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Got my Hable One replacement today.
i had a bit of an argument with @Blobsta about the positioning of the dots, and why one would want to flip them.
I guess because I don't mind having them in either position really, so I can't decide which I like best.
He says its personal preference, which is true of course, but I guess I don't have one, I may never pick one and switch between the modes for fun.

“Blaming Only the Defendant Would Be Too Harsh”157;: Chiba Father Given Suspended Sentence for Killing Intellectually Disabled Son…


in reply to the vessel of morganna

when I first ran across this company, the product I saw was a refrigerator

not only can I not believe the brand name, I was outraged to discover it's a luxury high-end brand

★ Something Is Rotten in the State of Cupertino…

in reply to E-Komik

🔥 Pecinta Komik, Ini yang Kamu Tunggu! 🔥
Chapter terbaru dari The Extra is Too Strong (Chapter 78) sudah hadir dalam Bahasa Indonesia! 🎉
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#EKomik #Komik #Comic #Manhwa #Action #Adventure #Fantasy

Baca komik The Extra is Too Strong Bahasa Indonesia!!! Segera baca di #Komik #Comic #Manhwa #Action #Adventure #Fantasy

#represionsalvajeenargentina #veganzurdos

la policía deja a manera de provocación un patrullero sin custodia y con las puertas abiertas, quien lo incendia escapa de los manifestantes y se refugia con las fuerzas de gendarmeria quines hablan con el y le dan agua, un periodista de crónica ya había advertido que la mochila de ese "manifestante" era de merendaría o muy parecida.

in reply to js (Verificame si puedes)

lo vienen haciendo hace rato, incluso frente a las cámaras. Plantaron un arma en la calle, tambien a la vista de las cámaras

"No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit." ~ Ansel Adams

(Photograph by Ansel Adams)

Trump is laying off half of the people who work for the Department of Education with an eye on eliminating the department completely.

Just a reminder: Nothing great was ever been built or achieved with stupid people.

#MAGA #education #trump #musk #republicans

in reply to Ham on Wry

it’s easier to control an ignorant population 😢

in reply to lainy

no more cannon fodder left in Ukraine to feed the military-industrial complex, so they try to cast their net wider

Experts Warn Trump Legal Claims for Mahmoud Khalil Arrest Portend Rise of Fascist Police State | Common Dreams…

Baca komik Wolf Falls in Love with Moon Bahasa Indonesia!!!
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#EKomik #Komik #Comic #Manga #Comedy #Romance #SliceOfLife

Baca komik Wolf Falls in Love with Moon Bahasa Indonesia!!! Segera baca di #Komik #Comic #Manga #Comedy #Romance #SliceOfLife
in reply to E-Komik

🔥 Pecinta Komik, Ini yang Kamu Tunggu! 🔥
Chapter terbaru dari Wolf Falls in Love with Moon (Chapter 18) sudah hadir dalam Bahasa Indonesia! 🎉
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✨ Jangan biarkan orang lain tahu kisah ini lebih dulu, baca sekarang dan rasakan sendiri keseruannya!
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#EKomik #Komik #Comic #Manga #Comedy #Romance #SliceOfLife

Baca komik Wolf Falls in Love with Moon Bahasa Indonesia!!! Segera baca di #Komik #Comic #Manga #Comedy #Romance #SliceOfLife

Honestly, do American’s realise that they’re the laughing stock of the world?

(This only applies to dipshit MAGA cultists. The rest of you are great, & you have my sympathy for living under the Orange Fuhrer & his stooge Apartheid Clyde.)

in reply to Stace

From what I know, they sincerely believe either a) the world admires them and their orange leader and wants to be as enlightened as they are, b) that they're better than everyone else anyway or they c) have little to no interest in the rest of the world anyway because they're only focus is the US because nothing else matters to them anyway.

And with many of them it's a and b and c combined.

Doctor motivated me to start running again, did a level test (2 min warm up, 5 min run, 2 min cool down). The first run in 107 days did NOT go well.
in reply to Instant Arcade

I can imagine it was rough, but good for you for getting after it— congratulations!
in reply to Hiro

@hiro Of course I was at the doctor's because I was sick.
Literally Ill advised - LOL.

Yeah, the back of my throat was getting clogged with whatever was shedding from my sinuses. I don't recommend it, but I guess this might be starting to shift it all.


I suddenly find myself recalling the morning in elementary school when we arrived for class and found graffiti all over the school.

It was a last name. The same last name over and over, on walls, the handball courts, even on the seats of the swings.

It was the last name of one of the kids we went to school with.

