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Mindful March - Day 13: Pause to just watch the sky or clouds for a few minutes today #mindful

Trump using the White House to make a commercial for the richest man, posting about it most of the day. He has given this more attention than healthcare or welfare the entire 7 weeks of his presidency. MAGA.....



Trump using the White House to make a commercial for the richest man, posting about it most of the day. He has given this more attention than healthcare or welfare the entire 7 weeks of his presidency. MAGA.....

Tonight's Low Quality Ad is for the Hydroserenity Smart Bird Feeder, on sale for 38% off.
I just hope it's smart enough to differentiate friend from foe. I don't trust robins. They're up to something.โ€ฆ

Here's the table of contents for my lengthy new piece on how I use LLMs to help me write codeโ€ฆ
in reply to Evan Hensleigh

@futuraprime I've been trying Claude Projects for that recently - their new GitHub integration means you can configure Claude to read all (or some) of your GitHub repository as part of every prompt, it works really well:โ€ฆ
in reply to Simon Willison

Oh wow, I'd totally missed this. That looks really handy, thanks!

Hi, Fedi friends!

My name is Randy. I'm a Linux admin by day, an advocate for Europe by heart, a board gamer, and a movie buff by night. Let's connect and create a free and safe space.


This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Randy

hey randy, welcome! Glad to have you!

I'm currently trying to migrate to Linux as part of a community challenge and it's been rocky for this old Windows Admin soul

Love to see more EU advocates around, I'll be sure to follow! ๐Ÿ˜€

You all need to understand that Trump is literally threatening war with Canada.

Heโ€™s not trolling. Heโ€™s talking about invasion.

โ€œโ€˜I will do anything possible to make sure that we win in โ€˜28. I do not need to be on that ticket,โ€™ Walz told CNN. โ€˜Thatโ€™s not my pursuit here. My pursuit is that I am still in a position where I have a platform and I have some power to make a difference, and if 20 people show up thatโ€™s good by me because those 20 people are making a difference.โ€™โ€โ€ฆ


Kambodscha: Archรคologen finden uralten Buddha-Torso

Der Kopf der Statue wurde schon vor 100 Jahren entdeckt. Nun kรถnnen Experten die Skulptur ergรคnzen: Die fehlenden Teile wurden in der Angkor-Tempelanlage in Kambodscha ausgegraben.


#Buddha #Statue #Kambodscha

The good: My fever has broken!

The bad:
* I'm running on 3 hours sleep because a brutal sore throat and a cough kept me up
* The virus (suspecting it may be flu) has caused multiple eczema flareups in unusual locations, including one very sensitive area, and both shins ๐Ÿ™

Feel like I'm going mad, have just been lurching from one illness to the next recently with no real time to recover ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Liveblog zur Regierungsbildung: ++ Grรผne bekrรคftigen Ablehnung von Finanzpaket ++

Die Grรผnen lehnen das von Union und SPD geplante Milliardenpaket fรผr Infrastruktur und Verteidigung weiter ab. Namhafte Politologinnen und Politologen rufen Union, SPD, Grรผne und FDP dazu auf, sich auf hรถhere Verteidigungsausgaben zu verstรคndigen.


#Liveblog #Regierungsbildung

in reply to Jรผrgen Hubert

@juergen_hubert ja aber es sieht bislang ja auch nicht danach aus, daรŸ dann was besseres kommt. Und mir geht es vor allem darum auszudrรผcken, daรŸ ich nicht dafรผr zu haben bin, sich einfach nur bis an die Zรคhne zu bewaffnen, aber alles, das man mit diesen Waffen sinnvoll verteidigen kรถnnte, dafรผr รผber Bord zu werfen.

Researchers often complain they don't receive recognition for adopting open science practices. However, there are positive exceptions!

@universiteitleiden colleague Naomi Truan shares her experience: Making data openly available "leads to recognition. Iโ€™ve been contacted many times based on my data. I see that it makes a difference in how people perceive our discipline and how Iโ€™m evaluated in my field."โ€ฆ

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

(Sans abonnement)

Lโ€™administration Trump met fin ร  la lutte contre la pollution touchant les populations dรฉfavorisรฉes aux Etats-Unisโ€ฆ

Vladimir Malykhin recently joined the first monitoring mission by Russian observers in Ukraine since the full-scale invasion began. He told Meduza that his team witnessed evidence of Russia's evolving state terror system.โ€ฆ

RFA - The Hong Kong Journalists' Association is appealing to journalists to preserve Facebook live video footage of 2019 protests after Meta said it will start deleting archived videos from its servers.โ€ฆ

Terrestrial life oasis from end-#Permian mass #extinction period discoveredโ€ฆ paper:โ€ฆ

"a region in Turpan-Hami Basin served as a refugium for terrestrial #plants during the end-Permian #MassExtinction... The discovery provides the first conclusive fossil evidence of a terrestrial plant community that remained largely undisturbed throughout the extinction event, allowing for continuous evolution and rapid ecological recovery afterward."

Hundreds of Shoes, Personal Items and a List of Victims Found In Cartel Crematorium in Mexico

Among some of the most disturbing items found during the search was a letter written by one of the victims that read: "My love, if I do not return, I want you to remember how much I love you"

#Mexico #cartels #DrugTrafficking #OrganizedCrimeโ€ฆ

Canada to be EUโ€™s 28th member? Nearly half of Canadians say yes

The European Commission isnโ€™t strictly ruling it out either.โ€ฆ

sei un ricercatore sul clima in USA? I finanziamenti ti sono stati tagliati.

ma c'รจ di peggio: l'amministrazione Trump ti fa bloccare i conti correnti e ti denuncia per truffa e cospirazione per frodare gli USA. Devi sostenere spese legali. Rischi di perdere tutto e beccarti anni carcere.โ€ฆ

mi chiedo se non attaccherร  anche le fondazioni private che hanno contribuito a questa "frode", da Gates in giรน...

๐Ÿ”ด NEW: A pilot study on the impact of gamebirds will take place in Cairngorms National Park this spring. Could releasing millions of non-native birds be harming Scotlandโ€™s native species?

Find out more:โ€ฆ

Mumbai: Cops form special team to tackle EV breakdownsโ€ฆ

Ayo Edebiri Got Death Threats After Elon Musk Shared Pirates Rumorโ€ฆ
