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#Teachers and #academicmastodon :

Does anyone have a good substitute recommendation for using live google docs in the classroom, something that is privacy-conscious?

I often use a live #Google Doc, and sometimes a spreadsheet, having students work on tasks as a class.

Getting away from Google, Microsoft, etc. is the goal here but also preserving student #privacy. Even better if no login is required at all.

Aside from something like an Etherpad, most of the options seem to lead back to the big companies. Firing up my own #Etherpad instance might be an end goal but I won't get to that until summer...

Any suggestions? Please feel free to boost.

in reply to Trevor Burrows

I would start with run by
They have lots of free alternatives for commercial sites.

I am grateful to be in a safe hotel room for the night.

Google has added Loss of Pulse detection to the Pixel Watch 3.

Maya Posch explains the functionality and the methods by which Google hopes to avoid false positives.…

Nils Lofgren's eponymously titled debut album released in March 1975.
#NilsLofgren #VintageVinyl


puppygrok mode. euphoria boner on that thing. titty skittles blahaj transbian brisket agamp irl :neocat_floof:

Perhaps I am missing something but on the orbit research support page, I see nothing for the orbit speak. No manuals, no updates ETC.
in reply to Jay Pellis

The html version of the orbit speak manual has all sections labeled with level 1 headings. Not exactly easy to get around.…

Sensitive content

Now that Twit- UHH sorry Elon Musk's Glorious Application X (you should totally call it that) Has Grok which is the most Based AI Imaginable Reddit should make WOKE Ai..... SO it can Flop miserably...............

today I cosplayed as a plumber (and by cosplayed I mean, did a plumbing job myself rather than pay a professional)

I continue to feel separated in every meaningful way from people who think this is okay. I’m not sure being their neighbor or their fellow citizen is an achievable or desirable goal.


Well, I'm back here at CSUN for another year, the weather is awful, every bit as bad as San Francisco, and my hotel is under construction. No friends at this conference so my internal introvert is clammoring and I need to kick its ass. This will improve after I eat something and subject myself to getting lost in the exhibit hall. *grumbles* This shit was easier 25 years ago! Also I miss my dogs in places like this, just sayin'. *grumbles some more*
in reply to Raqi

Yes, at times like this, I really miss not having a guide dog. Then again, the exhibit hall was so chaotic, I'm not sure how much that would have helped. It's a lovely place to visit, but after a while I just need to get out of Dodge because the sensory overload is real!

in reply to Ray N. Franklin 🇺🇸

The very serious consequences here, are that transitioned people would be forever 'illegal' and thus be subject to permanent abuse by the state

There is no #cloud, only other peoples' computers. As @pluralistic says "It’s funny because it’s true and the 'other people' in this case are rapacious, vertically integrated monopolies."

Now you can bypass the cloud w/ @privacysafe temporary encrypted files 👇

Cory Doctorow reshared this.

in reply to Sean O'Brien

So I should trust it because you say so? Who trusts you?

Because, from where I stand, you're just another Internet rando.

Please try to see it from my viewpoint and then find a way to make the trust you demand from me something that is verifiable by me. Perhaps a trusted-by-me third party can speak for you? (I trust @pluralistic, for example.)

Trust is not easily earned and should not be easily given.

(BTW: I still won't click on a link shortener, even so.)

in reply to Jack William Bell

@jackwilliambell Sure, I can't force you to trust me. When did I try to do that?

A URL to a web server I run is a URL to a web server I run. Whether it is a 301 redirect or not, or what length it is, has nothing to do with privacy or trust. An HTTP request is an HTTP request and can be logged by the server.

Here are two direct links to apps I hope people will trust enough to use, but if that is not you, that is okay 😀

in reply to Antoinne Sterk

I can't help but say grebe grebe in a weird quacky voice when I see them
in reply to Mike

whereas my old diseased brain calls up Beyond the Fringe:

"I have no idea what I'm talking about" level question:

So last week I found out how polls work in ActivityPub…

And… this is interesting. What does this say about the level of anonymity of votes in Mastodon polls? I always assumed at least some of the instance admins would be able to deanonymize votes, but if votes are somehow analagous to statuses does that imply random users could snoop who voted how…?

in reply to mcc

No. Evan's comment describes the inter-server protocol. Other users have no way of accessing these individual votes, on the voting server nor the poll server. Admins with database access can plainly read individual votes on either of the two servers.

