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I do not use Spotify and hope you don’t either…

(Edit: Because they support piece of shit people like Rogan and Tate. I boycott Spotify if it wasn't clear.)…

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Pete Prodoehl 🍕

Clearly Spotify doesn't support Tate though based on this news? No?

Since its launch on March 12, 2015, NASA’s MMS, or Magnetospheric Multiscale, mission has been rewriting our understanding of a key physical process that is important across the universe, from black holes to the Sun to Earth’s protective magnetic field. This process, called magnetic reconnection, occurs when magnetic field lines tangle and explosively realign, flinging […]

Zum Nachmachen empfohlen: In Kanada stellen Kunden in Geschäften Produkte in den Regalen auf den Kopf, wenn sie aus den USA stammen, um anderen Kunden zu zeigen, was man nicht kaufen muss…


Super weird video from Kremlin press pool propagandist Pavel Zarubin shows Putin at a military briefing in the almost-liberated Kursk region. Putin speaks with an unusually high voice, and the audio sync appears to be a bit off.

Tune Tuesday

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in reply to Fossery Tech

Sorry for the confusion, but no. This week's theme is 'jumptothebeat' so all the songs are about jumping.

im still not over the fact that warfork works well on controller

like im genuinely curious about trying to get good at bhopping on controller now

Workposting, excel

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I am back from Austin and it's my birthday today! If you wish to support my work I have a ko-fi thingy I'll link to here (I've been *mostly* living off savings 💸 for the past ∼2.5 years; I'm grateful to be back in a full-time role from this month, working on something I care deeply about). Otherwise, do me a birthday favour and do what I strive to: listen, have empathy, & be good to others in this world. I appreciate the friends I've made in communities online 💗

An: An den*die zukünftige*n Finanzminister*in

CumCum-Milliarden: Zeit ist Steuergeld | WeAct…

Rep. Jamie Raskin fact-checks House Republicans on the Constitution: The president is NOT a king. His job is to execute and enforce the law—not rewrite or ignore it.

#usa #Congress #VoteDems

"First, Ukraine must be given security guarantees that lend credibility to a future ceasefire agreement. Second, Europe must act decisively to strengthen and increase the sanctions against Russia. And third, Europe should take control of the frozen Russian assets to enable continued and increased support for Ukraine."…

#Ukraine #eu #europe #UK #usa #potus

The UN special rapporteur on the right to food on Wednesday warned that Israel is carrying out an unprecedentedly rapid campaign of starvation in Gaza, calling it "the fastest in modern history."

"How is Israel able to starve 2.3 million people so quickly and so completely?" Michael Fakhri asked in a joint press briefing alongside other UN special rapporteurs in Geneva.

"This is the fastest starvation campaign in modern history," Fakhri said.…

🕎 🇵🇸 ☮️
#Gaza #Palestine

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Trying to germinate seeds of plumeria, gasteria excelsa, dorstenia foetida, and kumquat right now. As though I need more plants to take care of
in reply to Emily Velasco

plant some seeds of rebellion too, I think its going to be popular soon.

Yesterday made a post about QAing your own software without preconceptions. I got multiple people responding with the "the only intuitive interface is a nipple" line, and all I can think now is I want to give a bunch of zoomers ThinkPads for a while and see if it ever occurs to them to try to figure out what the trackpoint does
in reply to mcc

I think the fact that they're usually red and in the middle of the keyboard would help a lot in terms of discoverability
in reply to Karen

@karen serious question: how well does that stand out to someone who is red-green colorblind
in reply to mcc

I thought it was a good post, and I agree with it. It's an exercise I wish more would attempt.

The Lorentz Plasma Cannon is back!…

Want to know the truth about Republican plans for Medicare / Medicaid?

They're not just cuts - they're a blueprint for dismantling our entire healthcare system.

in reply to Low Quality Facts

Or over the Caribbean depending on which rocket the remains are on.
in reply to Low Quality Facts

The "flame trenches" at the launch sites are where the first part happens.
Government efficiency and all that.

