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Department of Justice attorney Liz Oyer was told by Trump’s administration to restore Trump supporter and actor Mel Gibson’s gun rights. She refused to do so because Mel Gibson is convicted of a violent crime, but then she was immediately fired and escorted out of her office building.

Trump’s United States is the new Russia.…

Glyn Moody reshared this.

Written by Sharon Wilson Purdy, Planetary Geologist at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Earth planning date: Monday, March 10, 2025 The Curiosity rover is winding between the spectacular Gould mesa and Texoli butte through beautifully layered terrain. The end-of-drive target from last week’s plan was a rock with a knobby/bumpy texture that appears […]

I'm sorry but has no one noticed that the Wikipedia article for the Thinkpad has a picture of a linux Desktop with fucking vore art

[19:03] Senan Molony: Sighs of relief from the White House to Leinster House as Taoiseach earns Trump’s respect in Washington showdown

Phew! Taoiseach Micheál Martin survived a marathon open-mic session at the Oval Office as questions flew like bullets.…

#MicheálMartin #theOvalOffice

Ok, giving up for now. I'll check how long I need the beam to be for the sawmill foundation and then I'll cut it into parts.

It's just too heavy to pull from the soft soil there. Dug over half the yard with the wheels. Broke off the concrete crown with the chain. Even fetched the stone sled from the forest and winched it onto that (actually winched the sled under the beam, because beam don't move). Even with that it won't budge more than a few mm at a time.

#Homestead #Farm #Tractor #Concrete

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@davepolaschek Yup, mostly construction lumber rather than furniture. 6m is the longest piece on the house, but that is a lot of log to handle, so probably we'll just have to make it from two 😀
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source

@mcSlibinas Lever bent. 25mm steel rod. But it's not the problem anyways. Friction of 1.1 ton beam on garden soil higher than wheel traction is the problem.

Solution is angle grinder 😀

Someone online referred to Elon as "the next mypillow guy" and I can't stop seeing the similarities 😂

Regina Folk Festival shuts down after 55 years - Global | Canada (Destiny Meilleur)…

This is sad news. I loved the live music.

#yqr #regina #saskatchewan #music

It’s really weird how authoritarians love obeying orders. Hate questioning orders. Or— well *is* it?

Seems like a paradox at first, but I guess it’s not. Not if you really think that some people simply know better than others (or *are* better than others)

It seems so sad to have that view and yet not a hope of ever really being one of the “betters” no matter what you do or learn. how depressing.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to myrmepropagandist

i think it makes more sense when you notice that a lot of them talk like they're happy enough to be *the same kind of person* as all the people numbered among the betters

there's a lot of symbolic magical thinking involved

in reply to myrmepropagandist

something in missing here. Like Authoritarians only do it when they are with the specific action. Pretty sure a Trump couldn't "order" his supporters to do something even mildly against their will. Eg: eating a Taco. The zeal comes because they support the orders given

[19:02] Imme en Roosmarijn bij Levi’s in Groningen: ‘Amerikaanse jeans nóg duurder? Dan maar tweedehands’

De verwachting dat Amerikaanse jeans duurder worden door importheffingen wordt met gemor ontvangen in de Groningse binnenstad. „Ik vind het nu al heel duur”, zegt Roosmarijn van der Hilst.…

#Amerikaanse #Groningse #RoosmarijnvanderHilst

Being xenogender is fucking great. ​:flag_xenogender:

1. Gavin Newsom launched his podcast where he "completely aligned" with far-right activist Charlie Kirk on some transgender issues. Now, members of his party says he's worked behind the scene to kill pro-LGBTQ+ bills in California. The latest from S. Baum. Subscribe to support our journalism.

Gavin Newsom pressured behind ...

