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in reply to Bruce Sterling @bruces

to understand recursion you first have to understand recursion 😵‍💫

It's basically impossible to get Vumatel to fix a fibre connection - all morning doing tests with the ISP and sending them requested test info, which shows slow speeds and intermittent 0 mbps upload speed . Now this 👇 and it appears they are playing us for fools. I'm thinking to terminate the service and go with Vodacom 5G. Anyone with experience or a wireless broadband alternative? #fckVumatel #Vumatel #SouthAfrica #Internet
This entry was edited (5 days ago)

#Emacs is great. Adapting #orgmode is great as well. It delivers a ton of useful features for my everyday work which I could not do without or with any software alternative.

However, with a sufficient complex setup, upgrading software causes things to break. This time: :emacs: 28.x ➡️ 30.1

Currently, tag completion of org headings is broken, linking to contacts is broken (helm-org-contacts), some larger Org buffers can't be saved (without switching to text-mode first), my magit-status window doesn't work and I'm not sure what other stuff is hidden below that doesn't work. 😩

I guess you can't have such an excellent custom environment without that pain. 😢

#rant #PIM #Emacs30 #updates #software #PKM

in reply to Ramin Honary

@ramin_hal9001 for the amateurs, how would that help in these kinds of cases? (i know zero about type checking basically) my understanding of the magit issue is that it can easily arise through dependency clashes, like from having frankenstein situation of half updated but still some old version lying around getting loaded, at least from memory.
in reply to mousebot

for the amateurs, how would that help in these kinds of cases?

@mousebot @publicvoit type checking isn’t really for end users, it is for the developers of packages. So if an update occurs, if for example, some API in Emacs shifts from version 29 to version 30, the type checker will be able to tell developers of packages like Org Mode or Magit which APIs broke, things that maybe are missed by the unit tests that don’t have 100% coverage.

The type checker could have other goals as well, for example, rolling back a package installation if it can be shown that the upgrade could cause some things to break. It depends on the goals of the type checker, what problems we are trying to prevent, and how we can go about proving through types when the thing we are trying to prevent happens.

Is our universe trapped inside a black hole? This James Webb Space Telescope discovery might blow your mind…

(Pretty wild theory! "I think that the simplest explanation of the rotating universe is the universe was born in a rotating black hole...") 🌌

Good morning lovely people 💕💕
A spring time #mugshot to brighten your day.
Another Thursday knit and natter group this afternoon! A few of the ladies are asking me to teach them #crochet which is interesting 🤔
Whatever your day holds I'm sending you lots of love and hugs 🥰🥰🤗🤗

Take me down to estradiol city where the girls are tall and oh so pretty

Civilization VII, one month later: The community and developers chime in
Executive Producer Dennis Shirk talks with Ars about the state of the game.…

we traded

[floppy disk noises that make you afraid the system is gonna eat shit]


[laptop fans that spin real hard when you load a goddamn website to read an article with worse affordances than you used to get out of an ascii text file with mangled line endings]

and where has it gotten us?

You don’t need to be Jewish to apply.

$10,000 interest-free loan for folks who need to relocate because of anti-LGBTQ+ laws, policies, and climate in their current state of residence.

This entry was edited (5 days ago)

reshared this

A new day. A new chance to succeed.

Some days, I got nothin'.

Or at least feel like I do.

In truth it's never true even if I tell myself it is.

One positive thing. Every morning. Day after day.


Just one small thread to hang a day on.

I write it down and send it out to the world.

And in the doing, I find something positive. Sometimes hope. Sometimes peace, in 500 characters or less.

Even on days I got nothin', I have that.

I hope you have something, too, #today

A Rare Sighting of the Pelican Eel...

The pelican eel's most notable feature is its large mouth, which is much larger than its body. The mouth is loosely hinged, and can be opened wide enough to swallow a fish much larger than the eel itself. The lower jaw is hinged at the base of the head, with no body mass behind it, making the head look disproportionately large. Its jaw is so large that it is estimated to be about a quarter of the total length of the eel itself.…

1 in 4 Americans will be on welfare at some point in their life and 1 in 3 children will receive the benefit of food stamps.

