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The “save page” button in browsers has been broken forever, and it’s easily fixable.

Don’t just save the source. Everything is scripted and will not work.

Instead take a snapshot of the DOM tree, and Base64 encode images. Leave Script and frame elements out. Inline stylesheets. Carbon frozen copy of the state the page was in in one standalone HTML file.

I scripted a console command to do this in 3 hours. It could save the front page of Google.

I may put that in a Gist if people are interested.

in reply to ducky

Another Firefox extension that does this is…

Which is not to say that options aren't good to have! So by all means please do publish it somewhere.

[18:13] Tears and screams in court as young mothers among dozens of squatters who are told they will be jailed – before it emerges they were held illegally

After a judge committed 27 squatters to prison for contempt of court today, it was revealed that only one of them had been legally summoned to appear in court.…

#27 #today #onlyone

Here's the second installment of my Paramilitary Leaks series. How you can set up your computer to read through the leaked militia chats yourself…

[18:16] Bishops to introduce awareness campaign on vaping dangers

An awareness campaign to highlight the dangers of vaping will be introduced in dioceses around the country due to an increased number of contacts to the Irish Catholic Bishops Drugs Initiative about the issue.…


This entry was edited (1 week ago)

reshared this

AND I killed a bug in the office

I'm practically a super hero at this point.

Don't @ me PETA

[18:12] Foppe de Haan en Gertjan Verbeek raken nooit uitgesproken over SC Heerenveen: ‘Ik denk weleens: kom op man!’

Foppe de Haan en Gertjan Verbeek keren volgende week eenmalig als trainer terug langs de lijn bij SC Heerenveen, de club die hen nog steeds dagelijks bezighoudt. ,,Dit is hartstikkene bijzonder.”…

#Foppe #Haan #GertjanVerbeek #volgendeweek #SCHeerenveen

[18:00] Geheim rapport: Indonesische verpleegkundigen werkten te veel en kregen te weinig les

De Immigratie- en Naturalisatie Dienst (IND) haalt in een vernietigend rapport uit naar de Bredase hogeschool Avans+ over een project, waarmee Indonesische verpleegkundigen aan het werk zijn gegaan bij zorginstellingen in Nederland.…

#NaturalisatieDienst #IND #Bredase #Nederland

Trump has been asking #Ukraine for mineral rights in exchange for aid, but extracting those minerals will require new infrastructure, new roads, more processing technology, investment, technical expertise, and, above all, an end to Russia’s invasion.

[ It's decided, OPNsense is currently installing over pfSense! ]

So my Intel N100 quad core with 16Gb ram and a 256GB NVME drive and 4 x 2.5Gb ethernet ports has arrived with pfSense preinstalled but I'm thinking I'd be better off with #OPNsense installed instead?
Am I right as this is going to be my main router / firewall ? Feel free to comment and thank you.
No I'm not using #OpenWRT anymore sorry.
#FreeBSD #IntelNUC #RunBSD

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Justine Smithies

"No I'm not using #OpenWRT anymore sorry." Did you write anywhere something about why? Because I am just starting with OpenWRT on Banana Pi R-4.
in reply to samurro

No I haven't written anything. Basically just wanted to be more FreeBSD friendly.

Desde la Red Federal por la Defensa de los DDHH y la Democracia compartimos la Guardia Jurídica que estará funcionando este miércoles 12 de marzo, en el marco de la convocatoria al Jubilazo Federal.

Si reprimen o detienen a algún compañerx tené en cuenta los teléfonos de la Guardia.

En las calles nos cuidamos entre todxs.

¡Jubiladxs somxs todxs, sólo es cuestión de tiempo!

🇨🇦 G7 foreign ministers meet in #Canada Wednesday to discuss moves to halt the Russia-Ukraine war, but US Secretary of State Marco Rubio shrugged off questions about a prospective American takeover of the host country.…

in reply to Russia-Ukraine Daily News

Hopefully we don't let any convict felon rapists into the country, we have promised to keep our border secure.

Hey #Monsterdon. If you have any Yeti / Cryptid / King Kong / 1970s trope suggestions for this week's bingo card, throw them at me. I'm at a bit of a loss this week. This film seems to defy all rational description. 😂
in reply to Cherizilla 🍿

Sign of presence in nature
Howling heard
Native mythology described
Blurry photo displayed
Horrified victim babbles
Village incident
Expedition death
Scientist theorizes
Fur found
Violence recommended
Nightime scare
Blood on snow

imagine being able to afford a huge homestead

This is important

  • Ctrl-C (47%, 74 votes)
  • Ctrl+C (52%, 83 votes)
157 voters. Poll end: 6 days ago

in reply to George Takei 🏳️‍🌈🖖🏽

Stock market over bloated... (checks notes) and you're saying this after Trump just created a "Strategic Bitcoin Reserve"? Uh huh.
in reply to George Takei 🏳️‍🌈🖖🏽

If the republicans had anything significant to say about the decline of the stock market, they surely wouldn't use "tubby's" voice. I doubt the man can even spell stock market.

