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ORG, Big Brother Watch and Index on Censorship call for the secret Tribunal into the UK Home Office's encryption-breaching order against Apple to be held in PUBLIC 🧑‍⚖️

There's a significant public interest in knowing why the UK government believes it can compel a private company to undermine the privacy and security of its users.

Read our joint letter ⬇️…

#encryption #e2ee #Apple #investigatorypowersact #privacy #security #cybersecurity #ukpolitics #ukpol

in reply to Open Rights Group

The “case implicates the privacy rights of millions of British citizens who use Apple’s technology, as well as Apple’s international users.”

“End-to-end encryption cannot be broken in a targeted manner – once a ‘backdoor’ into the system has been created, it can be exploited by anyone, putting the privacy and security of all users at risk.”

With such high stakes, we demand to know what could possibly justify it.

#e2ee #encryption #privacy #security #cybersecurity #ukpolitics #ukpol #apple

in reply to Open Rights Group

📣 Make your voice heard through the secrecy!

By ordering Apple to break encryption, the UK government has put millions at a higher risk of their personal data, documents and photos falling into the hands of criminals and predators.

The secret tribunal is taking place this Friday – we need to take a stand for encryption!

Sign and share our petition ⬇️…

#e2ee #encryption #apple #privacy #security #cybersecurity #ukpolitics #ukpol #investigatorypowersact

if i wanted a machine that natively runs System 7 and doesnt take up a lot of space, which ones would you suggest to look for? #MARCHintosh
in reply to pulusound

SE, SE/30, Quadra 605 aka LC 475 are all good candidates.
in reply to paulrickards

The latest and highest-spec computer that Apple released that used a 68040 and was compatible with System 7 was the Quadra 630. 33 MHz, up to 52 MB of RAM. I would love to buy myself one of these.

in reply to win

>TSMC would run operations but own no more than 50% of Intel's foundry
1 struggle🇮🇱🇹🇼

Interview: "Judge Blocks Mahmoud Khalil’s Deportation as Trump Vows More Arrests"

Khalil’s unprecedented arrest is to punish antiwar student activists & is part of Trump’s racist & fascist agenda.

~Murad Awawdeh

If the intent was to silence free speech, it's not working.

And, as the anti-genocide movement is mostly made up of Americans, the administration can't deport its way out of this situation.…

#FreeSpeech #Trump #Autocracy #Racism #USPol #Columbia .

"plastic waste is causing damage to seabird chicks not apparent to the naked eye, including decay of the stomach lining, cell rupture and neurodegeneration"…

#Nature #Wildlife #Pollution #Plastic #PlasticPollution #WildlifeExtinction #Climate #ClimateCrisis #Environment

Bone fragments unearthed at an ancient cave in Spain belong to the oldest known human face in western Europe, researchers say.

The fossilised remains make up the left cheek and upper jaw of an adult member of an extinct human species who lived and died on the Iberian peninsula between 1.1m and 1.4m years ago.…

Report: Israel banned the Oscar-winning Israeli-Palestinian doco, No Other Land

Now the Miami Beach mayor wants to close down a local theatre that screened it.

The mayor described No Other Land as a “false one-sided propaganda attack on the Jewish people that is not consistent with the values of our City & residents”.

He is introducing legislation that would terminate the cinemaks lease & discontinue ~$40,000 support.

#NoOtherLand #USCensorship #Autocracy #USPol .

Pressure works. Even on fascists. Especially on fascists.

Keep it up.

#uspol From @timkmak:…

in reply to Paul Cantrell

"mulls" and "weighs" doing an awful lot of work there. Does anyone really think Russia will agree to just leave? Let alone stop shooting for 30 days?


in reply to xinit ☕

No, nobody seriously believes Russia wants peace here – but the US resuming arms shipments and letting Russia be put in the spot is a complete 180 on the part of the Trump administration, who just a few days ago we’re trying to hand the entire war to Russia on a platter until they saw what kind of reaction that got.
This entry was edited (6 days ago)
in reply to Paul Cantrell

Fair enough. My money's still on Trump blaming Ukraine for the failure when Russia refuses to leave.

I might just be a cynic, though.


in reply to xinit ☕

Oh, this 100% will happen. Nobody’s saying the problems are all fixed now.

But my point stands.

in reply to Paul Cantrell

@xinit at some point I was relieved Trump hadn’t announced military aid for Russia. Maybe that’s less likely now?

I think the bugs are gonna start coming out next week!!! Need to rest up this weekend so I can make friends with them once they're awake!!!

