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Logan Marie Glitterbomb argues that opportunities exist, even under Trump

"Short of working with actual nazis or selling your soul to the devil, work with whoever you can to achieve your political goals and you will see greater success and build greater community bonds while breaking down partisan political barriers.

"I’m not an accelerationist but I’m not sure it would have been any better under Harris and at least with Trump, more people are willing to put in the work to organize."

Ukraine: Guarded optimism after US peace talks in Jeddah…

If you asked me in my 20s if I admired Steve Jobs or Bill Gates I would have scoffed. But, back then I thought there was something there more than luck, privilege and vision ruthlessness. Sure I didn't believe in magical mercurial auteurs, a handful of remarkable individuals who shaped all of human culture and invention.

But, I did think that men in those positions had to be smarter than the average bear. A little more driven. Lucky. And... LOL "good with people."

How cynical I have become!

in reply to myrmepropagandist

it definitely helps to succeed in the computer industry when your mum is friends with the IBM CEO 🤔

So someone in the family was good with people.

omg the qfusion engine (used by warsow) has angelscript support

thats awesome

"Міль у пікселі": Путіна у військовій формі висміяли в мережі…

Українські дрони атакували росію: Британська розвідка проаналізувала наймасштабніший удар… #Ukraine

Trump: Ukraine peace talks involve territorial issues…

BBC: Amazon forest felled to build road for climate summit…

#climate #COP30 #climateemergency #deforestation

[21:35] Hans Broekhuizen, de nieuwe burgemeester van Het Hogeland: van mavo via universiteit naar het pluche

Wie is Hans Broekhuizen, de nieuwe burgemeester van gemeente Het Hogeland? In een notendop: een oud-Delfzijlster die naar de mavo ging, door bleef leren en nu burgemeester is van Twenterand.…

#WieisHansBroekhuizen #Twenterand

Had just scanned the last page of a magazine... when the desktop crashed. 300-odd pages.

Rebooted... Simple Scan had autosaved! But it crashed when I scrolled to the end. Never seen it do that before.

Reopened it, told it to export the files. It got to Page 302 before crashing again, which was better than I could have hoped - I only had to rescan 20 pages or so. Phew!

in reply to Ben

there's quite a quick switch in that show when I'm like, oooh Twin Peaks type weirdness and WTAF happened to everything.

I should watch it again =D

I also enjoyed Persons Unknown at roughly the same time, had the same vibes for a bit too, but only sadly lasted one season.

in reply to Riker Googling

the concept of medical insurance, as we know it today, was phased out by the mid-22nd century, coinciding with the development of a post-scarcity economy.

what was health insurance, was a type of coverage that helps individuals pay for medical expenses. It works by spreading the risk of high medical costs across a large group of people, making healthcare more affordable for individuals.

we moved beyond the need for money, private wealth, or insurance systems

This entry was edited (1 day ago)

About 15 countries want to provide security guarantees for Ukraine, – French Defense Minister…

Russia Destroyed Mariupol in 2022. Now It Tries to Convince People That the City Is Better Than Ever…

China, Iran, Russia hold joint naval drills in Middle East…

Prepare your #PrimarySchool children for their Year 6 SATs or 11+ exams by using our 5⭐️ spelling App - Spelling Test Flashcards. Now used in both Primary and Secondary schools.… #FreeApp #primaryschool #primaryteacher #ks1teacher #ks2 #ks2sats

🚨If you live in the U.S., please call your Democratic Senators now.

Tell them:
1. Vote NO on Cloture
2. Vote NO on the Republican spending bill.

Don’t let them pivot to reconciliation. Republicans don’t need Dem votes on that and they know it.

