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Ok, I'm not a speed-cuber, but I think when my birthday rolls around I'm going to get myself a GOOD cube because goddamn does my current three-by ever make a frustrating fidget toy with how rough it is.
in reply to Patch Arcana

Yea the crappy ones are so frustrating. They keep on getting stuck when you try to do even bit quick movements. I had that even exploded.

The good ones seem to already be cheap nowadays though.

FYI: if you are fronting your servers via a CDN, there is no need for you to support QUIC+HTTP/3.

CDNs do not use that protocol to origin servers, nor have plans to do so.

Invest your time and money somewhere else.

This entry was edited (6 days ago)

Hey Mastodon, my name is Dana! I have a passion for video games, reading, and working to make the world a better place; for myself and all generations to follow.
I work for a non-profit called Jennifer Ann's Group. Our mission is to prevent teen dating violence through awareness, education, and advocacy. Part of how we accomplish this is by creating video games to help teach teens about key protective factors and building healthy relationships. I graduated with a bachelors degree in Esports Management and have been working to spread awareness about our Gaming Against Violence program.
We also support developers in our annual game jam!
Let's connect, I'd love to meet other like-minded individuals!

#introduction #intro #gamedev #indiedev #Gaming #nonprofit

Woodpiles along the street are a characteristic of Portland, Oregon. Costs five dollars and fifty cents per cord, and must now be hauled thirty-five miles. Portland, Oregon

#Portland #Oregon #thirty-fivemiles #second #DorotheaLange #American #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange…

in reply to Chris Alemany🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸

Yeah… good luck with that 😆

Even we can’t make champagne and, as a country, we have a wine business 😁

Ein dpd-Fahrer parkt ordentlich auf der Fahrbahn, statt den Geh- oder Radweg zu blockieren. Hinter ihm ein aufgebrachtes Carbrain, das ihn anmault, er solle halt auf dem Gehweg parken, und aussteigt, um das dpd-Fahrzeug zu fotografieren und mutmaßlich zu melden.

Autofahrende sind scheiße.

This entry was edited (6 days ago)
in reply to Pommes Jefferson

Die Leute haben mittlerweile echt die Frustrationstoleranz eines zahnenden Kleinkindes. Alles muss sofort passieren, jede Verzögerung mündet in Aggression, die Welt muss ihnen zu Füßen liegen, Regeln gelten nur für andere. Riesiges Ego und null Rücksicht, jeder einzelne ein König der Arschlöcher.

"Overall, the chatbots often failed to retrieve the correct articles. Collectively, they provided incorrect answers to more than 60 percent of queries. Across different platforms, the level of inaccuracy varied, with Perplexity answering 37 percent of the queries incorrectly, while Grok 3 had a much higher error rate, answering 94 percent of the queries incorrectly"

94%. That's some error rate, right there.


In simple crude single-shot transfers without saved TLS sessions, you will not find HTTP/3 faster:…


How much does your organization's structure interfere with your architecture, on a scale from 1 to Monorepo?

Wow. Canadians, listen.
If you need any more reasons not to ever visit the US, this is it.

Arbitrary detention.…

pro tip: prevent heart attacks by not rebooting a server the moment a test run of emergency alerts starts in your region.

ぼかろすきー Legacyの更新止めてもいいけど

I just realized that I haven't ever heard of or seen an ancient bug book. I mean, surely some nerd 150 BCE must have drawn all the various bugs, found commonalities, then tried to classify them. Maybe such documents were just too hard to copy compared to prayer texts and just didn't survive. Also, no magnifying lenses.
in reply to Extreme Electronics

@Extelec One method is to punch a hole in something (could be a leaf, even), and place the water drop in the hole. Another is to form a small loop with, say a pine needle, and place the water droplet in the loop.

But they did have access to transparent material - natural transparent crystals in particular.

I wrote up some notes on Gemma 3, Google's new openly licensed (not open source) vision LLM, released this morning.…
in reply to Simon Willison

by structured data extraction are you referring to constrained decoding like using grammars? Or just asking it to respond in a specified json schema via the prompt?
in reply to Joaquin

@redscroll Ollama has grammar support baked in that works against any model, I'm using that

Found out yesterday that my kid is texting on the reg with some random "kid" (supposedly) that she doesn't know in real life.

If this person is who he says he is, it's mostly harmless. He doesn't even live in the area. So I don't want to come down too hard and risk that it drives her into further underground/hidden comms.

But if he's NOT, I'm worried about sextortion or some other scam. If other parents have advice, I'm listening.

