iOS 18.4 introduces a new default navigation app choice, but only in Europe engadget.com/apps/ios-184-intr…
iOS 18.4 introduces a new default navigation app choice, but only in Europe
When it goes live, iOS 18.4 will allow some users to set a default navigation app other than Apple Maps.Anna Washenko (Engadget)
A four-pack of AirTags is back on sale for a record-low price engadget.com/deals/a-four-pack…
A four-pack of AirTags is back on sale for a record-low price
Four of Apple's AirTag trackers can be yours for $64.49. That's the lowest price we've seen for this four-pack.Kris Holt (Engadget)
Here's How the iPhone 16e Camera Stacks Up Against Its Siblings macrumors.com/2025/03/12/iphon…
Here's How the iPhone 16e Camera Stacks Up Against Its Siblings
When new iPhone models come out, Sebastiaan de With, the developer behind the popular Halide camera app, does a deep dive into the new camera...Juli Clover (MacRumors.com)
Чоловіків можуть мобілізувати, якщо ті пропустять цю дату. Про кого мовиться
Потрібно заздалегідь прийти в ТЦК з одним важливим документомМарина Бондаренко (News.Telegraf)
Statement by Minister Ien, Head of the Delegation of Canada, to UNCSW 69th Session
Statement by Minister Ien, Head of the Delegation of Canada, to UNCSW 69th Session
Thirty years ago, something amazing happened - the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action set out an ambitious roadmap for achieving the equal rights of all women and girls.Women and Gender Equality Canada (Government of Canada)
EU boosts its Central Asia strategy
As the U.S. seeks to strengthen ties with resource-rich Central Asia, the European Union is also reaching out to the region. Having adopted a new strategy for Central Asia in 2019, the bloc appears to be making renewed efforts to implement it.Malik Mansur (Voice of America (VOA News))
Пропозиція США не влаштовує жодну зі сторін, а тому має шанси на успіх - військовий оглядач ВВС
Військовий оглядач Френк Гарднер вважає, що пропозиція США про припинення вогню може бути успішною, оскільки вона не зовсім влаштовує жодну зі сторін. Україна швидко погодилася на пропозицію Білого дому, слово за кремлем.Вадим Хлюдзинський (UNN)
10億円の賠償金、国が対応を 地下鉄サリン事件遺族らが要望書 news.livedoor.com/article/deta…
10億円の賠償金、国が対応を 地下鉄サリン事件遺族らが要望書 - ライブドアニュース
鈴木法相(中央左)に要望書を提出する、地下鉄サリン事件で夫を亡くした高橋シズヱさん(同右)=12日午後、法務省オウム真理教による地下鉄サリン事件の遺族らが12日、鈴木馨祐法相と田野尻猛公安調査庁長官に面共同通信 (livedoor News)
Some in Russia ready to ‘open the champagne’ ahead of expected Ukraine peace talks
The U.S. administration's efforts to end Russia's war in Ukraine are putting pressure on the Kremlin. But Moscow has made considerable territorial gains and some in Russia say they are prepared to give up nothing.Voice of America
Watch FREE on MLB.TV, 2 p.m. CT: Ortiz on mound for 4th Cactus League start
Війська рф масовано обстрілюють Херсон - МВА
У ніч на 13 березня російські війська здійснили масовані обстріли Херсона. Голова МВА закликав мешканців міста залишатися в укриттях задля їхньої безпеки.Ольга Розгон (UNN)
[23:48] Almost €2m worth of cocaine and cannabis seized
Drugs worth €1.94 million have been seized and two men have been arrested after a vehicle stop and several Garda searches.
Investigative reporter describes murder plot against him
As a court in London found three members of a Russian spy ring guilty, VOA Russian spoke to Roman Dobrokhotov, the editor-in-chief of the Russian investigative outlet The Insider, who was a target of the spy ring's plot.VOA Russian (Voice of America (VOA News))
Metallica Immersive Concert Experience Coming to Apple Vision Pro macrumors.com/2025/03/11/metal…
Metallica Immersive Concert Experience Coming to Apple Vision Pro
On Friday, March 14, Apple plans to release a new Apple Immersive Video featuring Metallica, with Apple retail stores offering a preview for...Juli Clover (MacRumors.com)
Drone attack on Moscow seen as signal to Putin
After Ukraine staged its biggest-ever drone attack on Moscow, which coincided with the U.S.-Ukrainian talks in Saudi Arabia, VOA Russian spoke to regional experts who saw it as Kyiv's signal to Vladimir Putin to convince him to agree to a ceasefire.Victor Vladimirov (Voice of America (VOA News))
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