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European Parliament opposes forcing Ukraine into "capitulation" under guise of peace agreement…

Ukrainian forces retreating in Russia's Kursk Oblast but not withdrawing altogether, sources say…



The US Environmental Protection Agency says it's terminating $20 billion in grants awarded through a green bank program established under Joe Biden's signature climate law #ClimateCrisis

путін буде затягувати переговори щодо припинення вогню - Bloomberg… #Ukraine on Bluesky | Former seperatist leader and wanted war criminal 🔥 Igor Girkin (Strelkov) allegedly died by suicide in a Russian prison, according to Russian media.…
in reply to rogue_corq

Sure he did. And the fact that he criticized Putin had nothing to do with it.…

in reply to Nathan Salwen

@NSalwen It's funny because I made a point to pay attention to the news when he was being dispatched back to Ukraine. This is the kind of thing I expected.

#YouTube -…

#Odysee -…

#Rumble -…

#Bitchute -…

*Videos may take a considerable amount of time to post. If it is not present, it will be, soon(tm).


!!! NOTE !!! Switched To Linux is, “written by a broad spectrum computer consultant to help people learn more about the Linux platform.” This account is a supporter of @switchedtolinux and provides convenience posts of thumbnails art, videos and streams.

[16:48] Vessel that crashed into oil tanker in North Sea failed safety checks in Ireland

A container ship which crashed with an oil tanker in the North Sea failed steering-related safety checks in Ireland and was captained by a Russian national, it has emerged.…

#theNorthSea #Ireland #Russian

Another weird HR team building event today. Involved balancing a plastic cauldron filled with lucky charms marshmallows on a stop through an obstacle course. The hallway in the office is a disaster now.

I did not participate in this one.

In retaliation for the Associated Press’ refusal to call the Gulf of Mexico to, well, you know, the Trump administration has barred the AP’s reporters from the White House press pool and events.

The AP has been a member of the White House press pool since it was founded in 1846. Having earned the honor of 59 Pulitzer Prizes, the AP is respected for its journalism with a worldwide reach of over 4 billion people per day.

The First Amendment guarantees freedom of the press and the right to free speech. The Fifth Amendment grants due process, and the AP was not given a formal opportunity to challenge the ban before it was implemented.

The AP has sued to regain access, arguing that the administration’s goal is to coerce journalists to use “only government-approved language” in reporting.

#USPolitics #FreedomOfThePress

Hospitalized Toddler To Spend Rest Of Life Associating Mickey Mouse With Physical Pain…

[16:37] Taoiseach Micheal Martin meets Donald Trump in Oval Office

Taoiseach Micheál Martin is due to meet US President Donald Trump later today in a hotly anticipated meeting as part of St Patrick’s Day celebrations.…

#MicheálMartin #US #DonaldTrump #today #StPatrick’s

If you need a referee, you can't go wrong with a barbarian. They will judge things ferally.

#DnD #Dnddadjokes #funny #TTRPG #DungeonsandDragons #dadjokes

Mozilla warns of their own root certificate authority expiration this Friday. Recommends updating to Firefox ESR 115 or Firefox 128.…
- - -
Mozilla met en garde contre l'expiration de leur propre autorité de certification racine ce vendredi. Conseille la mise à jour vers Firefox ESR 115 ou Firefox 128.

// Article en anglais //

#Mozilla #Firefox #IT #InformationTechnology #Technologies

(コメダ珈琲、こめだこーひー を覚えました)

[16:33] Echtpaar Zuidema uit Veendam viert 60-jarig huwelijk. Henk gaat twee keer op de knieën voor ‘zijn’ Janny

Henk en Janny Zuidema uit Veendam vierden woensdag hun 60-jarig huwelijk. Het echtpaar werd namens de gemeente Veendam gefeliciteerd met dit heugelijke feit door burgemeester Annelies Pleyte.…