TODAY is the showdown.
🤳🏽: (202) 224-3121

reshared this

in reply to Heidi Li Feldman

I must say this bill of goods that the R's have sold is pretty amazing. R's have the presidency plus both houses of congress, but if they can't pass a bill to fund the government it will be the *Democrat's* fault? And the Democrats are buying this?

in reply to Frankie ✅

Here is the alt-text description for the image:

A rectangular sign with a white background and dark blue trim reads "Church of Morongo" in a stylized font at the top, along with a small dove graphic and a cross. Below, in larger, blocky black letters, is the question "IS THE LORD YOUR DADDY?". The sign is mounted on a dark background.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

in reply to Frankie ✅

yes, the popular saying "sweet jesus" is a direct reference to the Holy Sucrose Father mentioned in Leviticus

MRF that adds an 'REDMI NOTE 8 AI QUAD CAMERA" watermark to all images
in reply to lainy

pull request that adds imagemagick support into mrf

[21:43] Plannen stadsklooster in Grote Kerk krijgen vorm: zeker 15 bewoners, 3 publieke tuinen en een breed programma

De ideeën voor het stadsklooster dat in en om de Leeuwarder Grote of Jacobijnerkerk moet ontstaan, krijgen steeds meer vorm. Initiatiefnemer predikant Jan-Jaap Stegeman gaat uit van vijftien à twintig bewoners, drie tuinen en een verbinding met de stad.…

#Jacobijnerkerk #Jan_JaapStegeman #vijftien #twintig #drie

Well TIL you can (and arguably should) peel tinned chickpeas (garbanzo)

12 March 1939 | A French Jewish boy, Roger Portigheis, was born in Nice.

He arrived at #Auschwitz on 20 December 1943 in a transport of 850 Jews deported from Drancy. He was among 505 people murdered in a gas chamber after the selection.

Joy_intl reshared this.

in reply to Auschwitz Memorial

✅Thanks for your interested!
Here is more details if you interested click
here & Apply Now👇⬇️
in reply to Auschwitz Memorial

: why does this boy look like a girl?

Have you perhaps mixed up this picture with the toddler (born on 24 January 1943) shown in… ?

Why does… return "... the person you were looking for was not found"?

#ZionistPropaganda #IsraeliDestructionForces

its scary how good the distant horizons mod has gotten

Ask not for whom the wind chimes.
It chimes for frog.


What a stunning film, it was crafted entirely in Blender and with support of 3 countries! I'm happy catching it in theaters today!

#Film #Blender #european #movies

5/5 ⭐️

Question I enjoyed musing about today was do I, as a viewer of Severance, treat Mark S/cout as 2 separate characters when regarding his innie and outie?

And I have to admit to *not*. But with the rest of the severed workers I do. It's really strange that I don't, but I can't explain why and also why it took me until now to realise this. Brains, eh? =D

CNN: В США подтвердили возобновление поставок оружия и обмен разведданными с Украиной… #Russia #Ukraine

Deal or no deal? The ball is now in Russia's court | World News Tonight…

The world needs more people like Mark Klein, who revealed the NSA's warrantless wiretapping program at AT&T because he felt like he was "plugging in the Big Brother machine."…

Paul Cantrell reshared this.

The US imperial machinery is basically a giant spinning Beyblade and it's starting to slow down. On one hand, great, it's better not to have this great big spinning death machine. On the other hand, the spinning keeps it stable and as soon as it starts tilting, everyone's gonna get fucked up real bad before it stops.
This entry was edited (1 day ago)
in reply to Nick Poole


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in reply to brennen


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うーん、Apple Pencil Proちょっと心配ですね

Amazon Has All-Time Low Prices on AirTag 4-Pack ($64.49) and Apple Pencil Pro ($99)…

#Apple #news #bot

ビリーさん、month:Apple Music Apple TV+ Apple Arcade Apple News+ Apple Fitness+のことをプリムさんに教えるのはやめた方が……

iOS 18.4 Adds a Highly-Requested Setting to iPhones — But Not in U.S.…

#Apple #news #bot


Sonos Cancels Plans for Apple TV-Like Streaming Box…

#Apple #news #bot