Migrants detained in Panama expressed fear of returning to their countries.

“They will execute me without hesitation,” one texted.

“I am LGBT. My country harass these people. I cannot live a normal life in my country,” said another.…

#News #Panama #Trump #Immigration #Migrants #Asylum #Aid

ProPublica reshared this.

in reply to ProPublica

By now it should be clear to all refugees (for poverty or persecution) that the U.S. is no longer "the land of the free" but the "home of the Donald Trump ass lickers", who preach anyone who has no money is a criminal (most real criminals have lots of money).

Europe is no alternative: simply to many refugees coming, no place to stay, no jobs. Also Europe has a strict policy: any employer who hires illegal immigrants pays a large fine. Hospitals will not be payed for treating you.

You know, if Tesla fired him and brought back the guys he stole the company from, they might have a chance...…

Blaise reshared this.

I know this is just the normal #Trump garbage, but it’s important to remember the ramifications. If he says something like people at #DOE didn’t show up for work, ridiculous as that assertion is on its face, many people will accept it as gospel fact. As a result, the pernicious myth that federal employees are all lazy louts who don’t deserve their paychecks and are hardly working as opposed to working hard stays ingrained in the psyche of society.…
in reply to Kevin LaRose, #SlavaUkraini

I saw the video but do we know where it originated from so that it can be verified?
in reply to David Goldfield

@DavidGoldfield It looked like it came from a #Trump presser of some kind. I’ve followed Aaron Rupar for years on several different platforms and my experience is he posts verifiable stuff. He will watch pressers and the Sunday shows and a lot of other things and post videos in real time.

Ex-Präsident Duterte nach Festnahme in den Niederlanden gelandet

Der ehemalige philippinische Präsident Duterte ist nach seiner Verhaftung in die Niederlande ausgeliefert worden. Nun erwartet ihn vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof in Den Haag der Prozess. Dem 79-Jährigen werden zahlreiche Morde zur Last gelegt.


#Duterte #Philippinen #Strafgerichtshof

Hot girls named "Deleted/Banned Account" are in my DMs asking if this is Richard/John/King/RandomName345

I changed the email of all of my #BOINC projects from GMail to Tuta. Another step in #degoogling but it looks like it broke the BOINCStats page. Oh well, maybe it will sort itself out
in reply to stfn

degoogling is on my mind a lot these days but it feels like a monumental task... any good tips on where to start?
in reply to Brodokles

I guess search is a biggie, and easy to change there are quite a few decent options now, if you haven't tried them:

If you feel like running one yourself, SearxNG is a good aggregator, and it can search the fediverse too 😀

in reply to Brodokles for other web-based services, this might help: and you can follow them here @Framasoft
in reply to Chewie

@chewie @Framasoft Nice but their language button doesn't work on Firefox for Android and their URL is impossible to remember for non-French...
in reply to Reinout van Schouwen

@reinouts @Framasoft

I had to choose a language twice on FF for Android, but I could pick Spanish and Polish. Not tried any other languages. Must be a bug.

Also, I'm not French either - there's this thing called bookmarks and the history function 😜

For the past 32 years, #Canada has had now, 4 Liberal Prime Ministers, and only 1 Conservative Prime Minister.

32 years, only 1 Con

#Politics #CdnPoli

in reply to Mike. 🩼🇨🇦

This is, quite honestly the Conservatives' own fault. They have a knack for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. The most recent example was O'Toole (who won the popular vote). He was moderate, ack'd climate change, so he was stabbed in the back by the nutters during the campaign. Too many factions, too many idiots.

Marktbericht: Die Kurserholung gelingt

Zuletzt hatte der DAX zwischenzeitliche Erholungen nicht halten können. Diesmal halfen aber erfreuliche Inflationsdaten aus den USA und die Hoffnung auf einen Waffenstillstand in der Ukraine.


#Marktbericht #DAX #DowJones #S&P500

Nice brief write-up on path traversal vulnerabilities and good mitigation strategies:

#infosec #appsec

‼️ Cause of post-#COVID inflammatory shock in children identified: Reactivation of the Epstein-Barr virus appears to cause the rare condition #MISC. The findings, uncovered by a team from #CharitéBerlin & the DRFZ, have now been published in #Nature.

💡 These insights open the door to new treatment methods, potentially not limited to MIS-C.


#CharitéPaper #Science #Research #Medicine #EBV #PIMS #SARSCoV2 #COVID19 #corona

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Mit einer schwarz-roten Koalition ist fast sicher, dass die Vorratsdatenspeicherung wieder kommt. Mit den SPD-Verhandler:innen für Innenpolitik ist es definintiv.…


These #Words Are Disappearing in the New #Trump Administration

As Trump seeks to purge the federal government of “woke” initiatives, agencies have flagged hundreds of words to limit or avoid, according to a compilation of government documents.

#language #lexicon #idiocracy #law #FreeSpeech #hate #bigotry #WhiteSupremacy #MaleSupremacy #heterosexism #USpol…

The Guardian's website got a new layout. I like it. I only miss the old button to fold away the sports part.