Припинення вогню в Україні можна досягти протягом кількох днів - Рубіо
Держсекретар США Марко Рубіо заявив про можливість припинення вогню між Україною та росією протягом декількох днів, якщо російські лідери погодяться. Він додав, що Україна готова до переговорів.Павло Башинський (UNN)
Nach Angaben der syrischen Beobachtungsstelle für Menschenrechte wurden in den letzten Tagen mehr als 1500 Menschen in #Syrien getötet, vor allem alawitische Zivilisten. Und Union und SPD einigen sich währenddessen darauf, künftig nach Syrien abzuschieben. www.deutschlandfunk.de/syrien-gewal...
Massaker an Zivilisten: Syrien...
Massaker an Zivilisten: Syriens fragile Hoffnung
Kämpfe und Massaker an Zivilisten aus der Volksgruppe der Alawiten sind ein Rückschlag für Syrien. Wie sicher sind ethnische Minderheiten im Land?Deutschlandfunk
Vector Lights for Earth Hour 2025
Vector Lights for Earth Hour 2025
Vector Lights is joining millions of people worldwide for the Biggest Hour for Earth!OurAuckland
Will #Putin accept the #ceasefire deal with #Ukraine? | Mark Galeotti
"I think it is a really difficult dilemma for Putin [...] maybe he will feel that he has no option but to accept [the ceasefire deal]," said Mark Galeotti, t...YouTube
Microsoft just admitted that the thing that gave me the most grief in Teams, the transferring of at least some Skype contacts to it (or creation of equivalent ones) simply doesn't work yet and is supposed to start working at some point of time in the future.
Thanks, Microsoft, for wasting 2 weeks of my life.
This the same crowd that was trying to kill electric cars 5 months ago and are now shilling for Tesla. There are also the crowd vehemently to government handouts and Tesla would not exist without major Federal and State incentives for EVs and subsidies to build their factories.
The GOP is just short for Grifting Old People.
NetGalley Reorganizes Ahead of Product Launch
NetGalley has realigned its upper management ranks ahead of the rollout of Booktrovert, its forthcoming consumer marketing platform.PublishersWeekly.com
And of course besides other signs, there is the classic scam tactic of making it seem urgent; in this case at threat of unspecified "legal action".
It's not going to be true in every case, of course; but far more often than not, the more urgent a message (or other communications) makes something seem, the more likely that message is to be a scam.
Quickening slowly
The winter turns brown to green
And green to blooming.
#dailyhaikuprompt (green) #haiku
日本GD大賞に「ミセス」 洋楽部門はテイラーさん news.livedoor.com/article/deta…
日本GD大賞に「ミセス」 洋楽部門はテイラーさん - ライブドアニュース
日本ゴールドディスク大賞の「アーティスト・オブ・ザ・イヤー」(邦楽部門)に選ばれた「Mrs.GREENAPPLE(ミセス・グリーン・アップル)」の3人2024年にCDや音楽配信などの合計売上額が最も多かったアーティ共同通信 (livedoor News)
Spotify tries to defend its artist payout rates engadget.com/entertainment/mus…
Spotify tries to defend its artist payout rates
The streamer published its own transparency report.Sarah Fielding (Engadget)
Професор Айзенберг: У Трампа є ідея, яка ніколи не втілиться в життя
Трамп сподівався відірвати Росію від Китаю та залучити її до боротьби з комуністичним режимом Китаю Про це сказав професор Мангеттенського університету Ігор Айзенберг в етері телеканалу "Еспресо". "Трамп постійно змінNEWSUA ONE - новини України та світу
I'm with you.
I do not give a fuck if someone knew from the beginning that something was not going to work.
I do not give a fuck if you already know that some legal/political/social action will not work.
I do not give a fuck so please do not tell me.
If you know something that's *better*, please tell me. I'll help spread it.
If there's something that *you're* trying, please tell me, and I'll join you.
And if you're in despair, share that, and we can comfort each other.
@jztusk My standard response to folks saying that a particular approach or tactic is useless (or harmful) is to tell them they are free to join some group using an approach or tactic that they prefer - or maybe organize such a group themselves.
It’s kind of a joke because I strongly suspect that those pearl-clutchers aren’t doing anything whatsoever.
