I do not use Spotify and hope you don’t either…
(Edit: Because they support piece of shit people like Rogan and Tate. I boycott Spotify if it wasn't clear.)
'Pretty Vile:' Spotify Removes Andrew Tate 'Pimping Hoes' Class After Employees Complain
Internal Spotify communications viewed by 404 Media show Spotify’s own employees complaining about Andrew Tate’s course being available on the platform.Emanuel Maiberg (404 Media)
Buy andypiper a Coffee. ko-fi.com/andypiper
Become a supporter of andypiper today! ❤️ Ko-fi lets you support the creators you love.Ko-fi
Saudi-owned Scopely buys Pokémon Go in $3.5bn gaming deal
US-based Niantic is selling its games business as part of a pivot to artificial intelligence
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#news #tech #technology #security #privacy #gaming #pokemongo
An: An den*die zukünftige*n Finanzminister*in
CumCum-Milliarden: Zeit ist Steuergeld | WeAct
CumCum-Milliarden: Zeit ist Steuergeld
Über 300.000 Menschen haben sich im letzten Jahr gemeinsam mit uns dafür eingesetzt, das Schreddergesetz zu stoppen und dafür zur sorgen, dass die Beweise für illegale CumCum-Geschäfte nicht vorschnell vernichtet werden dürfen.WeAct
U.S. ABC: LARPs, Q, X & Z
How the Russians hacked America letter by letter
"First, Ukraine must be given security guarantees that lend credibility to a future ceasefire agreement. Second, Europe must act decisively to strengthen and increase the sanctions against Russia. And third, Europe should take control of the frozen Russian assets to enable continued and increased support for Ukraine."
#Ukraine #eu #europe #UK #usa #potus
Zelenskyy's office outlines three conditions for EU to achieve lasting peace amid talks with US
Andrii Yermak, Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, has outlined three crucial conditions for the EU, including political and financial pressure on Russia, which will help secure lasting peace in Ukraine.STANISLAV POHORILOV (Ukrainska Pravda)
The UN special rapporteur on the right to food on Wednesday warned that Israel is carrying out an unprecedentedly rapid campaign of starvation in Gaza, calling it "the fastest in modern history."
"How is Israel able to starve 2.3 million people so quickly and so completely?" Michael Fakhri asked in a joint press briefing alongside other UN special rapporteurs in Geneva.
"This is the fastest starvation campaign in modern history," Fakhri said.
Israel carrying out 'fastest starvation campaign in Gaza in modern history': UN envoy
UN special rapporteur on right to food describes current ceasefire as slowing down of military violence while speeding up violence through starvation - Anadolu Ajansıwww.aa.com.tr
Firing the Lorentz Plasma Cannon
Resurrecting the Plasma Cannon, to extend its range with modern capacitors and increase the delivered energy.ADDENDUM: Shortly after posting the last video...YouTube
Government efficiency and all that.
Google Gemini Robotics AI model gives robots fine motor skills and adaptability for general world use.
[20:02] Ballenbak, podium en flexplekken: de nieuwe speelhal bij familiepark Nienoord in Leek komt eraan
Een stuk groter en ook in de winter open. Nog geen jaar na de verwoestende brand op familiepark Nienoord zijn de plannen voor een nieuwe speelhal bekend gemaakt. Die gaat deze zomer al open.
Ballenbak, podium en flexplekken: de nieuwe speelhal bij familiepark Nienoord in Leek komt eraan
Een grote brand verwoestte de speelhal van familiepark Nienoord in Leek compleet. Dit zijn de plannen voor de nieuwe speelhal, met een ballenbak, theater en flexplekken waar ouders kunnen werken.Geanne Beimers (Dagblad van het Noorden)
I'll tell you what you did with Atheists for about 1500 years. You outlawed them from the universities or any teaching careers, besmirched their reputations, banned or burned their books or their writings of any kind, drove them into exile, humiliated them, seized their properties, arrested them for blasphemy. You dehumanised them with beatings and exquisite torture, gouged out their eyes, slit their tongues, stretched, crushed, or broke their limbs, tore off their breasts if they were women, crushed their scrotums if they were men, imprisoned them, stabbed them, disembowelled them, hanged them, burnt them alive.
