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in reply to Low Quality Facts

The little whippy things on bacteria are the basis for monks practising self-flagellation.

i hair cut a day keeps the doctor away ✂

Any act of repair a gratifying gesture of refusal and subversion these days. A poke in the eye to corporate waste and consumer lassitude.

Feeling like renegade heating engineer Harry Tuttle (Robert De Niro) of ‘Brazil’ right now, having decided: eff no, not into landfill—not yet.

And how fitting: while finishing up, @pluralistic heard on CBC radio discussing DCA & right-to-repair.

details in #alttext

#Stratford #canada #repair #technology #corydoctorow #environment #coffee

in reply to Kyle Memoir 🍉

A neighbour asked me recently to take her dead power strip to the e-waste collection point. All it needed was a bit of soldering. Money saved, environment spared a bit, power strip producer furious. Triple win.

I printed out the decal on paper and put it on one of the test pieces. This one's going to my wall of prototypes.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)

@404mediaco has obtained a list of sites and services monitored by an ICE contractor ShadowDragon to let government analysts search and draw connections between people.

"The long list of sites and services that ShadowDragon’s SocialNet tool accesses is a reminder of just how much data is accessible and collected from and about us to provide surveillance services to the government and others."…

#news #USNews #ICE #immigration #surveillance #technology

Another reason I don't feel great about using Firefox is that I just got another fund-raising email from Mozilla. It doesn't say "Corporation" or "Foundation." Just "Mozilla."

They are asking for contributions because $3.55M in federal funding is "currently at risk."


Mozilla Corporation should fully fund Mozilla Foundation.

Ditto writing, making music, creating cartoons, etc., etc.

Well I'm in. Nothings configured as yet and I'm certainly not ready to swap out the currently working #OpenWRT APU router until I'm 100% happy. For now I'm going to explore and read the docs.
#RunBSD #OPNsense
in reply to Justine Smithies

Very nice. Tinkered with it myself as well. On an old Sophos box. A lot possible. Freq updates (in part a good thing) might be a negative in the sense of inconvenient reboots
in reply to Qper

It is very nice and OMG the sheer amount of available settings are vast. Also you can configure via the CLI too. Been playing around seeing what's where and reading up, maybe tomorrow I'll temporarily see if I can bring up the 1Gb pppoe fttp connection and then once I have connectivity I can concentrate on configuring the firewall and other stuff. I'll obviously keep my AMD APU router in the rack ready to reconnect should I have issues and need a reliable connection. Eventually the nuc will become my main router / firewall. Slow and steady wins the race. 😉

Hmm, bit obsessed with looking for a Lumon Waterdrop pin, but none are forthcoming that are either hideously expensive or far away. I can see me thinking about how to make one.

*goes away thinking about how to make one*

#news #bot #

Takeaways from our investigation on AI-powered school surveillance. The AP and Seattle Times teamed up on this investigation.

From their overview: "But these tools raise serious questions about privacy and security. In fact, when The Seattle Times and The Associated Press partnered to investigate school surveillance, reporters inadvertently received access to almost 3,500 sensitive, unredacted student documents through a records request. The documents were stored without a password or firewall, and anyone with the link could read them."

Read more at…

#databreach #EduSec #infosecurity #surveillanvce #AI

@douglevin @funnymonkey

This Image Is So Funny For No Reason HELP

#PPOD: NASA's Curiosity rover captured this image of the Sun through the dusty martian atmosphere in July 2018 while the dust storm that ended the Opportunity rover's mission was still raging. Curiosity was not affected by the decline in solar input because it is powered by a radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG). Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/Thomas Appéré

#space #science #scicomm

Oooh, interesting, VOR for Ventura is apparently not functioning. #VOR #aviation

As promised, here is an interview with @ryanleesipes from #Thunderbird, on the whole #Mozilla and #Firefox terms of use situation.

We talk about why this had to happen, how Thunderbird will handle their own Terms of Use, what's happening at Mozilla, and what's changing.…

in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

Thanks, tot was really interesting. I learned a lot from the video and the peek behind the Mozilla curtain.
in reply to Nick @ The Linux Experiment

thanks for this interview. I still feel unconfortable with all of this, but really appreciated the discussion.
I love Firefox and Thunderbird even more, I would be sad to have to switch!

