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[18:05] National Concert Hall to spend €2.6m on new 'world class' pipe organ

The National Concert Hall (NCH) is set to spend an estimated €2.6m on a new ‘world class’ pipe organ for the redeveloped main auditorium in the revamped NCH building.…

#TheNationalConcertHall(NCH #anestimated€2.6m

[18:04] Leicester Tigers ready to spend big on Jack Crowley to lure out-half away from Munster

Jack Crowley is the subject of strong interest from a number of overseas clubs, including Leicester Tigers, who are understood to have offered the Munster and Ireland out-half a bumper contract.…

#JackCrowley #LeicesterTigers #Munster #Ireland

[18:01] LIVE | Les-vrachtwagen met klapband veroorzaakt file op A28 richting Assen en gewonde door steekincident in Appingedam

Branden, ongelukken, files en vertragingen: met dit liveblog volg je het 112-nieuws in Drenthe en Groningen op de voet.…

#112_nieuws #Drenthe #Groningen

[18:09] Kaartjes kopen voor Neil Young, Acda en De Munnik of The Teskey Brothers in Groninger Stadspark? Zo voorkom je dat je te veel betaalt

Neil Young, Van Morrison, Acda en De Munnik en The Teskey Brothers: er komen grote namen naar het Groninger Stadspark deze zomer. Google je op tickets, dan stuit je al snel op sites die flink hogere prijzen vragen dan nodig. Hoe voorkom je dat je te veel betaalt?…

#NeilYoung #VanMorrison #Acda #TheTeskeyBrothers #GroningerStadspark

With deadline looming Speaker predicts GOP can pass spending bill without Democrats…

all linux user born after 2002 does't know how to sysadmin. all they know is chmod +x, docker and write they bash script
in reply to the #1 thingamajig

I still remember the pain of writing m4 scripts to generate sendmail configs and *sob* I'm scarred for life.

[17:49] Boylan accused of failure to remove posters, court hears

Dublin City Council is prosecuting Sinn Féin MEP Lynn Boylan and a local politician under litter laws for failing to remove election posters on time.…

#DublinCityCouncil #SinnFéinMEPLynnBoylan

[17:44] Children's spinal care report complete in coming months

The final report of a Children's Health Ireland-commissioned independent review into spinal operations at three children's hospital is expected to be completed in a few months.…

#aChildren's #HealthIreland #three #afewmonths

[17:30] HSE settles case over man who killed mother's partner

The High Court has heard a 19-year-old man stabbed his mother's partner to death two weeks after he had been discharged from an emergency department without follow-up, after presenting with psychotic thoughts and an intention to kill.…

#TheHighCourt #19_year_old #twoweeks

[05:31 PM] Dutch Parliament opposed to Von der Leyen's €800 billion European defense plan

A narrow majority of parliamentarians signaled they do not support the Dutch Cabinet's willingness to take part in the European Commission’s bid to raise European Union defense spending by 800 bill…

#theDutchCabinet's #theEuropeanCommission’s #EuropeanUnion #800

[05:50 PM] AirFrance-KLM make a €300 million offer for majority stake in Spanish airline: report

AirFrance-KLM have made an offer of 300 million euros for a majority stake in the Spanish airline Air Europa.…

#AirFrance_KLM #300millioneuros #Spanish #AirEuropa

iPhone 16がヒトにとって持つ意味と、亜人にとって持つ意味は同じなんでしょうか

Your iPhone set for biggest free update in a decade later this year…

#Apple #news #bot


Apple M4 MacBook Air review: I have no notes…

#Apple #news #bot


Why Apple Needs to Launch the Foldable iPhone Flip This Year…

#Apple #news #bot

PrusaSlicer 2.9.1: Smarter Sequential Printing & Stronger Multi-Material Interlocking

We’re happy to announce the stable release of PrusaSlicer 2.9.1! Don’t be fooled by the version number; it is a big update packed with some great new features!
Download PrusaSlicer 2.9.1
Sequential printing just got way more exciting!
The PrusaSlicer team is proud to...
The p…
#prusa #3DPrinting…


Als Corona uns in die Krise stürzte: Chronik der ersten Pandemie-Monate

Vor fünf Jahren wurde Corona zur Pandemie erklärt. Wie liefen die ersten Monate in NRW ab? Eine Chronik mit Eindrücken von Menschen aus NRW.#WDR


[17:01] MPs vote narrowly against EU’s €800bn defence spending plan

Dutch MPs have voted by the narrowest possible margin against an EU plan to increase defence spending by €800 billion,...…

#Dutch #EU #€800billion

#eu #dutch

[17:20] Verbouwing boerderij aan de Fabrieksstraat in Stadskanaal is gestart. Er zijn nog slechts drie woningen te koop

Aannemer Bouwbedrijf Gebr. Wolken uit Zwartemeer is officieel gestart met de verbouwing van de boerderij aan de Fabrieksstraat in Stadskanaal.…

#AannemerBouwbedrijfGebr.Wolken #Zwartemeer #Fabrieksstraat #Stadskanaal

[17:22] Mayans in Guatemala call on multinationals to stay away

Indigenous Mayans in Guatemala have called for a halt on multinational companies coming to their communities and extracting resources.…

#Mayans #Guatemala

[17:17] Wicklow OnlyFans model appears on Tax Defaulters' list

A Co Wicklow OnlyFans model - and the company he owns - has appeared on Revenue's latest Tax Defaulters' list.…


[17:16] Provincie boos over procedure gaswinning Oppenhuizen

De provincie maakte het de afgelopen bestuursperiode nog nooit mee. Een omgevingsvergunning die al ter inzage ligt inzake gaswinning in Oppenhuizen, terwijl het winningsplan nog niet eens vastgesteld is.…


Higher bills from compensation not an option, says minister…

UAE Expresses Solidarity with Argentina and Conveys Condolences over Victims of Heavy Rainfall…

[16:40] Court to give directions in Conor McGregor civil rape case appeal later this month

Mixed martial arts fighter Conor McGregor’s appeal against the verdict in the civil rape case taken against him by hair colourist Nikita Hand will come before the Court of Appeal later this month.…

#ConorMcGregor #NikitaHand #theCourtofAppeal #laterthismonth

[16:57] Gomarus College Groningen bouwt innovatief Techlab. ‘Techniek zou voor iedereen toegankelijk moeten zijn’

Het Gomarus College in Groningen is gestart met de bouw van een nieuw Techlab, een moderne en inspirerende leeromgeving waar leerlingen kennismaken met de nieuwste technologieën en innovaties.…

#College #Groningen #Techlab