And you have nerve enough to complain to me that I laugh at you.
― Dr Madalyn Murray O'Hair
It's #WorldDayAgainstCyberCensorship and a year since we launched WebTunnel bridges. The Tor community has successfully rallied to scale WebTunnel bridges from 60 to over 300, surpassing the initial goal of 200 new deployments.
blog.torproject.org/fighting-c… 💜 Thanks to everyone who pitched in!
It takes a (Global) Village to Fight Censorship | Tor Project
It's been a year since we launched WebTunnel bridges and the Tor community has successfully scaled WebTunnel bridges from 60 to over 300, surpassing the initial goal of 200 new deployments.blog.torproject.org
Follow the 'I'm not a robot' CAPTCHA, and you might just end up with malware on your PC.
If it never gets started, it may be Cloudflare making a bad assumption about your client.
Autonomie im All - Warum Europa mehr Satelliten einsetzen will
Der Ukrainekrieg zeigt, dass ein dichtes Netz aus Satelliten für Streitkräfte entscheidend sein kann. Um Abhängigkeiten zu vermeiden, will Europa nun handeln.#Satelliten #USA #EUROPA #KRIEG #UKRAINE #INFORMATION
I am getting quite annoyed by various groups, with different motivations, presenting "scientists should make their data public" as if it were a novel concept.
Rather than the reality of decades of data from many fields being publicly available from numerous archives.
[20:10] Ook eerste kievitsei in Waadhoeke gevonden: Klaas (58) uit Emmeloord de gelukkige
De eerste twee kievitseieren van Friesland zijn zaterdag gevonden. Het allereerste ei werd aangetroffen bij Luxwoude. Ook zondag zijn er twee gevonden, waarna er dinsdag opnieuw twee werden gevonden. In dit blog houden we het allemaal bij.
#eerste #twee #Friesland #zaterdag #Luxwoude #zondag #dinsdag
C'mon down for a chuckle about the Dwemer and a general announcement about a new kind of content comin' down the pipe.
Schuldenregeln - Länder sehen Chance auf ein Jahrzehnt der Modernisierung
Nach Plänen von Union und SPD sollen die Bundesländer mehr Spielraum bei ihren Schuldenregeln bekommen. Das Interesse an einer Einigung im Bundestag ist groß.#Ministerpräsidentenkonferenz #Sondervermögen #Schuldenregeln
[20:20] Minister Wiersma wil mestcrisis overwinnen met tijdelijke krimp van de veestapel
Om de mestcrisis het hoofd te bieden, wil minister Femke Wiersma boeren laten belonen om tijdelijk melkkoeien weg te doen. Wie dat moet betalen, is nog onduidelijk.
Minister Wiersma wil mestcrisis overwinnen met tijdelijke krimp van de veestapel
Minister Femke Wiersma wil boeren laten belonen voor tijdelijk wegdoen van melkkoeienTon van der Laan (Leeuwarder Courant)
Yup, the Mitsubishi ballpoint pens are awesome and were one of the more useful recommendations 😀
Still using the same set.
Toni Aittoniemi
in reply to Pete Prodoehl 🍕 • • •Pete Prodoehl 🍕
in reply to Toni Aittoniemi • • •Toni Aittoniemi
in reply to Pete Prodoehl 🍕 • • •Pete Prodoehl 🍕
in reply to Toni Aittoniemi • • •DroidPort
in reply to Pete Prodoehl 🍕 • • •Many good reasons to not use spotify...
But how exactly is REMOVING this kind of content one of them?
Pete Prodoehl 🍕
in reply to DroidPort • • •DroidPort
in reply to Pete Prodoehl 🍕 • • •Pete Prodoehl 🍕
in reply to DroidPort • • •