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[19:11] Trump backs Martin to solve Ireland's housing crisis

US President Donald Trump has backed Taoiseach Micheál Martin to solve Ireland's housing crisis.…

#US #DonaldTrump #MicheálMartin #Ireland

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am i living under a rock and am i like the only person who can't imagine that everybody desires to run local AI models? or what's going on here
in reply to minute

I do run local AI models for voice interaction with HomeAssistant, and I don't get the hype either. It's kinda nice for a few niche things. Beyond that, it seems like just a bunch of marketing garbage.
in reply to jevans ⁂

oh yeah, whisper for voice recognition/transcription is an ML usecase that i get. but that doesn't require a lot of CPU/GPU power afaik?
in reply to minute

Everyone doesn’t need a Mac Studio Ultra either, yet it exists.
in reply to Mark Stosberg

@markstos idk when i think about mac my associations are design, music production, video editing at high res, that's stuff i understand better
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But in 2024 it’s required to market how good your hardware is at AI. 🙄
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I’m vaguely interested in running local models to experiment with contextual search and summarization (I have a massive PDF library), but not interested enough to finish the setup process. Way down the list of priorities.

On the other hand, looking at that thumbnail… when will we see the first MNT 10 inch mini rack server? ;)

in reply to minute

pretty sure like 95% of fedi will tell you they don't want to run any ai models
in reply to nina

@q66 that is what i hoped to be true... and outside of fedi? isn't that a super niche?
in reply to minute

@q66 It’s not as niche as you’d expect, it’s fairly popular with younger people exploring development and computers. I do expect the popularity to fade quickly just like cryptocurrencies did. (Cryptocurrency is still popular in investment circles but I feel like it’s become a small niche among developers and tech enthusiasts.)
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btw i don't wanna mock framework here, i'm obviously interested in the fine points of computer marketing/strategy/branding and how it's colliding with sociocultural developments and the semantic bits and pieces that fall out of this (sorta like in a particle collider)
in reply to minute

they're a san francisco company and it seems as if they're unaware of being inside a bubble
in reply to minute

wait !? They designed a non-upgradable desktop after fully customizable laptops with swappable parts !?
Are they running backwards ?

I really don't understand ! And I am a happy framework laptop user... I don't think their move is wise but as stated by others before maybe fedi users are in a bubble ? Or they are ?

DOGE’s “extremely severe” FTC cuts prompt request to delay Amazon trial
FTC says credit card charges are capped at $1, amid other budget shortfalls.…

You know that stupid kid in early grade school who ate paste, and you are still surprised they are still alive, with all the stupid, irrational, and illogical choices you know they made?!

That is your target audience, and you should assume there are millions of those types of people. If you can make something, even they can use without putting any thought into it, and easily wrap their head around, you will have created something widely successful.

#Foss #OpenSource #Development #Linux #ActivityPub

in reply to Charcoal

No, this mindset is why smart phones were adapted. The same for any other widely popular and widely used product or service.

in reply to Patch Arcana

yeah I noticed that a couple days ago when enrolling a new device. neat idea.

The next Seattle-area MakerDeck IRL Mixer (for Makers, Techies, & Geeks) is set for *this* coming Monday - running alongside the Drink & Draw community! Join us for casual conversation and connections. I'm bringing a 3D printer with me this time. ;) Here's the invite link...…

#3dprinting #seattle #pnw #beer #meetup #tech #geek #nerd

Канада відповіла на нові тарифи Трампа: чим загрожують такі торгові війни…

the old well
still yielding buckets
of darkness

#dailyHaiku reposts by Freeman Ng.

Today’s 3-5-3 haiku was originally posted on Nov 18, 2013.

#daily #haiku #micropoetry

Doctor concluded I'm almost healthy. Gave a vitamin D supplement (which I think I had problems with it since I was kid due to where I was born), and sent me to a nutritionist for a cholesterol reduction diet D: Otherwise I might be stuck with medication for the rest of my life for that. The past charging me for all the bad habits. I guess I deserve that.

[19:22] Oscarwinnaar Walter Salles: ‘Onder Bolsonaro werd 4 jaar lang geen interessante speelfilm gemaakt in Brazilië’

Walter Salles, regisseur I’m Still Here won de Oscar voor beste internationale film. Het is de kroon op het werk van regisseur, miljardair en autoracer Walter Salles, die met de film voor de tweede keer een renaissance van de Braziliaanse film inleidt.…

#WalterSalles #I’m #Oscar #tweede

Really great analysis on the vulnerability of our Telecom stacks in the wake of salt typhoon.…

in reply to Low Quality Facts

The little whippy things on bacteria are the basis for monks practising self-flagellation.

i hair cut a day keeps the doctor away ✂

Any act of repair a gratifying gesture of refusal and subversion these days. A poke in the eye to corporate waste and consumer lassitude.