Nach Dschidda-Treffen - Europa reagiert positiv auf Vorschlag für Waffenruhe

Viele europäische Regierungschefs begrüßen die Vorschläge des Ukraine-Treffens in Saudi-Arabien. Auch die Spitzen der EU reagieren positiv.#UKRAINE #USA #RUSSLAND #EUROPA #TREFFEN #Dschidda #Waffenruhe

Google’s origami-folding AI brain may power new wave of humanoid robots
Google Gemini Robotics AI model gives robots fine motor skills and adaptability for general world use.…

[20:02] Ballenbak, podium en flexplekken: de nieuwe speelhal bij familiepark Nienoord in Leek komt eraan

Een stuk groter en ook in de winter open. Nog geen jaar na de verwoestende brand op familiepark Nienoord zijn de plannen voor een nieuwe speelhal bekend gemaakt. Die gaat deze zomer al open.…

#winter #Nienoord

As I sit here working away on an adaptation of one of your books, it’s hard to believe that it’s been 10 years since I put Pongo on your bed to sleep for the night and you went to sleep for a bit longer. Miss you always, Dad. ❤️❤️❤️

Bread80 reshared this.

I'll tell you what you did with Atheists for about 1500 years. You outlawed them from the universities or any teaching careers, besmirched their reputations, banned or burned their books or their writings of any kind, drove them into exile, humiliated them, seized their properties, arrested them for blasphemy. You dehumanised them with beatings and exquisite torture, gouged out their eyes, slit their tongues, stretched, crushed, or broke their limbs, tore off their breasts if they were women, crushed their scrotums if they were men, imprisoned them, stabbed them, disembowelled them, hanged them, burnt them alive.

And you have nerve enough to complain to me that I laugh at you.
― Dr Madalyn Murray O'Hair

#atheism #faith #god

It's #WorldDayAgainstCyberCensorship and a year since we launched WebTunnel bridges. The Tor community has successfully rallied to scale WebTunnel bridges from 60 to over 300, surpassing the initial goal of 200 new deployments.… 💜 Thanks to everyone who pitched in!

That weird CAPTCHA could be a malware trap - here's how to protect yourself…
Follow the 'I'm not a robot' CAPTCHA, and you might just end up with malware on your PC.
in reply to kim_harding ✅

If it never gets started, it may be Cloudflare making a bad assumption about your client.


Autonomie im All - Warum Europa mehr Satelliten einsetzen will

Der Ukrainekrieg zeigt, dass ein dichtes Netz aus Satelliten für Streitkräfte entscheidend sein kann. Um Abhängigkeiten zu vermeiden, will Europa nun handeln.#Satelliten #USA #EUROPA #KRIEG #UKRAINE #INFORMATION


I am getting quite annoyed by various groups, with different motivations, presenting "scientists should make their data public" as if it were a novel concept.

Rather than the reality of decades of data from many fields being publicly available from numerous archives.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

[20:10] Ook eerste kievitsei in Waadhoeke gevonden: Klaas (58) uit Emmeloord de gelukkige

De eerste twee kievitseieren van Friesland zijn zaterdag gevonden. Het allereerste ei werd aangetroffen bij Luxwoude. Ook zondag zijn er twee gevonden, waarna er dinsdag opnieuw twee werden gevonden. In dit blog houden we het allemaal bij.…

#eerste #twee #Friesland #zaterdag #Luxwoude #zondag #dinsdag

C'mon down for a chuckle about the Dwemer and a general announcement about a new kind of content comin' down the pipe.…

Schuldenregeln - Länder sehen Chance auf ein Jahrzehnt der Modernisierung

Nach Plänen von Union und SPD sollen die Bundesländer mehr Spielraum bei ihren Schuldenregeln bekommen. Das Interesse an einer Einigung im Bundestag ist groß.#Ministerpräsidentenkonferenz #Sondervermögen #Schuldenregeln

British Politics: Canada / Politique britannique: Canada

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[20:20] Minister Wiersma wil mestcrisis overwinnen met tijdelijke krimp van de veestapel

Om de mestcrisis het hoofd te bieden, wil minister Femke Wiersma boeren laten belonen om tijdelijk melkkoeien weg te doen. Wie dat moet betalen, is nog onduidelijk.…

#FemkeWiersma #Wie

Work up, had breakfast, looked over yesterday’s notes, found this incomplete bit, a total head-scratcher. Feel free to complete it: “It’s funny, but when I left the note ...”
in reply to disquiet

... I was sure I wouldn't really need it to remember.

Old enough to remember when most blogging was just telling folks which pen and notebook you were using in your GTD routine.
in reply to Bryan Fink

I still have enough actual real paper notebooks from that era to last me a lifetime. Which is about three.
in reply to Bryan Fink

Yup, the Mitsubishi ballpoint pens are awesome and were one of the more useful recommendations 😀

Still using the same set.

in reply to Bryan Fink

A Pilot Metropolitan with Iroshizuku ink in a Leuchtturm 1917. I never really got into GTD, but let me tell you about my bullet journal ... 🤮