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[16:23] Aardbevingsellende en Ter Apel kleuren het imago van Groningen. Toch kwam afgelopen jaar record aantal bezoekers

Groningen heeft nog steeds last van een gebutst imago door de aardbevingsellende en de problemen rond het aanmeldcentrum in Ter Apel. Ook staat de provincie vaak op veel probleemlijstjes.…

#Groningen #TerApel

[16:28] De topscorer van Nederland speelt bij Veenhuizen. Maar de broers Brian en Sjoert giezen vinden het kampioenschap belangrijker | Tikkie Breed

Sjoert Giezen scoorde dit seizoen al 29 competitiedoelpunten voor Veenhuizen. Opmerkelijk, want de goalgetter is een middenvelder. Daar staat hij samen met zijn broer Brian, die beiden te gast zijn in de amateurvoetbalpodcast Tikkie Breed.…

#SjoertGiezen #29 #Brian #TikkieBreed

in reply to gulfie - world's first trillionaire

That's why the "accept essential cookies" should instead read "grudgingly tolerate essential cookies".

On my web site and blog, the only cookies are ones you bring yourself. Just the way I like it. 🙂 🍪

[16:27] Vrachtwagenchauffeur zag Schuiling masturberend op A7. Rechter veroordeelt de oud-burgemeester: ‘Dit is niet normaal’

Koen Schuiling is veroordeeld. Het staat volgens de politierechter vast dat de oud-burgemeester van Groningen met ontbloot bovenlichaam masturbeerde terwijl hij in zijn auto reed. De rechter vond de verklaring van een vrachtwagenchauffeur die Schuiling in zijn auto zag overtuigend genoeg.…

#KoenSchuiling #Groningen

(美脚、びきゃく を覚えました)

If you - like me - buy into the idea that the real "inventor" of something is the person who explained it so well that it never needed to be invented again, then you can make a pretty compelling argument that there are entire fields of computation, tools and algorithms that are widely used right now, that still haven't been invented yet.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to mhoye

There's a term for this; I think Arnold Pacey wrote about it, where this is the kind of inventor is the type that "comes into being at the same time as the [invention] (kind is the original word) was invented".

I THINK it's in…

(this thought coming as I'm reading Distributed Blackness because this notion comes up a lot is timely!)

the otamatone is the greatest inventio n sinced sliced bread. hell it's better than sliced brea

[16:04] Dutch crack down on smoking and vaping, age limit may rise to 21

Junior health minister Vincent Karremans is looking into the options for increasing the legal age to buy cigarettes and vapes...…


“In Canada, a slew of apps has emerged with names such as “buy beaver”, “maple scan” and “is this Canadian” to allow shoppers to scan QR barcodes and reject US produce from alcohol to pizza toppings.”

#trump #fascism #elonmusk #tariffs #TrumpRecession…

I am the cheese gremlin.

Destroyer of mozzarella.

[16:04] Martin hoping cordial tone persists during Trump meeting

Taoiseach Micheál Martin will be hoping the lighthearted tone set at the vice president's breakfast continues through the day, writes Global Security Reporter Yvonne Murray from Washington.…

#MicheálMartin #theday #GlobalSecurity #YvonneMurray #Washington

Trying to figure out how I would explain to the version of myself living in 1995 the phrase "one of the most prominent surf draculas of our time"…

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

[16:14] Hayes fails in appeal over dangerous driving conviction

Limerick hurler Kyle Hayes has failed in his appeal against a district court conviction for dangerous driving.…

#Limerick #KyleHayes

Hoy estrenamos una nueva guía.

Una guía de iniciación al Fediverso, ideada para ayudarte a explicar todo esto a tu vecina, a tu panadero o a tu cuñado.

Con ella intentamos facilitar:
✔ Comprender qué es el Fediverso y cómo funciona.
✔ Conocer las plataformas disponibles y sus diferencias.
✔ Aprender cómo unirse y comenzar a interactuar.

Comparte y difunde #Descentraliza

Via Kyle Cheney:

HAPPENING NOW: Judge Reyes has kicked off a crucial hearing #Trump's effort to ban transgender people from serving in the military. She is beginning by pressing DOJ lawyer on the changes in military policy toward #transgender people beginning in 2017. #LGBTQ

Quick reminder that we also now have a bitwarden server:

A contract agreement with Russia is about as worthless as a contract agreement with the US.

EU retaliates against Trump’s trade moves and hits beef, whiskey, motorcycles with targeted tariffs…

Trump's Economy Is Crashing…

[16:08] Graven in Grolloo na stormschade hersteld: 'Het is mooier dan het was'

De Twaalf-Apostelenboom op de begraafplaats in Grolloo, werd in december 2023 door storm Pia omvergeblazen. Dikke takken maakten zeven graven kapot. Na een jaar en drie maanden wachten, zijn de gerestaureerde graven vandaag teruggeplaatst.…

#Twaalf_Apostelenboom #Grolloo #december2023 #Pia #zeven #driemaanden

Democrats won a key special election yesterday and massively over performed in another, potentially indicating a shift in voter sentiment amid the chaos of the Trump administration.…

When water falls off a cliff, it's beautiful, but when I do it, I'm just clumsy. How can women live up to these unfair expectations?!

The IONIQ 5 is missing.

People are ditching Teslas not just because Musk is a disaster, but because better options exist. BMW, Hyundai, Kia, Audi, Rivian—tons of EVs outperform Tesla in luxury, reliability, and ethics. Even former fans are done with Musk’s nonsense. The consensus? Keep the EV, lose the fascist billionaire.…

[16:02] Een pact van buitenbeentjes; Francis van Broekhuizen en Dominic Seldis in theatershow

Het lukte niet erg, bij de eerste repetities. Contrabassist Dominic Seldis en operazangeres Francis van Broekhuizen werkten aan hun theaterconcert maar liepen vast. Oorzaak? ,,We kletsen te veel. Het werd té gezellig.’’ Die sfeer werd de basis voor hun programma The Francis & Dominic Show.…

#eerste #DominicSeldis #FrancisvanBroekhuizen #Francis&DominicShow

Apparently MAGAs are buying electric vehicles because we are boycotting them.

I'm boycotting Das Kapital. :commie_peek:

No Google, I don't care about government sponsored gambling for rich people (read: the stock market). Stop giving me notifications about it

marco rubio on russia’s response to ceasefire agreement

“there is no military solution to this conflict...the only way we're going to have peace if through negotiation…the ball is truly in their court."

Marco Rubio's theory is that the First Amendment doesn't apply to green card holders and no one, no one at all, should let that go by unnoticed. That is a rewrite of the most precious part of our constitution.

Paul Cantrell reshared this.

As a citizen of the United States, after hearing more and more stories like this I have to say it's probably best if people don't travel here. ICE has been bad from day one (created-post 9/11) but it's like horror stories from the Soviet Union I remember hearing as a kid now. It doesn't matter if you are coming from countries MAGA considers "good" like this German lady or "bad" ones. It doesn't matter if you have your documents in order and your nose clean. No one is safe from this sort of secret police style treatment. I'm sorry half my country voted for these monsters and cheer this shit on. We've failed ourselves and the rest of the planet. #uspoli #rant

Joy_intl reshared this.