He got in trouble.

in reply to Emily Velasco

Sometimes kids aren’t too bright. At my school some kids broke into the animation class and stole two 8 mm cameras (this was long ago). The cameras were recovered and when the teacher had the film developed the kids had all filmed each other.
in reply to Emily Velasco

And that kid... Well, he grew up and became President of the United States.

I swear, sometimes I think Matilda only has 2 movement speeds: fast and *very* fast.

#Bunny #HouseRabbit

in reply to Keith (Keithius)

Now I want to see video. I would not have guessed her to be a speed queen from her looks!


I forget which of you excellent people taught me the phrase "I can't repair the roof because I'm using all my energy mopping up the floor" recently, but it has lived rent-free in my head ever since. Incredible summary of chronic illness life.

Baca komik Honmono no Kanojo ni Shitakunaru Made, Watashi de Tameshite Ii yo. Bahasa Indonesia!!!
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#EKomik #Komik #Comic #Manga #Harem #Psychological #Romance #Shounen #Thriller
in reply to E-Komik

🔥 Pecinta Komik, Ini yang Kamu Tunggu! 🔥
Chapter terbaru dari Honmono no Kanojo ni Shitakunaru Made, Watashi de Tameshite Ii yo. (Chapter 04) sudah hadir dalam Bahasa Indonesia! 🎉
📖 Gabung bersama ribuan pembaca lainnya dan nikmati kisah serunya.
✨ Jangan biarkan orang lain tahu kisah ini lebih dulu, baca sekarang dan rasakan sendiri keseruannya!
👉 Klik di sini untuk mulai membaca sekarang:
⏳ Jadilah yang pertama tahu apa yang terjadi selanjutnya!
#EKomik #Komik #Comic #Manga #Harem #Psychological #Romance #Shounen #Thriller

Baca komik Honmono no Kanojo ni Shitakunaru Made, Watashi de Tameshite Ii yo. Bahasa Indonesia!!!
Segera baca di
#EKomik #Komik #Comic #Manga #Harem #Psychological #Romance #Shounen #Thriller

Maybe they should have done a bit more time in school and less time in the Gym.

The FBI has requested that Citibank place 30-day administrative freezes on accounts held by nonprofits that were recipients of the green bank funding. It also asked the bank to freeze other nonprofit and state government agency accounts, including Habitat for Humanity, United Way, the Colorado Clean Energy Fund, and New York State’s Department of Taxation and Finance.…

in reply to paul

That is what I expected. Something broke recently on my instance.

cc: @paco

Which one of you has a ready link to that zine about "before you join that organization"?
in reply to Corvid Crone

now that the question has been answered i may indulge in a useless reply: this post appears on my feed immediately beneath this…

not only is the American democratic experiment over, the human species experiment is over. it was okay, wouldn't do it again.

We had roof work done and they finished yesterday and I promised my dog last night there would be no more hammering and they are back today because the new roof is leaking and the worst part is I lied to my dog.
in reply to Chris White

I was paranoid about my new roof leaking, but it's been tested pretty well in the last couple of months and thankfully it's been okay. Dogs were not disappointed.

Weirdest part is that I can barely hear the rain now.

in reply to Chris White

Your dog forgives you
But might have some weird random association with hammering on the roof

Comic-con culture goes beyond entertainment, offering moral values, creative inspiration, and community bonds. A sociologist explores how fandoms built on #comics, #superheroes, and sci-fi can take on sacred dimension:
Michael Elliott, Towson University

“U.S. citizen child recovering from brain cancer deported to Mexico with undocumented parents.

The Texas family was on their way to an emergency medical checkup, they said, when they were detained at an immigration checkpoint.”…

in reply to Gabe Ortíz

“According to the mother, the family was taken to a detention center following the arrest, where the mom and daughters were separated from her husband and sons …”

it's #WorldDayAgainstCyberCensorship and did you know that you can help keep people safer—people like freedom fighters, political dissidents, journalists, and regular people simply seeking medical information or services, like abortions, HRT, sex ed, therapy, or psychiatric medications—by becoming a @torproject Snowflake?

you can even run it in your browser or on your phone via @guardianproject's Orbot app

here's an explainer by @eff:…

#Censorship #activism #organizing #MoSec #MovementSecurity #OPSEC #infosec #protest #TeslaTakedown #Gaza #genocide #StopCopCity #Climate #ClimateCrisis

Thank you to a buyer in California for choosing my work! A 32x48 Canvas Print is on its way to its new home. Your support means so much! 💛✨

Canvas prints on Pixels (most locations and more choices) and paper prints on Etsy (US)

Pixels -…

Etsy -…

#Gay #QueerArt #GayArt #Colorful #Rain #DigitalArt #MastoArt #FediArt #CreativeToots #FediGiftShop #MarkOnArt