Meanwhile Prince Musk and Emperor Drumpf hawk EVs out front the Oval Office in flagrant criminal conflict of interest.

Küstenwache sieht keine Umweltverschmutzung nach Schiffskollision

Die britische Küstenwache hat nach der Schiffskollision vor der englischen Küste Entwarnung gegeben: Es wurden keine Hinweise auf Verschmutzungen an der Wasseroberfläche festgestellt. Trotzdem bleiben viele Fragen offen.


#Schiffskollision #Nordsee

Scoop: Trump plans "law and order" speech at Justice Department on Friday…

🤣 HAHAHAHAAAHAAHAAAAA! Crook in Chief wants law and order 🤦‍♂️

Next week is a staycation for me.

So which hobby project should I do?

These are three things I'm weighing equally. So I'll hear the wisdom of the crowd.

Either way you'll all be hearing about it 😅

  • Gamedev (hamster tag) (57%, 8 votes)
  • Analytics tool (mass app) (14%, 2 votes)
  • Writing fiction (office supply isekai) (50%, 7 votes)
14 voters. Poll end: 3 days ago

in reply to Robert Roskam

And yes, it's a vacation, so I'll be doing plenty of downtime. I just also enjoy making stuff. 😊

So, practically. If Canada were to join the EU, what steps would be required? We'd obviously need to apply, like other countries. Certainly greater presence in Brussels.

Would we need to adopt the Euro? I'd think so, but not sure if that is a good idea.

We'd have to upgrade a lot of our standards

It is called Enlargement. Seems appropriate for the era we are in.…

A simple 3-step process - Candidacy, Member Negotiations & then Accession.

Who doesn't want accession?

Why men should play along if a random girl suddenly approaches and acts like she knows you…
(A good idea that should be shared widely!)

My jointer restoration project, still sitting at the old place. Paused for now, but not forgotten. Was in the middle of this when we finally found the right homestead.

Need to make space for it here first. Preferably with a foundation, so I don't have to move it again.

And then find about six strong elephants to help me load it onto a trailer.

Problems for another time.

#Jointer #Woodworking #Restoration

*Hmm. First time I've seen both parties in the USA advocating shutting-down the federal government

*Getting the national look-and-smell of a pre-revolutionary situation here

I've been filing bugs to improve Mozilla's crash reporting infrastructure so it's easier to see at a glance if a particular crash affects only a specific CPU but also if only some microcode versions are affected.

I said it before but I'll say it again. I would have never thought that CPU bugs would have become an everyday occurrence, but here we are.

in reply to Gabriele Svelto

But by all means, keep pouring capitals into "artificial intelligence" while the very foundation of computing is falling apart and we can't trust a machine to execute instructions reliably.
in reply to Gabriele Svelto

Doesn't AI level the playing field, then? Regardless of whether your CPU is reliable or not, you have 40-60% chance of getting nensense.

Anthropic’s CEO wonders if future AI should have option to quit “unpleasant” tasks
"Probably the craziest thing I've said so far," he admitted during an interview.…
in reply to Ars Technica

So you've decided to stop reporting anything at all resembling news and just are repeating what tech executives say between bong hits?

Raumsonde HERA schickt Bilder von Mars und Mond Deimos

Die ESA-Raumsonde HERA ist unterwegs zu den beiden Asteroiden Didymos und Dimorphos. Jetzt ist sie nah am Planeten Mars und dessen Mond Deimos vorbei geflogen und hat Aufnahmen zur Erde geschickt. Von Jan-Claudius Hanika.


#ESA #Mars #Planeten #Raumfahrt #Weltraum

I guess old games take much of my time, dunno why but we have more old and abandoned games in comparison to very few new ones for some reason...

Wegen Grenzkontrollen: Mehr Beschwerden beim Polizeibeauftragten

Der Polizeibeauftragte soll Fehlentwicklungen unter anderem bei der Bundespolizei untersuchen. Auch können sich Bürger an ihn wenden, wenn sie sich durch Verhalten der Polizei diskriminiert fühlen. Solche Beschwerden nehmen zu.


#Bundespolizei #PolizeibeauftragterdesBundes #Grenzkontrollen