PieFed came up with an interesting system last year that scrambles user IDs for votes to anonymize them, so the voting user's server would still know their specific votes, but the poll server would not. This has not yet been added to Mastodon.

mcc reshared this.

in reply to Julian Fietkau

So this is almost like Matrix where any room participant can read individual poll answers, even historical ones after a user changes their mind (except here it’s gatekept to only admins, but a random user can just run a single-user instance and become admin)

I feel like somewhere should be a disclaimer that poll answers aren’t really as private as they would seem. Similarly for blocks (Moshidon does say the blocked user sees that they’re blocked but most servers actually hide this)

in reply to kimapr

@kimapr @julian My read of Julian's comment is that a third-party instance could not see individual votes, only the instance containing the voter and the instance tallying the votes ever have that information.
in reply to mcc

This is correct. @kimapr If you run a Mastodon server, you have access to (1) all votes for all polls started on your server, and (2) votes by people from your server on polls hosted elsewhere.

I didn't have room for it in my original reply, but it's worth clarifying that there's nothing except a social contract stopping an ActivityPub server from publishing all votes it knows. The whole "private voting" idea in PieFed started because mBin was publishing votes:

On the 11th of March
in 2020
the WHO declared
that the pandemic had begun,
which means, my friend,
that as of today
you have now survived
five years of this pandemic,
but remember, my friend,
oh please, my friend, remember,
you have not yet survived
this pandemic.

Scientists have developed a revolutionary skin-like hydrogel to heal wounds at an incredibly fast rate. This advanced material is designed to repair 90% of a wound within just four hours and achieve full healing within 24 hours. The hydrogel mimics the properties of human skin, flexibility, strength, and rapid self-repair. This could transform wound care, reducing healing times and lowering the risk of infections. It has potential applications in treating burns, surgical wounds, and injuries.

EPROM-based Enigma Machine…

"How Ridiculous added copious amounts of pneumatic air to inflatable objects to make them as large as possible before they exploded."…
This entry was edited (1 day ago)

I'm thinking about getting a flag of Canada.

It would confuse some of my neighbors and irritate the rest.


RFK Jr.: It Would Be Better if ‘Everybody Got Measles’

“It used to be, when I were a kid, that everybody got measles. And the measles gave you lifetime protection against measles infection,” he said, then taking a swipe at the vaccine. “The vaccine doesn’t do that. The vaccine is effective for some people for life, but for many people it wanes.” 🤦‍♂️


in reply to Denis - The COVID info guy -

Can we please NOT give nazis megaphones? I mean, ~probably~ most of your followers know those are lies, but rather than quoting him directly in a way that might get amplified to people who don't know better, even just sticking in someone's head subconsciously, report on what they lied about:

"RFK called for everyone to get measles, citing a lie that getting it provides lifetime immunity and that the vaccine does not. In reality, getting measles destroy's the immune system's memory of past infections, rendering one susceptible to other deadly diseases."

Russia today controls less of Ukraine than they did three years ago. Russia today controls less of Russia than they did three years ago.

Russia is not winning this war.

Ooooooh! Cory Doctorow is planning a trip to NZ, with a Wellington event on May 3 or 4! I really enjoy all of his writing, so it will be great to hear him again!

From: @pluralistic…

Sensitive content

The act of encrypting things *always* makes them (seem) more interesting.

You can use encryption to keep secrets, but, in using encryption, may let others know that you even have a secret at all.

So, the very best kind of encryption is both un-openable without a very large securely transported key AND not obviously (or even unobviously) encrypted at all.

This entry was edited (1 day ago)

"Prominent Nuclear power supporters Mark Lynas and George Monbiot have said that the Hinkley C nuclear plant under construction in Britain should be scrapped so we have Andy Dawson from England to speak with us about it.

Andy Dawson is a retired nuclear engineer. He worked in the design and built of the Heysham 2 and the Torness Nuclear Power Stations, with excursions into Fast Reactors and the Sizewell PWR. He has also worked in Management Consultancy on energy."…

Just little things I like so far about our international move:
* ketchup tastes sweeter
* traffic cones are evil now

Finding My Hiking Legs Again: Beating Back Negativity In Yosemite

#Blog #nature

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

As reported in the Guardian US edition:…