Gavin Newsom has been hanging out with the likes of Charlie Kirk and Steve Bannon lately in case you're wondering what the Great White Hope of the Democratic Party is up to these days.

This weekend, talking to a guy who does IT at a Dutch bank.

Me: So everything runs on Azure or AWS these days?

He: Yes

Me: So they can see all the data.

He: No it's on separate servers, on EU soil. That was a thing before we decided to go ahead with this.

Me: So... They can see all the data.

He: No it's encrypted and threw some acronyms at me.

Me: So, you download the data, decrypt it, and work on it?

He: No that's done on the servers.

Me: So... They can see all the data.

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in reply to hugovangalen 🤖 🕹️ 😼

There are actually encryption technologies that provide sufficient assurance that “they” cannot access your data. They go under obscure names as “trusted execution environments” and “confidential computing”. That is complicated, and relatively new stuff, so it’s understandable that also @bert_hubert has missed it.
in reply to Rob van Vliet

A by far larger risk is that availability of your data and your computing capacity is not guaranteed. CSP’s may just stop your service, which is what the International Criminal Court currently seems to be suffering from

Here’s a graph based on data from the Digest of Education Statistics, derived ultimately from IPEDS, both of which are overseen by the National Center for Education Statistics, which is a federal agency that traces its roots to legislation passed in 1867, which been collecting data on U.S. educational enrollment and attainment since 1870, and whose staff were apparently all fired yesterday.

Unlocked: I might have accidentally destroyed an entire publishing house!

At the end of 2023 I released a book "20 GOTO 10" via the publisher Unbound. (4.4 stars on Amazon!) It sold tens of thousands of copies, and yet, I was not paid for any of them. I waited. Politely emailed. Looked past their emails of "any day now" and waited some more.

Last year, I filed a legal case. The week after, they sent an email to all their authors claiming "issues" with payment.


reshared this

in reply to Marquis de Geek

A few weeks ago, I escalated my case to the County Court. Today, they sent an email saying "We will shortly be announcing that Unbound (United Authors Publishing Limited) has gone into Administration." In short - they took my royalties, paid themselves, ran, and started a new company to absolve themselves of the responsibilities and the debt.

Guess what? The same people are in charge!


in reply to Marquis de Geek

Ugh, that sucks. And while I can't imagine what it's like for the authors, it's very dispiriting for me as a consumer.

I have a copy of "20 GOTO 10" (thank you for that, btw, it's wonderful) as well as two other books from Unbound. And until your post I had slight warm fuzzies from the thought that I was helping small, independent authors via a small, self-publishing site.

I'm rather gutted to learn that probably none of the money I've spent with Unbound has ever gone to the creators of the works.

Open Source underpins almost 90% of the software used around the world today, but very little of the money used for public procurement reaches Open Source developers.… #OpenSource

Good day! Unsure if you'll see this before meeting, but... I'm still set and on track.

Honestly the words “pay gorn” looks grosser than “gay porn” in such a primal Visceral way .

Only Good-Looking Person In Office Mingles With Hideous Coworkers Like Missionary Among Lepers…

It is now time to Rocq out with the Coq out…

every Mario 64 level needs a fedi instance named after it

Today I learned that the CEO of a major social network was born in 1991.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I am just going to sit here quietly and watch the last of my remaining bones turn to dust and blow away.


Antipope? What is that? Like An Evil Pope? If the Pope said his favorite color was Red would the Antipope favorite be Green? If the Pope says “let us not Waste time here” would the Antipope says “Let’s Waste Time Here”

A 1912 metamorphic toy celebrates the escape of suffragist Christabel Pankhurst to France to avoid arrest. When you pull the tab, she vanishes and two police detectives crash into each other.…

404 Media has obtained a list of 200+ sites monitored by a contractor for ICE (Amazon, Apple Music, BabyCenter, Bluesky, Facebook, Github, GoFundMe, etc.). They can “pull a target individual’s publicly available data” from these sites “all at once”.…