#Henk #JannyZuidema #Veendam #60_jarig #gemeenteVeendam #AnneliesPleyte

What's in the Ukraine ceasefire plan US is presenting to Russia?…

Стало відомо, скільки бронеавтомобілів Senator передала канадська компанія Roshel Україні… [Ukraine]

China refuses transit through Russia: reason named……

12ga muzzle-loader
8 round cylinders

I don't have a use for this, but I'm both impressed and disturbed that someone makes an oddball product like this. This appears to be driven by insane regulations. Not just California, but also the NFA that controls the SBS.

in reply to Account: Firearms

"California legal" is giving us a new golden age of wacky Early Modern pepperbox designs
in reply to dirty badwrong person

...and *then* i notice that handle attachment... there is nothing justifying this weapon other than lulz or murder

Плювки в туш, помада на сірниках і один колір тональника: чим фарбувалися за часів СРСР…

[16:44] Zebravinken, alfalfa en atomen? Wetenschappers Kira, Sanne en Marcos uit Groningen geven een kijkje in de kenniskeuken

Wetenschappers maken zich grote zorgen nu kabinet Schoof een half miljard euro wil bezuinigen op onderwijs en wetenschap. Waarom is onderzoek eigenlijk zo duur? Drie wetenschappers van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen geven een kijkje achter de schermen.…

#Schoof #euro #Drie #RijksuniversiteitGroningen

Mikael Kingsbury and Charlotte Wilson win Dual Moguls Finals in Livigno at Milano Cortina 2026 test event…

in reply to Mia

"NATO provoked Russia into a self-defensive war against Ukraine's militarization in order to feed the endless military-industrial complex" is such a common Kremlin talking point being spread among the useful-idiot dirtbag left that i'm always surprised when people don't seem to know about it (or notice it being assumed implicitly in stuff like this)

[16:56] Oplichtersbende bouwt callcenter in Drentse vakantiehuisjes. Verdachte nepbankmedewerkers: ‘Kwam alleen maar om te chillen’

Een vakantiehuis in Gasselternijveen was volgens het OM door een oplichtingsbende ingericht als een soort callcenter. Vanuit die recreatiewoning zouden vier mannen actief zijn geweest met omvangrijke bankhelpdeskfraude.…

#Gasselternijveen #OM #vier

Substantial layoff at Google this morning, locations around the world. IT and helpdesk hit hard. To be fair, they’re hard-pressed, last quarter’s earnings a mere $26.54B, that’s a narrow 27.51% profit margin.


reshared this

in reply to Tim Bray

All the money and talent a company could ever ask for, ever, and absolutely no idea what they could be doing with it or why, beyond making one line go up. Just a total abdication of vision.
in reply to mhoye

@mhoye I seen a theory that they absorb talent and pay them big salary with single goal - prevent these talents from creating anything good at competitors companies.

mhoye reshared this.

in reply to mhoye

Is there hidden argument for corporate welfare paternalism here?
Google can afford to act as Pullman Company during the Gilded Age, but I don't think that's what we want.

Mega-corps have limited vision. Google don't know how to utilize those people.

In my view the argument should be redistribution of profits by taxation and public welfare.

This entry was edited (6 days ago)
in reply to tinkel

@tinkel I think (I would like to believe, maybe) that I agree, but argue the opposite - tax rates should be high enough that sitting on your laurels making lines go up is always a low grade existential risk.
in reply to mhoye


And some of the most amazing software anywhere. Google Earth, the abandoned maps apis and 3d building warehouses. Maps!

I hope when they fuck up/abandon maps, it's a death sign. (Seems unlikely but it's Google...)


Irrationally excited to pick up this lil guy I’ve been eying forever. It was 50% off but probably still more expensive than it’s worth. But I’m a sucker for small travel gear 😅

Plus I think this solves my Apple Watch charging on a plane problem

Додик просит Россию о помощи после ордера на его арест… #Russia #Ukraine

Українська журналістка в Джидді взяла інтерв'ю у місцевого арабського котика, що він передбачив…

Трамп подарував Cybertruck своїй 17-річній онуці Каї… #Ukraine