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I was promised taco trucks on every corner and instead, ugh, this timeline.

Ha! Canva does have badge templates and I've fiddled about with one to make a Night gardener one. Heee, so much fun. Will charge my iPad to have more fun =D

Monitoring invasive species with #citizenScience, #iNaturalist data and the #ALA's Biosecurity Alerts Services.…

#Australia #ecology

in reply to kaia

violence, extreme tomboyism
Idk what is this, but I need to watch more of it.

Secularism is needed to limit the imposition of religious beliefs on people who don't share them. Your rights should not be restricted by someone else's religious beliefs.

#secular #secularism #ChurchAndState #atheism #religion…

I'm with her!

"I have not committed any crimes. I have not been funded by ActBlue, or by George Soros – that name is simply a tired antisemitic dog whistle. I’m not inspired by Luigi Mangione nor have I ever said that I am. I am not encouraging any vandalism. Nobody is getting paid to come to these protests. I am not the leader of Tesla Takedown. In fact, no one is."…

#TeslaTakedown @teslatakedown

I bought a bunch of nice storage boxes and have had the BEST time tidying stuff into them.

Unfortunately I made the mistake of tidying some of my partner's stuff while they were in the bathroom, so one box got anxiously unpacked and repacked with a bunch of stuff left out because "it needs to sit here!"

As I am also #neurodivergent, I of course apologised and helped.

in reply to Alan Langford 🇨🇦🧤🧊摏

@alan Were they throwing out things of yours?? 😬 I don't do that, at least. I just hate looking at clutter, my mind is noisy enough without adding visual noise.
in reply to Steph (they/them)

Yep. All the time. "No immediate use for this, out it goes" was the philosophy. I'd take it out, put it back where it belonged, and sometimes this process would repeat a few times, until they figured it out. I would have protested more loudly, but the lack overall of clutter actually made for a better space to live in, so it was a relatively small price to pay.

new linux users it's important to note that we fucking hate dbus but there's not really an adequate replacement so we bitch and moan while still using dbus. this is perfectly normal don't worry about it
in reply to Amber (WoofGPT6.9)

I still remember the day I learned about dbus. The way I learned about it was that it broke
in reply to mcc

I used Linux for well over ten years before dbus existed, but the length of time between dbus installing itself on my Ubuntu and dbus breaking was very short indeed

Bundestag berät Finanzpaket: Angebot, Absage - und Vorwßrfe

Mit Zugeständnissen - etwa beim Klimaschutz - wollen Union und SPD die Zustimmung der Grßnen fßr ihr milliardenschweres Finanzpaket gewinnen. Doch die lehnen das weiter ab und werfen CDU-Chef Merz Unehrlichkeit vor.


#Finanzpaket #Bundestag #Union #SPD #GrĂźne #Regierungsbildung

ANNOUNCING: "Four on the Florida" is your backstage pass to South Florida's thriving alternative music scene. From undiscovered bands to hidden venues, this newsletter delivers exclusive stories, curated playlists, and insider access—all in one captivating read. Subscribe now and tune into the pulse of South Florida's underground! (Serving primarily Palm Beach County and the surrounding area). Be the FIRST to sign up:…

Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen Mängel im Rettungsdienst

Die BjÜrn Steiger Stiftung sieht eklatante Missstände im Rettungswesen und hat deshalb Verfassungsbeschwerde eingereicht. Ziel ist es, bundesweit einheitliche Standards zu erreichen.


#Rettungsdienst #Verfassungsbeschwerde

you're probably wondering what a place like me is doing in a girl like this

The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to be replaced by Punxsutawney Phil

Well done, Glasgow. Even the machines hold views.

in reply to Michael Stanclift

It's just a matter of time. He'll find an excuse to put a tariff up if they don't give him a reason.

1995 the year of cyberspace movies…

This week I submitted the index for “Sacred Wonderland: The History of Religion in Yellowstone”—my final task before publication. I began work on the book more than 20 years ago, and at times I wasn’t sure it would get finished. But now, it’s done. I still hardly believe it.
The book will be published in July by University of Nebraska Press – more information at:…
#SacredWonderland #Yellowstone #NationalParks #history #ReligiousHistory #ReligiousStudies #WritingCommunity

in reply to Security Writer

I'm sure that domestic wine producers wouldn't raise their prices, just not as much, to make more profit and still be cheaper than imported products
Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
Unus Nemo wrote:

I'm sure there are good american beers

I am not. 😁

Area Pagan Dreading Big Family Vernal Equinox Celebration…

US Pol, Transphobia

Sensitive content

Got an email from a company called TalentBurst for an entry-level position whose main requisite is "Have some computer knowledge".

