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Rich text editing on Discourse! I think that having to write Markdown directly has been one of the biggest real impediments for existing forums to move to Discourse, as I see it. I prefer writing raw Markdown, but most "normal" people would prefer a rich text editor. So happy to see this happening!…

Trump admin cancels $21 million in funding for schools & food banks to buy from Az farmers…
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is cancelling roughly $1 billion in already-promised spending on local food purchases for schools and food banks nationwide, including $21 million in funding for schools and food banks to buy from Arizona farmers.
#Tucson #Arizona

in reply to Salty Daddy 🏳️‍🌈 🇺🇦 ✡️

Have you gotten the shingles vaccine? That one was harsh. But not as bad as shingles based on what my friends who had shingles told me.

Been spinning different kinds of Star Wars silks on lately...

#starwars #3dprinting

"As Trump guts the Department of Education, remember that his plan to cut the corporate tax rate to 15% would give the 100 largest corporations a tax cut larger than the entire department's K-12 budget.

Really think about how twisted this all is."

- Robert Reich


Tools of authoritarianism are never single-use. Every suppression emboldens the next. Every time American citizens accept that sacrificing freedom is the cost of safety, they move further into a future where safety is an illusion, reserved only for those who never dared to speak.…

Donald Trump says eggs are free now.

At least that's the rumor we should be spreading if any of you are still on twitter or facebook. I want see MAGAs showing up at the store for free eggs. They're gullible enough.

These people have absolutely no idea what they’re doing.

“The Social Security Administration late Wednesday abandoned plans it was considering to end phone service for millions of Americans filing retirement and disability claims after The Washington Post reported that Elon Musk’s U.S. DOGE Service team was weighing the change to root out alleged fraud.”…

in reply to Sam Litzinger

My dad passed and I need his SSA form to file his taxes. His online account is locked. I can’t get through on the phone. What now?!
in reply to Scott Prentice ✅

@saprentice @madrobin bad advice. True story, my dad passed at 48. His widow (my stepmother) did not file taxes for that year. Several years later, they caught up with her and took her badly needed tax refund and she still had a huge debt. Took years to get a refund again. And she had a minor child.
in reply to Army Girl

@ArmyGirl @madrobin
Yes. Was half joking. But .. I wonder if the IRS can go after a child in the same way they could go after a spouse? (Were they filing jointly, so it was really her taxes as well?) Also likely depends on the way the estate is handled, and if there’s any money to pay the taxes that may be due. Lots of room for variation on this theme.

Caveat: I’m not a lawyer, and don’t play one on TV.

in reply to Scott Prentice ✅

@saprentice @ArmyGirl They can go after the estate. I might just ballpark the numbers. Waited for over an hour on the phone with SSA already before I had to leave.

Drew a bit today, after like a month

It's something

SpaceX verschiebt Raketenstart - ISS-Astronauten müssen warten

Seit fast neun Monaten befinden sich die Astronauten Wilmore und Williams auf der Internationalen Raumstation. Geplant waren acht Tage. Nun wurde der Start einer SpaceX-Rakete, die ihre Ablösung befördert, verschoben.


#SpaceX #ISS #Astronaut

I had a great run today! As I was heading out some neighborhood kids (5-10 year olds) asked me what I was doing. I told them I was going running and they thought that was cool. The run itself was super easy and floaty. As I was heading home, I ran into the kids again. The had found an old busted VHS tape and stretched it across the road, shouting for me to run through it. I did it as theatrically as I could and we all had a good laugh. What a fun time! #running

It's time for all of us who are or will be subject to Trump's Tariff attack to boycott as many American products and businesses as possible. Support local and then support products and businesses from Trump's other Tariff victims.

#Canada #Mexico #Scotland #Belgium #Norway #Australia #Denmark #Tariffs
#Sweden #EU #NewZealand

in reply to Marius Fortuna_3

As an American I applaud and encourage this. My country needs to feel pain for voting in the Orange traitorous felonious lunatic.

Today I updated Spamhammer to get rid of Fediverse Chick once and for all.

I do so wish Mastodon had moderation tools, like, *anything* really, that would make this drastic step unnecessary. Alas, here we are.

Edit: Oops, the link.…

This entry was edited (1 day ago)

Thanks to a new deal between B.C. and Canada, all provincial grade-school students will soon have better access to free breakfast and lunch. 🍳…

This is good news. A strong Democratic statement is much in need now!…
in reply to Bill Jorth

Do not believe it.…

in reply to SpaceLifeForm

@SpaceLifeForm I’m not holding my breath. Just hoping for some light at the end of the tunnel.

the fact that you can go to an apple store and airdrop final cut pro off the demo macbooks, run it on your own mac and have it fully activated is fucking hilarious

Nicht, dass mich bei der lokalen Justiz noch viel wundern würde, aber what the actual fuck?

"Kachelmann bezeichnet Staatsanwalt als „Beschützer von Hakenkreuzen“
Eine politisch motivierte Tat könne man „nach bisherigen Erkenntnissen“ ausschließen – das verkündete #RomeoSchüssler, der leitende Oberstaatsanwalt der Amokfahrt in Mannheim, bei einer Pressekonferenz am Abend des 3. März, bereits wenige Stunden nach der Tat mit zwei Toten"

Just sent off my freedom of information request to get all the private data about myself that #DOGE has accessed. You can do it too, thanks to some quick #activism by Maryland representative Jamie Raskin.

"We ask but for peace, liberty, and safety." Amen, stamp.

#uspol #resist…

reshared this

how do you find interesting books to read (please don’t say goodreads lol)

13 March 1924 | A Polish Jew, Moszek Najman, was born in Radom.

In #Auschwitz from 21 July 1942.
No. 50301
He perished in the camp on 11 August 1942.

i need some new music to listen to, any recommendations?


Ya era desesperante. No saben lo poco que se puede hacer sin uno de esos aparatos infernales.


in reply to La pantera roja

vi que estuviste en la charla de las distro de android. ponete a reventar celus

I got a real problem with Aloft. I keep abducting animals. I found a small island, barely large enough for me to stand on, and there was a sheep there, all alone. I had to take it. I couldn't leave it there by itself on that tiny island. I couldn't.
in reply to Scopique

I dunno, sounds more like you're *rescuing animals* to me.

"What is hell? I maintain that it is the suffering of being unable to love." ~ Fyodor Dostoevsky #love #christianity

me refreshing notifications every 5 miliseconds after posting to see if i'm becoming famous

i love that older thinkpads just have a light that shines down from the top to light up the keyboard instead of putting lights under the keyboard
in reply to beanzip2

no thinklight, not even a light up keyboard, just a webcam and 2 microphones that i dont think actually work
in reply to beanzip2

@coolbean i have one
its so cool. i just wish it was yellow (so im going to make it yellow). I would squee.
in reply to nausicaa

@fusilare mhm, some models even had yellow ones and its the coolest thing

we need a western animation equivalent to r/animemes. like senpai of the pool memes of marge simpson