1. Costco is raising its hourly wage for employees to $30.00.
2. One of my students wrote me a really nice email saying she loved the Poe course I taught this quarter.
3. Someone on mastodon didn't give me the benefit of the doubt and then did.
I have just discovered that another team had decided our security architecture team needs to be a gatekeeper for any DB admin SQL executed.
Who are you people?
If I am the DBA, I can run any SQL I want.
What are they smoking?
If you can not trust your DBA, you have bigger problems.
#USBudget #USCongress #Resist #USSenate
This message should go to your Senators regarding the budget #ContinuingResolution. You will need to copy and paste it into the forms on their websites.
The House passed a stop-gap bill Tuesday to fund the government through September and the Senate must vote on it. The House has gone into recess to force the Senate to accept the bill with no changes.
Dear Senator --
For months Republicans have talked about how they were going to fund their legislative priorities, but here we are again, facing another Continuing Resolution.
In your negotiations in the Senate, constantly remind everyone that the Constitution Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7 gives the power of the purse to Congress, not the President. The President has no legitimate authority for meddling in the appropriations process.
The Continuing Resolution must include language forbidding the Executive Branch and DOGE from usurping budgetary power from Congress.
Stand firm in your efforts.
Кім Чен Ин замаскував ядерний бункер під полем для гольфу
Супутникові знімки виявили, що Кім Чен Ин замаскував новий ракетний пусковий комплекс під гольфове поле. Це може ускладнити його виявлення та спостереження з повітря.Олексій Грушевський (online.ua)
UK accuses Russia of driving its Moscow embassy towards closure
Foreign Office issues strongly worded statement as it responds to expulsion of two diplomats with tit-for-tat movePatrick Wintour (The Guardian)
I've been rereading Becky Chambers' "Wayfarer" series this past week and the way humans are organized in that series is such a contrast to how they're organized currently in my country.
I wish I could go to there -- and take my friends and loved ones with me. ☹️
Don't worry, Trump & his team are ON IT!
"Scientists are sounding alarms about a genetic mutation that was recently ID'd in 4 dairy cow herds, nearly year after H5N1 #BirdFlu 1st reported in TX dairy cattle.
..researchers have dreaded finding bc it is assoc w increased mammal-to-mammal transmission & disease severity.
Mutation appeared in 1st human case. “Finding the same mutation in cows is significant,” an infectious disease expert said"
Study shows widespread bird flu infection in cattle
New research shows the H5N1 bird flu virus is more widespread in cattle than had previously been reported.Susanne Rust (Los Angeles Times)
You can follow us in other languages. Visit our website for more information wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Today's example of overthinking occurred when a tradesperson who is working on the house next door was sat in his van outside my house. Illogically, his presence stopped me from charging my phone (the socket is near the window) and from bringing the bins back in. This was because I didn't want him to think that I was spying on him (I wasn't!).
I would say that this made me a prisoner in my own home, but it was more of a case of being imprisoned by my own mind...again 🧠
Fed up of adverts creeping into Windows 11? You won’t like Microsoft’s latest update, then, although it does provide some important bug fixes
#news #tech #technology #security #privacy #windows #microsoft
Fed up of adverts creeping into Windows 11? You won’t like Microsoft’s latest update, then, although it does provide some important bug fixes
Windows 11 officially gets Game Pass advert in new updateDarren Allan (TechRadar)
EU says its countermeasures to Trump’s tariffs will go into effect on April 1 | AP News
Major trade partners swiftly hit back at President Donald Trump’s increased tariffs on aluminum and steel imports, imposing stiff new taxes on U.S products from textiles and water heaters to beef and bourbon. Canada, the largest steel supplier to the U.S., said Wednesday it will place 25% reciprocal tariffs on steel products and also raise taxes on a host of items: tools, computers…
EU says its countermeasures to Trump’s tariffs will go into effect on April 1 | AP News
Major trade partners swiftly hit back at President Donald Trump’s increased tariffs on aluminum and steel imports, imposing stiff new taxes on U.S products from textiles and water heaters to beef a…Ned Hamson's Second Line View of the News
Kierkegaanks regretfully
in reply to geekysteven • • •