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I get paid tomorrow, you know what that means! Off to the dollar store to buy 20 sticks of beef jerky!

[04:06] Syrian authorities announce creation of security council

Syria's new authorities announced they are forming a National Security Council, to be chaired by interim President Ahmed al-Sharaa.…

#Syria #NationalSecurityCouncil #Ahmedal_Sharaa

in reply to Justin Riley

The Werewolf and the Yeti (also known as La Maldicion de la Bestia, The Curse of the Beast, Night of the Howling Beast, Hall of the Mountain King)……

#WrongYeti #monsterdon

in reply to Justin Riley

ooh, imdb summary : Daninsky joins a Yeti expedition in the Himalayas but gets captured by cannibalistic nymphs guarding a Buddhist temple. They turn him into a werewolf where he encounters a sadistic bandit while roaming the mountains.

#OTD 12 March 1815 Anders Ersson Forss was born in the parish of Björnlunda, Södermanland. His father and brother Carl took the surname Nyström, while Anders and Lars took the name Forss. Three older siblings died in childhood. The youngest brother Lars, 20, froze to death on Anders birthday, March 12, 1844, while out in the weather. He was buried in May, so it is likely his body was not found for several weeks. Only Anders, my ancestor, and his brother Carl Nyström were left of 6 siblings. Both have many living descendants today.
in reply to HistorySheWrote

I really like hearing the stories. One question. What was the deal with changing surnames? And how did they decide or was it just random?
in reply to Asheville Charlie

@avlcharlie Sweden used the patronymic method for many years. My Dad is Jon, so I would be Jonsdotter and my brother would be Jonsson. As people moved to cities or left farming for trades, they would usually change their surname. Military men pretty much had to change. The name would have to be approved by the parish minister and then they would just take the name. Some were made up, many were based on combining nature features such as oak stream or new hill. The military men were often named after weapons or attributes like one of my guys who was fleet. That all stopped in I think 1902, when surnames were sort of frozen.
in reply to Asheville Charlie

@avlcharlie Adding, if you want more details, I put together a page I called cultural tidbits. I got tired of repeating the background in blog posts, LOL.…

Lufa Farms has the right idea - building rooftop greenhouses for fresh veggies above hyperstores/supercenters. They currently serve #Quebec and #Ottawa

(rooftop solar panels: also a good idea)

#greenhouse #hydroponic #health

There's absolutely no reasonable doubt that NY Mayor Eric Adams cut a deal with Donald Trump to get DOJ charges against him dropped in exchange for letting ICE Nazi agents run wild in NYC.

Mahmoud Khalil's unjust ICE arrest & disappearance is the handy work of Adams as much as it is Rubio & Trump.

If Democrats want to show they fight for our Constitution and civil rights, force Adams out and elect a mayor who *actually* fights for the people.

Whenever #GavinNewsom does something out of pocket, I feel the need to post this pic, reminding everyone of his fundamental grossitude.

WP: До 2026 року мирне врегулювання війни в Україні неможливе… [Ukraine]

Kyiv losing Russia’s Kursk after blinded by lack of US intelligence, say Ukrainians…

Russian disinformation- produced by Carlson and Musk…

That’s all I want (by u/[Deleted user])
(AI Alt-Text)

В Анголі відбудуться мирні переговори між урядом Конго та повстанцями руху M23… #Ukraine

#WhiskersWednesday #WonkyWhisker 🤭 I’ve got a couple of funny looking whiskers these days, including the classic “string of pearls” effect :bmjgrin: ! -Skye 💕 #SkyeLove

Tell us you have no idea how the Canadian Government works without telling us.


in reply to Courtney Heard

yup! So many are woefully ignorant about how our system works (and have conveniently forgotten when the Conservatives were in the same situation).

[Destroying Seniors' Lives] Musk and his Big Balls Pretty Boys can't conceive anyone doesn't have computers or can't use them effectively

Their plan was to kill phone service to SSA, and force everyone to use the Internet, or in person, while simultaneously closing SSA offices and drastically cutting their resources. Absolutely monstrous. -L

in reply to Lauren Weinstein

I want to say it was part of the grand plan to gut SSA without seeming to explicitly make cuts there -- if seniors just don't (successfully) apply, that's not a cut, right? -- but I don't think there's enough multidimensional chess ability in that group.

It really was just incompetence and not being able to see anything from a perspective that isn't a young, technophilic male with no vision or mobility issues, wasn't it?


One good quality ( for this folding bike. It fits in a sedan trunk. Otherwise... low end shifters, not great quality anything. It does make airport pickup wait times more tolerable, however! #BikeTooter

This is excellent.

In the sixth year of this pandemic, you’d think people would want their beliefs to match reality.

I don't know about you, but I long for some cognitive...consonance.…

#Covid #LongCovid #CovidIsNotOver #Airborne #Covid19

This entry was edited (6 days ago)

They just leaked osamason sex tape What the actual fuck

“Canadian border agents were upfront about the Bergs' slim chances of being granted asylum when the family arrived at the Ambassador Bridge in Windsor, Ont., earlier this month, Kaitlyn said.

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada says those seeking asylum "must prove that they have a real fear of persecution or face serious harm, such as torture or cruel treatment, in their home country or where they usually live."”…

Cоцопитування: Американці вважають нестабільними дії Трампа щодо економіки США… [Ukraine]

Found this gem at a Dairy Queen in town.
I wonder if the address is at 9 3/4??
I didn't feel like disobeying the demand today. Some other time, maybe.

The news has been more than a bit grim of late, so hooray for Carbon Brief providing some genuine and really meaningful **good** news: the UK's carbon emissions in 2024 were the lowest since 1872, because demand for fossil fuels just keeps decreasing.…

#climate #GHG #science #GoodNews

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in reply to Helen Czerski

yes the UK government has made good progress. I just wish that the UK public was allowed to participate. It feels much more like the government is ‘doing to’ than ‘doing with’. The policy barriers and costs for the public to decarbonise are frankly ludicrous. We are effectively barred from getting off of gas ourselves. Public transportation is dire and expensive. No cycle paths. All feels very toxic.

Question: is there wiki software out there that handles tags (date, word) with a reasonably graceful URL approach?

As in, site/wiki/2020/01 would give me all the pages tagged as 2020 and 01, site/wiki/foo/bar would give me a list of articles tagged foo and bar.

in reply to Number6

@number6 So, my real secret goal here is to end up with a wiki whose URL surface is topologically identical to the WP y/m/d/title format.
in reply to mhoye

In node those kind of paths are referred to as "routes". A quick search on "node" and "wiki" and I found…

Notice the url path?

So seems like there's at least one wiki the works something like you want. Don't know if it's any good, but looks nice.

Just an FYI to everyone on here:

I won't be around much for the next week or so because I'm vacationing on the East Coast and visiting with chosen family.

So, I'm kinda busy but busy in a good way.

But just so y'all know, I'm fine. Just busy right now.

I hope y'all have a good week. 💕

This entry was edited (6 days ago)

Unless a miracle occurs, Trump’s tariffs will keep driving up consumer prices and drag the U.S. into a 1970s-style stagflation crisis: high inflation, slow growth, and rising unemployment.…

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Цій будівлі 120 років, а на вигляд й не скажеш: як розвивався Головпоштамт Дніпра…

Війська рф захопили місто Суджа у Курській області - ISW… #Ukraine



#うんこ #news #bot