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51. Fifty-first of many posts of floral beauty to distract us from the firehose of lies and evil. Bed of Spring tulips photographed at #DenverBotanicGardens a couple of years ago. #photography #Spring #flowers #bloomscrolling

If you missed CeCe Moore talking about her involvement with the #PBS show Finding Your Roots at the recent RootsTech conference, then you should check it out!

#FindingYourRoots #DNA #GeneticGenealogy #Genealogy #RootsTech #FamilySearch…

Friendship ended with Firefox: Floorp is my friend now #Linux #YouTube
in reply to Brodie Robertson

Floorp is what I recommend to people, who insist on sticking with Firefox.

As you pointed out, the obvious, if Firefox goes, so will all these many Firefox clones, because none of them have expressed interest in hard-forking Firefox, and going independent.

But, Floorp has two advantages.

1) They do not break things. LibreWolf, will break something (often), then blame Firefox. Which only further hurts, Firefox, which in turn only hurts, LibreWolf. -- It is a snake eating its tail. I think the 1x Floorp broke something, they patched it right away, and they owned up to their issue. They did not try to pass the blame, as LibreWolf does.

2) Floorp is very similar to Vivaldi Browser. If Firefox, goes, it would be nice not to have a big learning curve, if you need to switch browsers. If you've learned Floorp, you've more or less learned, Vivaldi, in many ways.

These are two things, I believe can help users in the long run.

#Floorp #Firefox #Mozilla #MozillaFirefox

Linux Is Best reshared this.

in reply to Linux Is Best

@Linux floorp is a nice browser, if somewhat needing a lot of tweaks. I use it as part of my isolated browsing system

Librewolf is my main personal browser and it hasn't really broken anything for me. I don't use it for streaming services or anything requiring DRM

There is 1 site that is buggy (canva) in librewolf (i use floorp for that) but everything else is fine so I don't know what people who have big problems with it are trying to do other than using DRM services


qtwebengine does not count as "chromium again" because it is *so much buggier and higher effort* than that

They aren't 'entitlements', they're your hard-earned benefits for paying taxes your whole life.
in reply to God

even more - it is MY MONEY, taken from every single paycheck I have ever received and put away FOR ME to have in retirement.

This week's #defconmovienight selection is Tony Scott's 'Enemy of The State'. Join us at 8pm PDT this Saturday in the movie-night-text channel of the #defcon discord ( We'll chat about the movie and hit the 'Enhance' button together.
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Weird #3dPrinting question I've been thinking about.

Would the left side print faster? (Assume that both discs in the photo below are the same diameter and height.)

My assumption is that it would. The print head could accelerate during the chunky segments but the right side would be constantly changing directions, so no acceleration.

If it would be measurably faster, I'm not sure. I need to do some testing, but it's interesting to go against years of optimization in the other direction.

in reply to Kyle Davis

Agreed. In a related way, there’s an “image quality” setting in SolidWorks that controls how smooth arcs are displayed. Most of the time, this doesn’t matter because the objects we’re working with are relatively small. When I have to model a large tank or similar, you can really start to see the facets. If there are two concentric cylinders close together, it will look like they interfere because facets will overlap. Messes with your head at first.
in reply to Chris Huck

@chrishuck right. I think I’ve met this problem.

When you have two different geometries joining with different with a different number of facets you get some pretty strange problems. The corners can’t quite align. In a 3d print? Not a problem. I can see in industrial applications it could be a big ass problem if it wasn’t just an artifact of an image quality setting.

(I actually like the look of lower facets in some more shiny filaments like this example)

in reply to Kyle Davis

Fortunately, it’s just a graphical artifact. When it happens, I usually just turn up the quality setting from the default until it looks right. We’re not talking complex geometry here, usually just cylinders.

I never really thought about it on the printing side because I’ve been using STEP files for so long in slicers and also running my G-code through ArcWelder to produce true circular moves. It could definitely be a problem otherwise!

in reply to Kyle Davis

For the record, I am a fan of stylistically low-poly models


i think a 36 pack of zero sugar cola would fix me for a month.

"May I have your name, please?" - sneaky Fae making bank as a telephone receptionist.

"May I have your attention, please?" - same Fae after they switch jobs to class room professor.

Ideas for a #dresden #ttrpg I'll never run.

in reply to Pseudo Nym

In the age of chatbots, fae start having trouble having taken too many fake names through phonecalls, like a magical stomachache that doesn't get better by puking rainbows.

Now you can threaten them with _another more name, it's free_ and make them run away.

in reply to Pseudo Nym

I was thinking about an urban fantasy D&D character: a divination wizard whose day job is an actuary.