Feeling like renegade heating engineer Harry Tuttle (Robert De Niro) of ‘Brazil’ right now, having decided: eff no, not into landfill—not yet.

And how fitting: while finishing up, @pluralistic heard on CBC radio discussing DCA & right-to-repair.

details in #alttext

#Stratford #canada #repair #technology #corydoctorow #environment #coffee

in reply to Kyle Memoir 🍉

A neighbour asked me recently to take her dead power strip to the e-waste collection point. All it needed was a bit of soldering. Money saved, environment spared a bit, power strip producer furious. Triple win.

I printed out the decal on paper and put it on one of the test pieces. This one's going to my wall of prototypes.
This entry was edited (5 days ago)

Зеленський провів технологічну Ставку щодо далекобійних дронів: деталі… #Ukraine

Russian troops attack Donetsk Oblast, killing 5 civilians and injuring 12 – photos…

Пам’ять — твій меч. "Культурні сили" провели масштабний захід щодо роботи з колективною пам'яттю…

@404mediaco has obtained a list of sites and services monitored by an ICE contractor ShadowDragon to let government analysts search and draw connections between people.

"The long list of sites and services that ShadowDragon’s SocialNet tool accesses is a reminder of just how much data is accessible and collected from and about us to provide surveillance services to the government and others."…

#news #USNews #ICE #immigration #surveillance #technology

Another reason I don't feel great about using Firefox is that I just got another fund-raising email from Mozilla. It doesn't say "Corporation" or "Foundation." Just "Mozilla."

They are asking for contributions because $3.55M in federal funding is "currently at risk."


Mozilla Corporation should fully fund Mozilla Foundation.

Captain of Container Ship That Rammed Tanker in North Sea Identified as Russian…

Well I'm in. Nothings configured as yet and I'm certainly not ready to swap out the currently working #OpenWRT APU router until I'm 100% happy. For now I'm going to explore and read the docs.
#RunBSD #OPNsense
in reply to Justine Smithies

Very nice. Tinkered with it myself as well. On an old Sophos box. A lot possible. Freq updates (in part a good thing) might be a negative in the sense of inconvenient reboots
in reply to Qper

It is very nice and OMG the sheer amount of available settings are vast. Also you can configure via the CLI too. Been playing around seeing what's where and reading up, maybe tomorrow I'll temporarily see if I can bring up the 1Gb pppoe fttp connection and then once I have connectivity I can concentrate on configuring the firewall and other stuff. I'll obviously keep my AMD APU router in the rack ready to reconnect should I have issues and need a reliable connection. Eventually the nuc will become my main router / firewall. Slow and steady wins the race. 😉

Hmm, bit obsessed with looking for a Lumon Waterdrop pin, but none are forthcoming that are either hideously expensive or far away. I can see me thinking about how to make one.

*goes away thinking about how to make one*

Зеленский: В мире огромный интерес к украинским разработкам, в частности дронов… #Russia #Ukraine

#news #bot #

Takeaways from our investigation on AI-powered school surveillance. The AP and Seattle Times teamed up on this investigation.

From their overview: "But these tools raise serious questions about privacy and security. In fact, when The Seattle Times and The Associated Press partnered to investigate school surveillance, reporters inadvertently received access to almost 3,500 sensitive, unredacted student documents through a records request. The documents were stored without a password or firewall, and anyone with the link could read them."

Read more at…

#databreach #EduSec #infosecurity #surveillanvce #AI

@douglevin @funnymonkey

"Провісники війни" вперше за два роки піднялися в небо: що відомо про ці літаки РФ…

This Image Is So Funny For No Reason HELP

Ердоган вітає перемир'я України і сподівається, що москва відреагує "конструктивно"… #Ukraine

EU lawmakers accuse US of ‘blackmailing’ Zelenskyy into ceasefire: With transatlantic trust in disarray, MEPs call for Europe-led defense, a joint declaration.…

#PPOD: NASA's Curiosity rover captured this image of the Sun through the dusty martian atmosphere in July 2018 while the dust storm that ended the Opportunity rover's mission was still raging. Curiosity was not affected by the decline in solar input because it is powered by a radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG). Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/Thomas Appéré

#space #science #scicomm