#Parenting #Teens #OnlineScams

The EU and Canada are specifically targeting US products which will primarily hurt pro-Trump areas, and are products where there are ample options to replace those now more expensive items. They’re using a scalpel while Trump uses a child’s plastic hammer.…

Contentious Republican town halls are going viral

Across the country, constituents are grilling their Republican members of Congress — and the heated exchanges are going viral online.…

#news #politics #uspol #uspolitics #GOPCult #trump #ethics #corruption

Assista à tradução e explanação do livro "A invenção da Sodomia na Teologia Cristã" em:
Parte 1 -…
Parte 2 -…

This summarizes my morning at work diagnosing issues after our server received an upgrade by the hosting provider over night.
in reply to SuperDicq

Gentoo, Mint and Ubuntu (the latter two unfortunately ship a proprietary version of Linux like Debian, but at least ask before installing further nonfree software).
in reply to 翠星石

What do you mean Ubuntu and Mint are better than Debian when it comes to this?

They don't even have a clear separation in their repository and they install the Snap package manager by default which also contains proprietary software that does not ask the user.

Some people say:
"if we #taxTheSuperRich they will simply go away".

To which I reply:
"You might be too optimistic, but let's try and see."

Liveblog: ++ Dröge wirft Merz Unehrlichkeit vor ++

"Wir können uns nicht auf Ihr Wort verlassen", warf Grünen-Fraktionschefin Dröge CDU-Chef Merz im Bundestag vor. Zuvor hatten Merz und SPD-Chef Klingbeil um die Zustimmung der Grünen zum Finanzpaket geworben. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.


#Liveblog #Regierungsbildung

Trapping AI

A methodically structured poisoning mechanism designed to feed nonsensical data to persistent bots and aggressive “#AI” #scrapers that circumvent robots.txt directives.

By the Algorithmic Sabotage Research Group | @asrg


This entry was edited (1 week ago)

"Meanwhile, generative search tools’ tendency to fabricate URLs can also affect users’ ability to verify information sources. #Grok2, for instance, was prone to linking to the homepage of the publishing outlet rather than specific articles.

More than half of responses from #Gemini and #Grok3 cited fabricated or broken URLs that led to error pages. Out of the 200 prompts we tested for Grok 3, 154 citations led to error pages"


The latest example of a potential new variant evolving in a long-term chronic infection has been detected by the diligent work of those collecting and sequencing samples in South Africa.

As Ryan H describes on this thread, it is descended from the BA.3 lineage, which last in circulation about 3 years ago. So presumably it has been evolving in a chronic case since then, and recently managed to transmit to other people. The latest sample is from a different province and with one added Spike mutation (K356T).…
#COVID19 #BA_3

in reply to Mike Honey

Here’s the frequency of the BA.3 samples in the context of all the recent samples from South Africa. Optimistically, we can hope that it has already gone extinct, as there have been >35 samples collected since it was last detected.

In the context of global sampling, there are still thousands of samples reported each week, so it seems unlikely to be spreading widely, yet.

in reply to Mike Honey

Meanwhile, the wastewater surveillance from NICD in South Africa showed a wild, wild spike in recent months – on the scale of the original Omicron wave (just prior to the start of their data).

Hopefully that is just a coincidence, but it is quite puzzling what might’ve driven that.

Das unaufgearbeitete NS-Erbe von Kühne + Nagel

Klaus-Michael Kühne gehört zu den reichsten Deutschen. Seine Firma transportierte nach 1933 für das NS-Regime Möbel und Hausrat verfolgter und ermordeter Juden. Eine öffentliche Aufarbeitung verweigert Kühne seit Jahren. Von Teresia Minjoli.


#Kühne+Nagel #NSVergangenheit #Aufarbeitung

#CaboSanLucas white sand #beaches , its famous arch and almost guaranteed #sunshine make it a perfect #vacation #destination.
Check out my #travel blog for the best things to see and do in #loscabos .
What are your favorite places?…

Chuck Schumer is worse than the dogshit I stepped in while reading about his cloture complicity.
in reply to Hannu Ikonen, MD

Time for a new Worker's Party. Check out the one forming in Workers Strike Back

Door number 414 (request URI too long) has been found in the garden. At least the important part of it. Upside down. Acting as critter barrier.

It held up better than the piece of crap plastic panel next to it.

#Http414 #Doors

Which OS Is Best: Windows, macOS, Linux, or ChromeOS? We take a close look, weighing the pros and cons of each:…