#Ohio picks of the day:

➡️ @mattcaff (main) & @heartlandurbanist (videos) - Organiser & urbanist in Ohio, planning, housing, transport, progressive causes

➡️ @StellaLunaObs - Private astronomical observatory under development

➡️ @ColumbusDispatc - Newspaper founded 1871

➡️ @clevelandnews - Newspaper & website based in Cleveland

➡️ @CavaliersNation - News about Cleveland Cavaliers basketball team

🧵 1/3

in reply to FediFollows

#Ohio picks of the day (continued):

The account below is a discussion group. Follow it to see its discussions in your timeline, or mention the group to post to it. (More info about how to use Fediverse groups:…)

➡️ @ohio - Discussion group about Ohio, USA



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in reply to Ms. Que Banh

The early cross cultural marriages between Chinese men & Indigenous women occurred more often back in the gold rush & railroad building days because Canada had the head tax on Chinese people & also it was mostly men allowed to come here to work. There were very few Chinese women allowed to come into Canada. The Chinese men worked for basically colonial slave wages, like Indigenous workers - both were paid far less, for same work, as their white coworkers.


This entry was edited (1 day ago)

If I did get a digital camera, what do people think of the Pentax K-70? since I have some old k-mount lenses
in reply to Matthew Miller

interesting! to be honest, i prefer manual focus so that's not as much a concern to me. my lenses are for analogue cameras though (not sure exactly how old), so the aperture aspect might be an issue
in reply to 0x4d6165

It's also somewhat harder to manual focus, for three reasons: smaller viewfinder, no manual focus aids (split prism for example), and we have much higher expectations for correct focus in digital files than generally people did with 35mm film. But that all might be okay.

in reply to The Icarian

@staringatclouds And all I got was shut up, you’re a borken record, just saying the same things over and over, lalalala, putting hands over ears.

Amazon forest felled to build road for climate summit…

Amazon Rainforest Cut Down To Build New Road For COP Climate Summit…

#Amazon #environment #forest #rainforest #deforestation #COP #climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis

oh wow… this is beyond idiocracy 😦

From: @Dragofix…


Writing Thu 13 Mar Leonardo Furore and Diamine Bliss

Todays tools

Leonardo Furore <1.1> + Diamine Bliss

#edc #fountainpen #fountainpens #penoftheday #dailypen #LeonardoFurore #Leonardo #Diamine #DiamineBliss

My latest gaming review dives into the chaotic kitchen of Cook Serve Delicious 2, where rebuilding your restaurant empire requires the reflexes of a ninja and the patience of a saint. From perfectly timed pretzel flips to inexplicably cleaning toilets mid-service, this game serves stress with a side of satisfaction.

#GameReview #IndieGames #CookServeDelicious…

Apple M3 Ultra thrashes Ryzen 9 9950X and Core Ultra 9 285K in Cinebench 2024 CPU test by as much 30% | NotebookCheck…

My #TeslaTakedown comments to #CalSTRS board this morning:…

CalSTRS board meeting is 2-day event. There's another chance for public comment 1:30 pm Thursday, 3/13, in person or by phone:…

CalPERS board meets Mon.-Wed, 3/19-3/21:…

Be there and be heard!



Let’s hope so 🤞🏼

Via Prof. Angus Johnston:

"Our caucus is unified," says Schumer.

Team Fight has won the CR battle in the Senate Democratic caucus.


Schumer on Senate floor: "Funding the government should be a bipartisan effort, but Republicans chose a partisan path"

"Because of that Republicans do not have the votes in the Senate to invoke cloture on the House CR. Our caucus is unified" on the month-long CR #DemocratsInArray…

This entry was edited (1 day ago)
in reply to Laffy

6/ More from Josh:

ADDITIONAL POINT: I've now heard this independently from enough sources that I think it's true. A big driver of the Yes faction in the Senate Ds is the idea that a shutdown will slow down the court cases. When first heard this a couple days ago I thought youv'e got to be friggin' kidding. REALLY?

in reply to Laffy

Okay, so make a show of allegedly not caving but also caving at the same time. Got it. Very sorry to say this, but this is par for the course with the current #DemocraticParty and how they roll. Frankly, I’m all in for a shutdown, even if it lasts a really long time. How could that possibly be any worse than what we’re living through right now? I haven’t had my full regimen of antidepressants onboard this month due to some phrmacy shenanigans, I’m hoping/praying I’m up to speed in a week or two. Meantime, I’m lucky if I haven’t hit maximum existential dread by 1 PM.

PLEASE SHARE: Great opportunity for people starting out. Free Desk space or Free Workshop space for 6 months.

It’s time to launch the process for the next round of Boost Membership. This would be the cohort that will have their membership from April 2025 – September 2025.…

#coworking #workshop #startingout #liverpool

As it turns out, 56k modem technology wasn't quite as analog as the standards that came before.

Lewin Day explains.…

- Fixed an issue where a cookie size limit caused problems with website cookie management when using the CookieStore API. This could cause login and other state-related issues. (Bug 1950565)

- Fixed an issue where Control/Command+L did not focus the address bar in new windows. (Bug 1947723)