I would have felt insulted but I laughed out loud too much.

If you rely on that company for "talent" acquisition you might want to reconsider. #JustSayin

in reply to afreytes 🇵🇷 ☭

Considering how seemingly many these days come out of school having only ever used smartphones and tablets, though...

Hey Pete Hegseth, you may not 'do climate change crap,' but climate change does America -- fueling conflicts, worsening resource wars, and proving that tough-guy posturing won’t stop the next crisis.
in reply to God

Apparently America does #DUIHire stuff, not climate stuff 🙁
in reply to God

Hi God,
I haven't asked for anything since the 1971 World Series (Game #7), but today I'm asking.

To combat misinformation like is used against the science of Climate Change, we need sources of good information, free from monied interests.

So how about a shout out to Wikipedia if you think it deserves it. I think it does, and I just upped my monthly donation. It may not be perfect, but also maybe if they had the funds, they could more easily address some of their issues.

These trains could carry giant batteries across Colorado and deliver clean energy to Denver

SunTrain wants to use the existing freight rail system to transport clean energy from wind farms and solar arrays to the grid.…

#news #tech #technology #science #engineering #energy #cleanenergy

Perhaps the least surprising things to show up at Vancoufur this year: The Connections Museum having a stall and one of the artists bringing an Amiga to do commissions on.

FCC Chairman Carr Launches Massive Deregulation Initiative…


Sunday, March 16, 2025, 8PM CT (2AM Monday UTC)


we will be watching

Yeti: Giant of the 20th Century (1977)

"A college professor is asked by a profit-driven industry magnate to lead an expedition to study a giant Yeti creature found frozen in a block of ice."

its streaming free on tubi

please watch and live post it with us!

also I can't find a trailer but here's a music video someone on YouTube made from the movie. so. idk…

I honestly wonder whether Apple genuinely expected the Personal Context features of Apple Intelligence to be ready by now, or if the WWDC clips and ads it ran were just an optimistic smokescreen.

How decades of #factoryfarming paved the way for today’s #superbugs crisis -… how #farmers' greed is driving us towards an avoidable disaster
in reply to Glyn Moody

Yeah, I think most food in the US comes from factory farms run by giant conglomerates, too.

We're planting a veggie garden this year!

Reps of Trump’s family have held talks to take a FIN stake in the US arm of crypto exchange Binance, a move that'd put Trump in bus with the firm that pleaded guilty in 2023 to violating anti-#moneylaundering requirements.

At the same time, the founder, Zhao—who served 4 months in prison after pleading guilty to a related charge—has been pushing for the Trump admin to grant him a pardon.

#Trump corruptly enriches himself, & legitimizes laundering$, & #crypto.


This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

in reply to oatmeal

Yes, and news outlets and their journalists are the ones conveying that its fine by playing their game instead of calling them out.
in reply to Fouad

this paper is by a intenrational law expert for a think tank called regthink. independent outlets do discuss this issue often btw, see recently…
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Surprising statement by a media researcher: newspaper reports are increasingly similar to the AfD press releases #DE #Deutsch #Deutschsprechenden #Europe

Ukraine-Liveblog: ++ Selenskyj: Russland zĂśgert Frieden hinaus ++

Der ukrainische Präsident Selenskyj hat Russland vorgeworfen, einen Friedensschluss herauszuzÜgern. Die russischen Streitkräfte haben nach eigenen Angaben die von der Ukraine besetzte Stadt Sudscha wieder unter Kontrolle.


#Liveblog #Ukraine

Putin-Berater sieht in Waffenruhe lediglich ukrainische "Atempause"

Aus Russland kommt deutliche Kritik an dem US-ukrainischen Vorschlag einer Waffenruhe. Präsident Putins Berater Uschakow sprach von einer "Atempause" fßr die Ukraine, russische Interessen seien nicht bedacht.


#Russland #UkraineKrieg

DLRG-Bilanz 2024: Mehr als 400 Menschen bei Badeunfällen ertrunken

Im vergangenen Jahr sind in Deutschland so viele Menschen ertrunken wie seit 2019 nicht mehr. Mindestens 411 Menschen starben laut DLRG in deutschen Gewässern. Auffallend ist, dass mehr ältere Menschen unter den Toten waren.


#DLRG #Badetote
