Let’s hope so 🤞🏼
Via Prof. Angus Johnston:
"Our caucus is unified," says Schumer.
Team Fight has won the CR battle in the Senate Democratic caucus.
Schumer on Senate floor: "Funding the government should be a bipartisan effort, but Republicans chose a partisan path"
"Because of that Republicans do not have the votes in the Senate to invoke cloture on the House CR. Our caucus is unified" on the month-long CR #DemocratsInArray
This entry was edited (1 day ago)
in reply to Laffy • • •2/ Okay, this is worrisome. From one of my pals in the know:
"If they vote for cloture, GOP could ultimately turn down Dem proposals and pass the dirty CR with only 51 votes, thus surrendering the Dems' leverage here."
in reply to Laffy • • •3/ More from another person in the convo:
"Schumer just said they don't have the votes for cloture. He's going to bring a 30-day clean CR and ask that to pass while they negotiate something. That won't pass either."
I'm not good at this stuff, so if you have questions, I'm not the one to ask.
in reply to Laffy • • •4/ More, from Josh Marshall 🧵
Okay, Schumer's speech was a head fake. This is the Senate D caucus trying to fool their own supporters. Sorry to say that but that's what's happening.
The plan seems to be to vote for cloture and then Thune agrees as his part of the bargain to allow a vote on basically an amendment to the bill. Probably something like Murray's bill. So you give up the 60 vote threshold. Have a vote on each version and the GOP one wins. End of story.
in reply to Laffy • • •5/ More from Josh:
The point of this to temporarily confuse the issue so that Senate Ds can say they vote for their version while allowing the GOP version to pass. The critical point is that it's handing the GOP the 60 vote threshold for nothing.
in reply to Laffy • • •6/ More from Josh:
ADDITIONAL POINT: I've now heard this independently from enough sources that I think it's true. A big driver of the Yes faction in the Senate Ds is the idea that a shutdown will slow down the court cases. When first heard this a couple days ago I thought youv'e got to be friggin' kidding. REALLY?
Kevin LaRose, #SlavaUkraini
in reply to Laffy • • •