Elmo is not a genius.
Watch him get ripped by Rep. John Larson
Outrage and exposure halts Trump's plans for Social Security service cuts
Rachel Maddow shares video of Rep. John Larson channeling the outrage of his constituents at the anticipation that Donald Trump's top donor, Elon Musk, is in...YouTube
Infrastrukturpaket: Sind Behörden und Baubranche dafür gerüstet?
Mit einem gigantischen Schulden-Projekt wollen Union und SPD die Infrastruktur wieder auf Vordermann bringen. Doch sind Behörden und Baubranche für das Megaprogramm überhaupt gerüstet? Von Axel John.
13 March 1929 | Austrian Jewish girl, Rosa Seinfeld, was born in Vienna. She emigrated to the Netherlands.
She was deported to #Auschwitz from #Westerbork in November 1942. She was murdered in a gas chamber after arrival selection.
Day Use X Mockin' Uh reshared this.
Facebook löscht Live-Videos: Journalisten besorgt
Auf Facebook erstellte Live-Videos verschwinden seit 19. Februar nach 30 Tagen. Nur der jeweilige Uploader kann die Zeitdokumente sichern.Daniel AJ Sokolov (heise online)
Liveblog zur Regierungsbildung: ++ Verteidigungsexperten rufen zu schneller Einigung auf ++
Namhafte Politologinnen und Politologen rufen Union, SPD, Grüne und FDP dazu auf, sich sofort auf eine Erhöhung der Verteidigungsausgaben zu verständigen. Kurz vor der Sondersitzung des Bundestags kommen Appelle aus verschiedenen Richtungen.
➡️ tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveb…
Liveblog zur Regierungsbildung: ++ Bürgermeister fordern Klimaschutz ++
Kurz vor der Sondersitzung des Bundestags kommen Forderungen und Appelle aus verschiedenen Richtungen. Bürgermeister fordern mehr Klimaschutz, ein CDU-Ministerpräsident kritisiert die CSU. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.tagesschau.de
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#EKomik #Komik #Comic #Manhwa #Action #Drama #SchoolLife #Seinen #Tragedy
Manhwa Villain Classroom - E-Komik Gallery
Manhwa Villain Classroom (Evil Girl Classroom, Villain Classroom, 악녀교실) dalam Bahasa IndonesiaE-Komik (E-Komik Gallery)
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Chapter terbaru dari Villain Classroom (Chapter 02) sudah hadir dalam Bahasa Indonesia! 🎉
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#EKomik #Komik #Comic #Manhwa #Action #Drama #SchoolLife #Seinen #Tragedy
🔥 Pecinta Komik, Ini yang Kamu Tunggu! 🔥
Chapter terbaru dari Villain Classroom (Chapter 01) sudah hadir dalam Bahasa Indonesia! 🎉
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The Silver Surfer x 2.
Playing with different lighting, direct and indirect. The differences are enhanced by the chromium surfaces. That’s a fun little custom minifig btw, not an official release.
The one with glitter is two years old, I fixed it a little because originally I cleaned it a little too much. The other image is new.
Interesting article from an employee as to the effects of being a federal employee in the United States currently.
A lot more than what we are able to read on mainstream media.
Targeted by Trump and Musk - On Being a Federal Employee
In my weeknotes post from January 20, 2025, hours before the inauguration ceremony of Donald Trump, I wrote about being uncertain about what a Trump presidency would hold for me as a federal employee.weidok.al
DiagROM is a diagnostic software that is burned into an EPROM by the user and then replaces the regular Kickstart ROM of an Amiga. The alpha version 2.0 has now been released at the title link.
At the same time, Domingo Fivoli has published a two-part German tutorial for the previous version 1.3 on his blog:
The shop I work for passed our surprise OCM (Office of Cannabis Management) inspection today with "Flying Colors" according to the inspector.
I'm really proud, because we work hard to maintain 100% compliance - and the owners do their fair share of the work, too! They literally do the heavy lifting for me and actually care about their employees as people.
Anyway, today was a good day at work. I really enjoy my job and feel lucky to work for awesome people.
And I'm grateful that my #SplendaDaddy has a good career that allows my crippled ass to have a fulfilling part-time job selling drugs.
Joy_intl reshared this.
Texas megachurch founder Robert Morris indicted on charges of lewd acts with a child
#CriminalClergy #PredatoryPastors #MegaCreeps
Texas megachurch founder Robert Morris indicted on charges of lewd acts with a child
The founder of a Texas megachurch who resigned as senior pastor last year after he admitted "inappropriate sexual behavior" in the 1980s has been indicted on five criminal counts involving a child, the Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office said Wednesda…Phil Helsel (NBC News)
Travel Guide For A Cruise To St. Croix - St. Croix Purple Guide
Our Backpack and Snorkel St. Croix Travel Guide provides the best things to see on a cruise to St. Croix so that you can make memorable moments on a relaxing vacation in St. Croix. The highlights of St.backpackandsnorkel.com
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Chapter terbaru dari Jungle Juice (Chapter 150) sudah hadir dalam Bahasa Indonesia! 🎉
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#EKomik #Komik #Comic #Manhwa #Action #Fantasy #Horror #SciFi #Supernatural
🔥 Pecinta Komik, Ini yang Kamu Tunggu! 🔥
Chapter terbaru dari Jungle Juice (Chapter 149) sudah hadir dalam Bahasa Indonesia! 🎉
📖 Gabung bersama ribuan pembaca lainnya dan nikmati kisah serunya.
