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Dutch Ship Launches Tomahawk Missile for the First Time…

Laut Medienberichten ging der Auslandsgeheimdienst BND in der Pandemie mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit davon aus, dass das Coronavirus seinen Ursprung in einem Labor in China hatte. Doch das Kanzleramt soll die Einschätzung zurückgehalten haben.#Corona #Ursprung #BND #Bundesregierung #Labor #Wuhan

Court rejects Russian oligarch’s challenge to US efforts to confiscate yacht…

Erdogan Hopes Russia Responds ‘Constructively’ to Ukraine Ceasefire…

Рубіо пояснив позицію США щодо участі Європи в "мирних переговорах"… #Новини

[17:09] Trump says US pharmaceutical industry has gone to Ireland – as Taoiseach Micheál Martin meets US president in the Oval Office

Taoiseach Micheál Martin is due to meet US President Donald Trump later today in a hotly anticipated meeting as part of St Patrick’s Day celebrations.…

#MicheálMartin #US #DonaldTrump #today #StPatrick’s

Putin may accept Ukraine ceasefire but will delay to secure favourable terms, Bloomberg says…

Explosions in Ivano-Frankivsk: law enforcement confirms Russians blew up their agents – photos…

Rodrigo Duterte lands in the Netherlands to face ICC…

[17:15] Groningse roeister en olympisch kampioene Marloes Oldenburg beëindigt haar topsportcarrière

Roeister Marloes Oldenburg, afgelopen zomer olympisch kampioene op de Spelen van Parijs in de vierzonder, heeft een punt gezet achter haar topsportcarrière. Op de erelijst van de 37-jarige Groningse prijkt ook een wereldtitel.…

#Spelenvan #Parijs

BBC: Великобритания, Франция и Германия помогли Украине и США договориться… #Russia #Ukraine

French Lawmakers Debate Resolution Urging Seizure of Russian Assets…

Duterte believed to have landed in Netherlands to face ICC…

[17:28] Man (43) uit Opsterland mishandelt ex-vrouw en stalkt voormalige vriendin: voorwaardelijke celstraf

Een inwoner van de gemeente Opsterland (43) is woensdag wegens stalking en mishandeling van twee vrouwen veroordeeld tot een voorwaardelijke gevangenisstraf.…

#gemeenteOpsterland #43 #twee

Минединства: Через год после завершения войны из-за границы могут вернуться 30% украинцев… #Russia #Ukraine

[17:03] Campaign to promote flag football ahead of NFL game

A new campaign has been launched to encourage children to play NFL flag football, the non-contact format of American football.…

#NFL #American

У Фінляндії підтвердили законність ідеї про заборону смартфонів у школах… #Новини

[17:13] Taoiseach notes 'steadfast' US-Irish friendship in speech

Taoiseach Micheál Martin has highlighted the "steadfast" friendship between Ireland and the US at a breakfast meeting with US Vice President JD Vance and Second Lady Usha Vance.…

#MicheálMartin #Ireland #US #JDVance #UshaVance

USAID розірвало угоду про підтримку енергетики України на суму 75 млн дол…

[05:09 PM] Smoking & vaping age limit could increase from 18 to 21; Higher fines for illegal vapes

The minimum age for purchasing cigarettes, vapes, and other nicotine products in the Netherlands could increase from 18 to 21, according to a new proposal published by the Ministry of Health on Wed…

#Netherlands #18to21 #theMinistryofHealth

Cautious Zelenskyy keeps cards close to his chest as Ukraine ceasefire proposed…

ЄС має сприяти надійним гарантіям безпеки для України - резолюція Європарламенту… #Ukraine

У Мюнхені викрили масштабну схему легалізації мігрантів… #Новини

Прилітав туди на власному гелікоптері: який вигляд має фазенда зрадника Медведчука під Києвом…

Бербок: G7 стала важливим фактором, що завадив Путіну досягти цілей в Україні… #Новини

European Parliament opposes forcing Ukraine into "capitulation" under guise of peace agreement…

Ukrainian forces retreating in Russia's Kursk Oblast but not withdrawing altogether, sources say…

путін буде затягувати переговори щодо припинення вогню - Bloomberg… #Ukraine on Bluesky | Former seperatist leader and wanted war criminal 🔥 Igor Girkin (Strelkov) allegedly died by suicide in a Russian prison, according to Russian media.…
in reply to rogue_corq

Sure he did. And the fact that he criticized Putin had nothing to do with it.…

in reply to Nathan Salwen

@NSalwen It's funny because I made a point to pay attention to the news when he was being dispatched back to Ukraine. This is the kind of thing I expected.

[16:48] Vessel that crashed into oil tanker in North Sea failed safety checks in Ireland

A container ship which crashed with an oil tanker in the North Sea failed steering-related safety checks in Ireland and was captained by a Russian national, it has emerged.…

#theNorthSea #Ireland #Russian

[16:37] Taoiseach Micheal Martin meets Donald Trump in Oval Office

Taoiseach Micheál Martin is due to meet US President Donald Trump later today in a hotly anticipated meeting as part of St Patrick’s Day celebrations.…

#MicheálMartin #US #DonaldTrump #today #StPatrick’s

(コメダ珈琲、こめだこーひー を覚えました)