“ It’s simply assumed, by most sides of the political spectrum, that the growth of ‘real’ GDP is what constitutes economic progress.
We think this is a mistake. When socialists and the Left use ‘real’ GDP as a measure of progress, or even as a quantity of empirical analysis, they are implicitly buying into the very capitalist paradigm that they otherwise reject. Let us explain.”
Evergreen and worth the read.
Why We Should Abandon Real GDP As A Measure of Economic Activity – Economics from the Top Down
For all that it purports to say, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) fails to explain anything relevant about the world.Blair Fix (Economics from the Top Down)
The parallels between Kash Patel and William J. Burns, a scandal-mongering 1920s FBI director — an FBI historian explains
Some observers compare FBI Director Kash Patel to J. Edgar Hoover. A better historical match is the politically motivated William J. Burns.The Conversation
especially when they are gpong to read #bannedbooks. They have made a pretty good list to start.
Some decades ago there was here a publisher who made a whole banned books series in cheap edition. That sold very well.
Nach der Bundestagswahl - So gehen Union und SPD in die Koalitionsverhandlungen
Schulden, Haushalt, Migration, Bürgergeld, Mindestlohn, Steuern, Energie, Klima und Verbraucher: Union und SPD müssen sich noch über vieles einig werden.#Koalitionsverhandlungen #Koalitionsgespräche #SPD #Union #Grüne
Будь-яке намагання росії “петляти” буде чітким доказом для всіх, що саме вона не хоче миру - Зеленський
Володимир Зеленський заявив, що удари рф не припиняються, наголосивши на обстрілі цивільного судна в Одесі. Будь-які спроби росії уникнути миру стануть доказом небажання миру.Павло Башинський (UNN)
#tesla #elonmusk #cybertruck #wankpanzer
Unus Nemo likes this.
Designed in #freecad
Massaker an Zivilisten - Syrien zwischen Gewalt und fragiler Hoffnung
Kämpfe und Massaker an Zivilisten aus der Volksgruppe der Alawiten sind ein Rückschlag für Syrien. Wie sicher sind ethnische Minderheiten im Land?#SYRIEN #Alawiten #Massaker #Gewalt #Kurden #Al-Scharaa #AssadSturz
Trump reposts Nazi-era gay symbol - LGBTQ Nation
Posted into LGBTQ Nation @lgbtq-nation-LGBTQNation
Trump reposts Nazi-era gay symbol - LGBTQ Nation
The pink triangle represented imprisonment and death for gay men in Nazi Germany.Elsie Carson-Holt (LGBTQ Nation)
Niantic sells its video games division (including Pokémon Go) to Saudi 🇸🇦 company Scopely for 3.5B USD.
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Niantic vend sa division de jeux vidéo (incluant Pokémon Go) à la compagnie saoudienne 🇸🇦 Scopely pour 3.5G USD.
// Article en anglais //
wtf @mirlo ???
>>Mirlo has reduced the cost of running itself by nearly two-thirds, making it more accessible for individuals and organizations to launch their own instances. A small instance can now be set up for roughly $50 a month, empowering music collectives, labels, and artist communities to create their own fair, open-source, music streaming platforms.<<
Fast Company: Cybertruck owners are joining a Facebook support group—and want to be a protected class
Cybertruck owners say they have been targets of anti-Elon Musk backlash. One even demanded harassment of Teslas be labeled a hate crime.
#Politics #USpol #Cybertruck #Tesla #crime
Huge shout out to @alexglow for pointing me at this collection of scans from basically the entire run of Technical Aesthetics magazine:
Журнал «Техническая эстетика»
«Техническая эстетика» — информационный бюллетень, а в последующем журнал издательства Всесоюзного научно-исследовательского института технической эстетики (ВНИИТЭ).Видачество — история видеотехники
russia is conducting ‘state-sponsored terrorism’ against Europe, EU chief diplomat warns
Investigation showed pro-russia groups were offering crypto payments in exchange for hybrid attacks across Europe.
Russia is conducting ‘state-sponsored terrorism’ against Europe, EU chief diplomat warns
Investigation showed pro-Russia groups were offering crypto payments in exchange for hybrid attacks across Europe.Antoaneta Roussi (POLITICO)
the 3ds is a great console. the new 3ds is especially cool, but I much prefer the look of the original 3ds
has someone out there ever done a board swap from an n3ds into an o3ds, with or without a working nub?
Sondervermögen - Ministerpräsidentin Schwesig lehnt Aufteilung des Milliardenpakets ab
Union und SPD wollen 500 Milliarden Euro für Sicherheit und Infrastruktur durchsetzen. Ministerpräsidentin Schwesig (SPD) lehnt die Aufteilung des Pakets ab.#ManuelaSchwesig #Sondervermögen #BUNDESTAG
This is a big deal because I was told ( unofficially, grain of salt ) that Niantic was specifically collecting the location data from Ingress and Pokemon Go in order to map all types of travel routes for certain defense operations. For example: if 20 players walked 20 different routes through a park while playing, all 20 routes and their overlap is now mapped as foot paths. If it thought you were on a bike, in a car, etc. those routes are mapped, regardless of whether they were on actual trails or roads or private property. See where I'm going with my concern here?
Saudi Arabia Buys Pokémon Go, and Probably All of Your Location Data
A company founded by the Saudi Arabian Public Investment Fund just bought the most popular AR video game of all time.Jason Koebler (404 Media)
Kazakhstan’s health ministry rejects claims of ‘LGBT propaganda’ influencing teens
"Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Healthcare has released a new report addressing claims about the influence of so-called «LGBT propaganda» on children. According to the report, the LGBT movement does not push teenagers to change their sexual orientation. On the contrary, it helps them combat depression and bullying."
Hey #SomervilleMA folks: #AyannaPressley is having a town hall. I can't go, but get some tix at this site:
Town Hall with Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley
Join my team and I in Boston for a Town Hall on Saturday, March 22nd at 2:30PM. Address provided upon RSVP.Eventbrite
Керівник ТЦК побив жінку-волонтера до втрати свідомості: що відомо
Начальник Лозівського ТЦК у п'яному стані побив волонтерку: подробиці.Олена Завальнюк (News.Telegraf)
Волц провів розмову зі своїм російським колегою
Радник президента США з нацбезпеки Майкл Волц провів розмову з російським колегою. Американська делегація прямує до росії для обговорення 30-денного припинення вогню з Україною.Павло Башинський (UNN)
Авіація РФ скинула 14 КАБів на Дружківку та Костянтинівку — є загиблі та поранені
Російські війська завдали понад 10 авіаударів по Костянтинівці й Дружківці в Донецькій області. Загинули дві людини, багато жителів отримали поранення, в тому числі діти.Олена Шевченко (online.ua)
Фіцо вирішив сказати, що підтримує "всі мирні плани" для України
Словацький премʼєр-міністр Роберт Фіцо заявив, що підтримує всі “мирні пропозиції” для України, не конкретизувавши, що саме має на увазі.Європейська правда
US sanctions Sweden-based gang with links to Iran
The US also places sanctions on the Foxtrot Network's leader, Rawa MajidAgence France-Presse (Voice of America (VOA News))
in reply to GhostOnTheHalfShell • • •“ According to some of the dominant interpretations of neoclassical theory, the price of a commodity reveals the utility (i.e. pleasure) that a consumer derives from it. ”
So on the price goes up, a product’s utility goes up *by definition*.
But with inflation, all prices are going up, suggesting that everything is always becoming better. @pluralistic
One of the 10,000 reasons why mainstream economics is a cringey but toxic farce.