In the land of the multi-camera phones, can a one-eyed king rule? We dig into the iPhone 16e with this mini-camera review on our blog:…

the first version of the other port cover for MNT Desktop Reform is done—this one has the actual power button and 10 LEDs for fun (or displaying cpu/network load etc). i also need to make a variant with one smaller cutout for the USB-C powered version of Reform.

concretedog reshared this.

in reply to lukas/lucie "minute" hartmann

huh, in a funny coincidence I built basically that yesterday %)…

[19:18] Oscarwinnaar Walter Salles: ‘Onder Bolsonaro werd 4 jaar lang geen interessante speelfilm gemaakt in Brazilië’

Walter Salles, regisseur I’m Still Here won de Oscar voor beste internationale film. Het is de kroon op het werk van regisseur, miljardair en autoracer Walter Salles, die met de film voor de tweede keer een renaissance van de Braziliaanse film inleidt.…

#WalterSalles #I’m #Oscar #tweede
Like this #meme? Try the #stream!

[19:11] When Martin met Trump - 5 takeaways from their meeting

Everything from the Apple Tax case to his Doonbeg resort and beyond were raised in Donald Trump's meeting with Taoiseach Micheal Martin this afternoon. Here are five takeaways from the meeting.…

#Apple #DonaldTrump's #MichealMartin #thisafternoon #five


When you're not inspired—you're just stubborn.

I wrote something on what no one told me about writing a book. But really, it’s about anything worth doing.…

#Writing #Writer #Books #Author #Photography #Scotland

in reply to Kristie

I read your words and recognised myself. I cannot believe, you Kristie, know how hard language is because your words on the page flowed as a stream.
in reply to Kristie

P. G. Wodehouse once said he would:
"write every sentence 10 times"

Assuming you're a Scots lassie and as a Scotsman myself, I rather like this quote from the article:

"It is never difficult to distinguish between a Scotsman with a grievance and a ray of sunshine"…

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

EU verhängt Strafzölle gegen Waren aus den USA – ab 1. April“
#Trump #Strafzölle #canada #schwarwel

How should a society be judged?

#EvanPoll #poll

  • The wellbeing of the most powerful and wealthy (0%, 7 votes)
  • The wellbeing of average people (5%, 56 votes)
  • The wellbeing of the least powerful and wealthy (94%, 1018 votes)
1081 voters. Poll end: 2 weeks ago

just heard a young person describe how an unexplained, sudden onset, and pretty dramatic health issue arose this morning, and then she cheerily said, "but the important thing is that I didn't miss a stream!"

we're normalizing so hard that we've normalized how hard we normalize things.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Subjacent Banana


I feel like so many of us in the covid-avoiding community have had bad disease experiences that have informed our caution now.

I wonder how many people on Team Virus Slurper have *also* had life-changing experiences of illness and just let the life lessons whoosh over their heads… 🤔

in reply to Elana | אילנה

I was just reflecting that at least here in the US we've tolerated inhumane health care for a long time, long before COVID. We've had no mandated sick leave and no mandated parental leave when having children or when children are sick for as long as I remember. You just sick your way through everything unless you have enough luxury you don't have to care about your job or schooling. I grew up in a working class family and that's what we all did, and it's what I did when I was a graduate student. I contracted what I think was pneumonia in graduate school--never knew because I never went to a doctor, because the health insurance was so bad--and I didn't feel right for years afterwards. I wrote part of my PhD dissertation on a laptop in bed.

With all the shit going around about how important the gender marker is on identifying documents, I have a question:

How many cis guys do you think add an inch or two when they fill out that form at the DMV? It's not like they measure...

in reply to Steph

@PurpleStephyr You probably guessed about your gender, too. 😉 I know I got that one wrong a few times. 🤭
in reply to Faith, highschool slut arc

I don't remember if I had to fill that out myself or they just copied it from my birth certificate. In either case I think that's more a case of autistic fawning (in the form of "this is the answer they're expecting, so that's what I'll give without thinking about it") more than guessing

I feel like there is an epidemic of governments studiously avoiding the thing that would actually solve problems they complain about. Like...
*the UK has the worst post-pandemic health outcomes. Our mental health is staggeringly bad & it's driving up welfare costs. But heaven forbid we address health disparities, invest in health infrastructure & access, get people care for mind/body, improve life so we are more resilient.
*Israel has "tried everything" except a serious 2 state solution...

