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iRobot says there is “substantial doubt” about it as a “going concern”
After Amazon bid failure, firm cut 50% of staff and is launching new robots.…

The campaign to stigmatize #Tesla is brilliant. That doughy Nazi is deeply leveraged and has a huge share of his wealth tied up in Tesla stock. There are many more good alternatives than there were a few years back. Non-Tesla charging infra is growing. And #MAGA chodes aren’t gonna make up the losses.

Even if you don’t hate #elonmusk, who wants to buy a car that’s painted with a huge target for mockery and abuse? Not worth it.

in reply to Joshua Holland

And even after its share price declined by 40% from its peak, the company’s P/E ratio is still 18x the industry average. That’s based almost entirely on brand reputation. There’s a long way to go down yet.

Cop was speeding while watching a Youtube video titled, “Trans woman CONFRONTING Matt Walsh takes UNEXPECTED turn” when he struck and killed a bicyclist.

#MAGA trash. #acab #lgbtq…

US judge says Musk's DOGE must release records on operations run in 'secrecy
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol…

Taken on July 9 2017 at 18:39:16 with a SM-G950F. Taken in Amsterdam + Netherlands.
Jacques is now 14 years old.
Close-up of a Ginger Cat's Eye
The image shows an extreme close-up view of the eye of a ginger cat. The feline's greenish-yellow iris is prominently displayed, with visible dilated pupils and some reflection on its surface. Surrounding fur appears soft and fluffy.
#catsofmastodonfeature #catsofmastodon #cat #cats #caturday #catsdaily #catcontent

12 March 1926 | A Polish Roma woman, Wanda Ferko-Pawłowska, was born in Zabrzeg.

In #Auschwitz from 29 July 1942.
No. 10570
She was transferred to KL Ravensbrück and liberated there.

Joy_intl reshared this.

5 years after WHO declared #COVID-19 a pandemic, the U.S. is cutting staff at #NIH and #CDC while facing TB, measles and the worst flu season in 15 years. A scholar examines the role of 3 #publichealth agencies:

[16:26] ‘I don't accept it was dangerous. It was careless,’ Kyle Hayes tells judge as Limerick hurler loses appeal against dangerous driving conviction

Limerick hurler Kyle Hayes (26) lost his appeal against a conviction for dangerous driving after he admitted driving at 155kmh in a 100kmh zone on the main Cork-Limerick road while overtaking nine cars in his Audi car.…

#Limerick #KyleHayes #26 #155kmh #100kmh #Cork_Limerick #nine #Audi

Hoy he salido con bola8, mi moto, y en un momento dado la he aparcado en la acera (en el pueblo que estaba sé que se puede) y he ido a hacer cosas. A la vuelta había 4 yonkis super tirados mirando la moto, y al verme llegar, "jefe, que moto chula, tron, como mola, jefe" Y yo, lo que siempre digo, es como el dueño, chula y vieja. Risas. Ha venido la policía, nos ha pedido la documentación _a los cinco_, y como no había nada raro, se han ido. Les he pagado unas birras. Tengo amigos en el lumpen.
in reply to Moribundo Insurgente "Chorradas"

@linuxzx80 bueno, bola8 ya estaba segura antes, los yonkis no la iban a tocar, estaban genuinamente interesados en ella, pero con respeto. La anecdota es que la policía nos ha pedido la documentación a 5 tipos que estábamos de conversación animada delante de una moto. Sólo porque 4 de ellos estaban un poquito perjudicados, y el quinto... yo que sé.
in reply to benalb

Pues como a mi, que me siguen, me paran o no me dejan acceder a mi casa cuando han montado alguna, solo por mis pintas. Gentuza !!!!

This study explores using Spatial Audio, musical cues, and audio descriptions to enhance the video game experience and to make it accessible to people who are blind or have low vision. The study included a mix of participants with and without visual impairments. The feedback highlighted the importance of accessible keyboard controls and sounds that convey character movement and object location. #accessibility…

[16:22] Taoiseach invites JD Vance to Ireland as vice-president flashes shamrock socks ahead of Trump meeting, Burkes spotted near White House

Taoiseach Micheál Martin is due to meet US President Donald Trump later today in a hotly anticipated meeting as part of St Patrick’s Day celebrations.…

#MicheálMartin #US #DonaldTrump #today #StPatrick’s

Spotify Removes Andrew Tate 'Pimping Hoes' Class After Employees Complain…

in reply to E-Komik

🔥 Pecinta Komik, Ini yang Kamu Tunggu! 🔥
Chapter terbaru dari The Demon King Who Lost His Job (Chapter 433) sudah hadir dalam Bahasa Indonesia! 🎉
📖 Gabung bersama ribuan pembaca lainnya dan nikmati kisah serunya.
✨ Jangan biarkan orang lain tahu kisah ini lebih dulu, baca sekarang dan rasakan sendiri keseruannya!
👉 Klik di sini untuk mulai membaca sekarang:
⏳ Jadilah yang pertama tahu apa yang terjadi selanjutnya!
#EKomik #Komik #Comic #Manhua #Action #Adventure #Comedy #Fantasy #Romance

Baca komik The Demon King Who Lost His Job Bahasa Indonesia!!! Segera baca di #Komik #Comic #Manhua #Action #Adventure #Comedy #Fantasy #Romance
in reply to E-Komik

