poll.
iPhone 17 Air Reportedly 9.5mm Thick Including Camera Bump macrumors.com/2025/03/12/iphon…
iPhone 17 Air Reportedly 9.5mm Thick At Camera Bump End
Apple is expected to replace the iPhone "Plus" model in its upcoming iPhone 17 lineup with an all-new ultra-thin iPhone 17 Air, and so a lot...Tim Hardwick (MacRumors.com)