[13:32] Dosba: hét telefoonnummer van opensource in Nederland

De Nederlandse ict-sector heeft er een nieuwe vereniging bij: de Dutch Open Source Business Alliance, oftewel Dosba. Zij wil de vertegenwoordiger zijn van op opensource gerichte it-bedrijven, gevestigd in Nederland. Doel is om deze bij elkaar te brengen en een primair aanspreekpunt te zijn voor deze bedrijven én de publieke sector. Dosba is eigenlijk een voortzetting van de VOSN (Vereniging Open Source Nederland). Marcel Kornegoor, een van de kartrekkers, geeft tekst en uitleg.…

#DeNederlandse #Dosba #Zijwildevertegenwoordigerzijnvanop #Nederland #Doel #vandeVOSN #VerenigingOpen #MarcelKornegoor

Acesse a playlist Autismo e outras deficiências em meu canal do Youtube (Angela Natel) -…

*What fiercely committed Eliot Ness is gonna faithfully enforce Trump's New Prohibition here

Glyn Moody reshared this.

in reply to Bruce Sterling @bruces

He had to say "and other E.U. represented countries" because he doesn't know what other wine-making countries are part of the E.U.

#MangoMussolini #idiot #aliterate

All modern issues can be directly traced back to the government not investing in the Turbo Encabulator.

54 years wasted.…

in reply to Extreme Electronics

I'm confused. I thought everyone is selling these. Maybe I'm not listening properly but it's what I'm hearing from every account manager.

What the hell have I been buying all this time?

in reply to g7kse

@g7kse Probably a modern cut down version, that doesn’t do much at all, but has AI, so that's fine.
in reply to Extreme Electronics

now you mention it I might have read AI but just assumed it was a typo.
in reply to g7kse

@g7kse Can't be a typo, it's impossible if no one was typing it, that's the advantage of AI.
in reply to Extreme Electronics

ahh yes the problem with buying the Rockwell Retro Encabulator.
This entry was edited (6 days ago)

Waste, fraud, and abuse courtesy of Trump

ICE Returns All Migrants From Guantánamo to Stateside Facilities - The New York Times…

you've not lived until you've recovered a VM cluster by manually editing values in a hex-encoded file system inside an sqlite DB while VMs are still running on the host...

in other news, be careful when changing hostname on a #proxmox server.

“Because federal law does not in fact prohibit DEI, Trump is presumably counting on his order having a chilling effect, hoping that institutions self-censor by abandoning the programs out of fear.”…


Women are on the frontlines of environmental and social justice—leading movements, defending land and water, and fighting for their communities. Yet, they are among the first to suffer the consequences of climate chaos, war, and economic injustice.

While we celebrate progress and call to accelerate action, we must recognise the struggle. Women’s leadership in the fight for a just and liveable world must be supported and protected.

Pete #Buttigieg is said to have decided he will not run for Senate in #Michigan, opening the door to a 2028 presidential bid.…

Golden light and daffodils here in Glastonbury just after sunrise.

In this week's #Incus live-stream, I'll be continuing the work on Incus OS, this time around turning the management code into a daemon.

messing around with the piano part of Spillways

Me: Wait. Isn't this basically the Pokemon Theme x Cold As Ice?

in reply to 13 barn owls in a trenchcoat

This is the good tutorial btw…

You can actually buy her score (on OnlyFans, because of course, why wouldn't it be) if you're more comfortable sight reading:…

I was rubbing my sticky paws together with glee yesterday as I was going to start a hashtag called Thursdoor or DonnerTür in German for posting doors, because I love doors 🤣

However, some clever person has already started this under the hashtag #DoorsDay 🚪

So all that is left to do is to celebrate by sharing your favourite doors on Thursdays with the hashtag #DoorsDay 😉

Here's an epic door I found recently 😊


Good day, wanderers. We live in frightening times. Many of us live in parts of the world where compassion, the most important human emotion, has been ground into the dirt by cyberpunk villains.

"What can men do against such reckless hate?" -- Theoden

I don't know. But for now, I need to take refuge in kittens and wonderful stories and the company of friends.

And compassion.

It’s officially #gardening season. Next week I will be building the first three of what will eventually become several no-till beds. Here, I set up a quick grow-light station with green cabbage and a variety of lettuces.

B.C. woman detained at U.S. border, sent to Arizona detention facility in chains


Over a visa discrepancy. Could have turned her away. Could have put a note on her file. But no, they disappear her in chains. Enter the US at your peril.

ive been getting more sleep but now this is happening

on this day, only twenty-five years ago, we shipped #curl 6.5 which introduced the fancy -w option…