🔥 Pecinta Komik, Ini yang Kamu Tunggu! 🔥
Chapter terbaru dari The Demon King Who Lost His Job (Chapter 434) sudah hadir dalam Bahasa Indonesia! 🎉
📖 Gabung bersama ribuan pembaca lainnya dan nikmati kisah serunya.
✨ Jangan biarkan orang lain tahu kisah ini lebih dulu, baca sekarang dan rasakan sendiri keseruannya!
👉 Klik di sini untuk mulai membaca sekarang:
⏳ Jadilah yang pertama tahu apa yang terjadi selanjutnya!
#EKomik #Komik #Comic #Manhua #Action #Adventure #Comedy #Fantasy #Romance

Baca komik The Demon King Who Lost His Job Bahasa Indonesia!!! Segera baca di #Komik #Comic #Manhua #Action #Adventure #Comedy #Fantasy #Romance

[16:02] Een pact van buitenbeentjes; Francis van Broekhuizen en Dominic Seldis in theatershow

Het lukte niet erg, bij de eerste repetities. Contrabassist Dominic Seldis en operazangeres Francis van Broekhuizen werkten aan hun theaterconcert maar liepen vast. Oorzaak? ,,We kletsen te veel. Het werd té gezellig.’’ Die sfeer werd de basis voor hun programma The Francis & Dominic Show.…

#eerste #DominicSeldis #FrancisvanBroekhuizen #Francis&DominicShow

もう、またAirPods Proにのめり込んで。ほんとに……艦長って人は……

$14,000 Mac Studio With 512GB RAM Facing Two-Week Delivery Delay…

#Apple #news #bot

Y’all remember the south park movie? Remember the narrative reason for this song? A bunch of boomers, outraged by their children’s behavior, decide to foist the blame onto canadian culture.

I just thought that felt relevant.…

Hello, I’m a disruptor, very smart, here to create efficiency. I’m just going to drill holes in the bottom of this boat to see which parts of the hull are mission-critical.

[16:03] LIVE | Gewonde bij ongeval met meerdere auto’s in Assen en vrachtwagen kantelt op bouwterrein in Groningen

Branden, ongelukken, files en vertragingen: met dit liveblog volg je het 112-nieuws in Drenthe en Groningen op de voet.…

#112_nieuws #Drenthe #Groningen

I reflect on the Middle-Ages. It’s not what you think.…

It’s my birthday.

#WritersOfMastodon #Author #Blog #Birthday

"Don't listen to anyone who doesn't know how to dream."

- Liza Minnelli

DOJ: Google must sell Chrome, Android could be next
- 17 minutes ago | 39 points | 1 comments
- URL:…
- Discussions:…
- Summary: The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has filed a proposal that requires Google to sell its Chrome browser to address antitrust concerns. The DOJ claims that Google's dominance in the search market has created an unfair advantage, and selling Chrome would help level the playing field. Additionally, the DOJ may also impose restrictions on how Google promotes its products on Android devices, and could potentially force Google to sell Android if these measures are not effective. Google has opposed the proposal, arguing that it would harm consumers and the US economy.

[16:23] Aardbevingsellende en Ter Apel kleuren het imago van Groningen. Toch kwam afgelopen jaar record aantal bezoekers

Groningen heeft nog steeds last van een gebutst imago door de aardbevingsellende en de problemen rond het aanmeldcentrum in Ter Apel. Ook staat de provincie vaak op veel probleemlijstjes.…

#Groningen #TerApel

[16:28] De topscorer van Nederland speelt bij Veenhuizen. Maar de broers Brian en Sjoert giezen vinden het kampioenschap belangrijker | Tikkie Breed

Sjoert Giezen scoorde dit seizoen al 29 competitiedoelpunten voor Veenhuizen. Opmerkelijk, want de goalgetter is een middenvelder. Daar staat hij samen met zijn broer Brian, die beiden te gast zijn in de amateurvoetbalpodcast Tikkie Breed.…

#SjoertGiezen #29 #Brian #TikkieBreed

in reply to gulfie - world's first trillionaire

That's why the "accept essential cookies" should instead read "grudgingly tolerate essential cookies".

On my web site and blog, the only cookies are ones you bring yourself. Just the way I like it. 🙂 🍪

[16:27] Vrachtwagenchauffeur zag Schuiling masturberend op A7. Rechter veroordeelt de oud-burgemeester: ‘Dit is niet normaal’

Koen Schuiling is veroordeeld. Het staat volgens de politierechter vast dat de oud-burgemeester van Groningen met ontbloot bovenlichaam masturbeerde terwijl hij in zijn auto reed. De rechter vond de verklaring van een vrachtwagenchauffeur die Schuiling in zijn auto zag overtuigend genoeg.…

#KoenSchuiling #Groningen

(美脚、びきゃく を覚えました)

If you - like me - buy into the idea that the real "inventor" of something is the person who explained it so well that it never needed to be invented again, then you can make a pretty compelling argument that there are entire fields of computation, tools and algorithms that are widely used right now, that still haven't been invented yet.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to mhoye

There's a term for this; I think Arnold Pacey wrote about it, where this is the kind of inventor is the type that "comes into being at the same time as the [invention] (kind is the original word) was invented".

I THINK it's in…

(this thought coming as I'm reading Distributed Blackness because this notion comes up a lot is timely!)

in reply to jacky be ✍🏿📖

I’ll read both of those, thank you.
This entry was edited (5 days ago)