✨ Jangan biarkan orang lain tahu kisah ini lebih dulu, baca sekarang dan rasakan sendiri keseruannya!
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Jugend im Westjordanland: Leben im Ausnahmezustand
Seit den Terrorangriffen vom 7. Oktober 2023 hat sich auch die Lage im Westjordanland massiv verschärft. Wie blicken junge Palästinenser zwischen Checkpoints, Siedlerangriffen und Militäreinsätzen auf ihre Zukunft? Von Sophie von der Tann.
Kommt das Finanzpaket durch den Bundestag?
Die Schuldenbremse für Verteidigung lockern und ein 500-Milliarden-Sondervermögen für Infrastruktur: Heute berät der Bundestag zum ersten Mal über die von Union und SPD vorgeschlagene Änderung des Grundgesetzes. Von Iris Sayram.
➡️ tagesschau.de/inland/innenpoli…
#Schuldenbremse #Sondervermögen #Finanzpaket #Regierungsbildung
Liveblog zur Regierungsbildung: ++ Bürgermeister fordern Klimaschutz ++
Kurz vor der Sondersitzung des Bundestags kommen Forderungen und Appelle aus verschiedenen Richtungen. Bürgermeister fordern mehr Klimaschutz, ein CDU-Ministerpräsident kritisiert die CSU. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.
Neuer kontroverser Film über Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Er gehört zu den weltweit bekanntesten Theologen, war Widerstandskämpfer in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus: Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Jetzt gibt es ein neues Drama über sein Leben und Wirken - und das schlägt hohe Wellen. Von Gregor Wossilus.
I've always wondered how these cars ever passed any type of safety test. RIP to the students.
"The Highway Patrol’s investigation into a November Cybertruck crash in Piedmont where three college kids died is finding two very Tesla problems: the vehicle immediately caught fire, and its doors would not open."
Glyn Moody reshared this.
A new Scottish tartan is memorializing the victims of the Witchcraft Act.
@SmithsonianMag #tartan #witchcraft #withce #Scotland #history
It's tights. It's tights. I am not joking about any medical condition. It is an image used by a Chinese factory to sell tights. I don't even care about the image. I liked the caption.
Three good things for 3/13/1965
1. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
2. Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
3. Brown paper packages tied up with strings
>reads the summary
>immediately visits the criticisms and controversies section
Keshet-HFLS “Move to Thrive” Interest-Free Loan Program - Keshet
Keshet and the Hebrew Free Loan Society are partnering to offer interest-free loans of up to $10,000 for individuals and families to support relocationKeshet
A ten year old girl recovering from brain cancer was deported to Mexico and prevented from attending her necessary follow up appointment
She was a U.S. citizen, but it didn’t matter.
The cruelty is the point.
I hope this sweet kiddo can access the care she needs to make a full recovery, and shame on those ICE agents who thought this was “ok”
This is why we speak out. Unspeakable horrors are happening all around us and if we stay silent, it will change us.
Don’t stay silent. Resist.
#uspoli #ice #immigration #fascism #resist
U.S. citizen child recovering from brain cancer deported to Mexico with undocumented parents
The Texas family was on their way to an emergency medical checkup, they said, when they were detained at an immigration checkpoint.Nicole Acevedo (NBC News)
Joy_intl reshared this.
THANKKWSGINOEG Dy DaAy Day. We all sit around and think about all the things we're thrmaKYGviG for, then we tuck into a hearty meal of tukEkryY and SsuFtGvg with plenty of GvY and CnaaarbrrrrrrrrrERY sauce. Then we all get eaten by a giant rabbit, just like the Pilgrims did. Festive tiny fruits for all!
Trivial Einstein reshared this.
If it makes you feel better, I'm pretty sure the woman isn't generated by "AI." I think the way it works is they have a stock image of a model holding up a piece of fabric which they can chroma-key out and replace with whatever image they're trying to hawk. Photoshop actually has a feature now where you can even warp an image to make it fit a surface and then swap it out for another which will warp in the same way, making it look more realistic for things like fabrics; that's how a lot of marketing of custom designs is done. This doesn't look that sophisticated though.
But despite all that, extra knees... *shudder* Or even knees that bend backwards 😬😱
Look at the very suspiciously symmetrically placed (and ‘shopped) shoes. Look at the fingers. Look at the space between her and the bed and the angles.
She’s a secret patchwork of parts and she’s hungry for bone marrow and brainz.
in reply to Auschwitz Memorial • • •Andrea
in reply to Auschwitz Memorial • • •xs4me2
in reply to Auschwitz Memorial • • •Gerd
in reply to Auschwitz Memorial • • •