[19:11] Trump backs Martin to solve Ireland's housing crisis

US President Donald Trump has backed Taoiseach Micheál Martin to solve Ireland's housing crisis.…

#US #DonaldTrump #MicheálMartin #Ireland

in reply to lukas/lucie "minute" hartmann

am i living under a rock and am i like the only person who can't imagine that everybody desires to run local AI models? or what's going on here
in reply to lukas/lucie "minute" hartmann

I do run local AI models for voice interaction with HomeAssistant, and I don't get the hype either. It's kinda nice for a few niche things. Beyond that, it seems like just a bunch of marketing garbage.
in reply to jevans ⁂

oh yeah, whisper for voice recognition/transcription is an ML usecase that i get. but that doesn't require a lot of CPU/GPU power afaik?
in reply to Mark Stosberg

@markstos idk when i think about mac my associations are design, music production, video editing at high res, that's stuff i understand better
in reply to lukas/lucie "minute" hartmann

I’m vaguely interested in running local models to experiment with contextual search and summarization (I have a massive PDF library), but not interested enough to finish the setup process. Way down the list of priorities.

On the other hand, looking at that thumbnail… when will we see the first MNT 10 inch mini rack server? ;)

in reply to lukas/lucie "minute" hartmann

pretty sure like 95% of fedi will tell you they don't want to run any ai models
in reply to nina

@q66 that is what i hoped to be true... and outside of fedi? isn't that a super niche?
in reply to lukas/lucie "minute" hartmann

@q66 It’s not as niche as you’d expect, it’s fairly popular with younger people exploring development and computers. I do expect the popularity to fade quickly just like cryptocurrencies did. (Cryptocurrency is still popular in investment circles but I feel like it’s become a small niche among developers and tech enthusiasts.)
in reply to lukas/lucie "minute" hartmann

in reply to lukas/lucie "minute" hartmann

btw i don't wanna mock framework here, i'm obviously interested in the fine points of computer marketing/strategy/branding and how it's colliding with sociocultural developments and the semantic bits and pieces that fall out of this (sorta like in a particle collider)
in reply to lukas/lucie "minute" hartmann

wait !? They designed a non-upgradable desktop after fully customizable laptops with swappable parts !?
Are they running backwards ?

I really don't understand ! And I am a happy framework laptop user... I don't think their move is wise but as stated by others before maybe fedi users are in a bubble ? Or they are ?

DOGE’s “extremely severe” FTC cuts prompt request to delay Amazon trial
FTC says credit card charges are capped at $1, amid other budget shortfalls.…

You know that stupid kid in early grade school who ate paste, and you are still surprised they are still alive, with all the stupid, irrational, and illogical choices you know they made?!

That is your target audience, and you should assume there are millions of those types of people. If you can make something, even they can use without putting any thought into it, and easily wrap their head around, you will have created something widely successful.

#Foss #OpenSource #Development #Linux #ActivityPub

in reply to Charcoal

No, this mindset is why smart phones were adapted. The same for any other widely popular and widely used product or service.

The next Seattle-area MakerDeck IRL Mixer (for Makers, Techies, & Geeks) is set for *this* coming Monday - running alongside the Drink & Draw community! Join us for casual conversation and connections. I'm bringing a 3D printer with me this time. ;) Here's the invite link...…

#3dprinting #seattle #pnw #beer #meetup #tech #geek #nerd

the old well
still yielding buckets
of darkness

#dailyHaiku reposts by Freeman Ng.

Today’s 3-5-3 haiku was originally posted on Nov 18, 2013.

#daily #haiku #micropoetry

Doctor concluded I'm almost healthy. Gave a vitamin D supplement (which I think I had problems with it since I was kid due to where I was born), and sent me to a nutritionist for a cholesterol reduction diet D: Otherwise I might be stuck with medication for the rest of my life for that. The past charging me for all the bad habits. I guess I deserve that.

[19:22] Oscarwinnaar Walter Salles: ‘Onder Bolsonaro werd 4 jaar lang geen interessante speelfilm gemaakt in Brazilië’

Walter Salles, regisseur I’m Still Here won de Oscar voor beste internationale film. Het is de kroon op het werk van regisseur, miljardair en autoracer Walter Salles, die met de film voor de tweede keer een renaissance van de Braziliaanse film inleidt.…

#WalterSalles #I’m #Oscar #tweede

Really great analysis on the vulnerability of our Telecom stacks in the wake of salt typhoon.…