Європейські союзники прискорюють створення "коаліції охочих" для гарантій безпеки Україні - Гілі
Міністр оборони Британії заявив, що європейські країни прискорять створення коаліції для надання Україні гарантій безпеки. Велика Британія та Франція очолюють роботу з планування.Ольга Розгон (UNN)
Лекорню заявил, что гарантии безопасности для Украины хотят предоставить 15 государств
Министр обороны Франции анонсировал новую встречу начальников штабов Вооруженных сил через 15 днейТатьяна Ланчуковская (LIGA.net)
[22:10] LWD Basket verliest van laagvlieger
& zwemteam HZ&PC schrijft geschiedenis
De Leeuwarder Courant volgt de Friese teams en sporters op de voet.
LWD Basket verliest van laagvlieger & zwemteam HZ&PC schrijft geschiedenis
De Leeuwarder Courant volgt de Friese teams en sporters op de voet.De redactie van Leeuwarder Courant (Leeuwarder Courant)
Trump’s FBI Moves to Criminally Charge Major Climate Groups
The Trump administration is targeting climate organizations that received a Biden-era grant.
#news #politics #uspol #uspolitics #GOPCult #trump #corruption #climate
Why religious leaders are divided on transgender rights
Posted into All Things Considered @all-things-considered-npr
B.C. looks to attract U.S. doctors and nurses with pitch to fast-track credentials and planned recruitment campaign
Posted into Canadian news @canadian-news-globeandmail
B.C. looks to attract U.S. doctors and nurses with pitch to fast-track credentials and planned recruitment campaign
The province plans to remove barriers to U.S. doctors who wish to be licensed and practise medicine in B.C. to help boost health care workers in the provinceKristy Kirkup (The Globe and Mail)
reshared this
To post something different, 15-25mm of rain are expected in Ottawa on Sunday, with flooding possible because of snow on ground.
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Pour publier quelque chose de différent, 15 à 25 mm de pluie sont attendus à Ottawa dimanche, avec des inondations possibles à cause de la neige au sol.
// Article en anglais //
Ottawa weather: Significant rain expected this weekend
Environment Canada sent out a “tap on the shoulder” to residents in the Ottawa-area warning them to prepare for a significant rain system this weekend.Natasha O'Neill (CityNews Ottawa)
Found some early spring wild onions!
(Notes: these are everywhere around here. We only picked a small handful of bulbs. Generally you'd only snip the leaves and allow the bulb to stay in the ground to keep growing. And you only harvest a small amount amongst a larger crop so that they keep growing year after year.)
"A new four-lane highway cutting through tens of thousands of acres of protected Amazon rainforest is being built for the COP30 climate summit in the Brazilian city of Belém."
Amazon rainforest cut down to build highway for COP climate summit
The infrastructure required to host climate talks in Belém is undermining the cause, campaigners say.Ione Wells (BBC News)
Play my browser game!
Try to discover all the entities in the biome. Once you have this knowledge, try to uncover them in the shortest amount of time!
#webDev #gameDev #javascript #game #puzzle
"Мирне вирішення війни в Україні неможливе раніше 2026 року": російські аналітики розробили інструкції для кремля
росія повинна працювати над розпалюванням напруженості між США та іншими країнами. Аналітики закликають російську владу до створення буферних зон на кордонах з рф та демілітаризованої зони біля Криму.Вадим Хлюдзинський (UNN)
Editorial cartoons similar to investigative journalism. #AnnTelnaes 2019 piece, cautioning about the indications of an unhealthy environment for freedom of expression.
A foretelling for 2025?
"One of the strangest dynamics of modern politics is that the richest man in the world chooses to get his information from grifting ignoramuses on social media."
Anyone with an ounce of intelligence understands that, when making decisions, good information is like intellectual gold dust."
~ Brian Klaas
#Musk #Trump #SocialMedia #disinformation #misinformation
"Knowingness" and the Politics of Ignorance
Much ink has been spilled about "polarization." Most of it ignores a major cause: the widespread, misplaced faith that we already know that which we do not know.Brian Klaas (The Garden of Forking Paths)
"By contrast, operating on bad information courts disaster. Garbage in, garbage out. ...
In the past, we needed to worry about uninformed voters, those who didn’t know much about politics. These days, we need to worry about the much more dangerous misinformed voters."
"Uninformed voters often recognize the limits of their knowledge and are therefore more hesitant. Misinformed voters are certain they know something they don’t—and they don’t hesitate to act, sometimes aggressively, on those false beliefs."
EPA faces a lawsuit seeking to unfreeze funds supporting low-income Americans.
#DwightYoakam #GuitarsCadillacsEtcEtc #VintageVinyl
Greenland votes for opposition party that favors a gradual approach to independence
Posted into World News @world-news-npr
I don't know whether it'll eventually cause problems but so far I haven't noticed any new bugs on my usual news sites.
I think it's like PiHole as a service.
Does anybody you know in the FOSS world is involved in some Foundation or Association for a project in Belgium or The Netherlands? I'd love to hear your experience! At @postmarketOS we are looking into starting a legal entity, and we are still pondering pros and cons of different options (gitlab.postmarketos.org/postma…) We already got lots of feedback from German e.V. and a Spanish Foundation is likely a no-go.
#askfedi #foss #postmarketos #GNOME
Legal entity for postmarketOS (#75) · Issues · postmarketOS / postmarketOS · GitLab
I think it would be benificial for pmOS to have a legal entity. The team is growing and we are trying to get more money from...GitLab
This #video has been taken down from Instagram but I think it needs to be seen by everyone here.
#classwar #wa #usa #america #fascism #oppression #repression #spokane #acab #AllCopsAreBastards #ausgov #politas
Трамп не зміг сконцентруватися через шкарпетки Венса: курйоз потрапив на відео
Шкарпетки віцепрезидента США не залишилися поза увагоюГеннадій Лубенець (News.Telegraf)
ЗСУ завдали втрат окупантам РФ на Покровському напрямку — що відомо
Сили оборони України продовжують стримувати натиск окупаційних військ. На даний час відбулося 123 бойових зіткнення. Ситуація на Покровському і Курському напрямках залишається напруженою.Ольга Покотило (online.ua)
Western Digital Expands High-Capacity Storage Solutions for Creative and NAS Workflows
Boosting storage for creative professionals. Western Digital has introduced a new lineup of high-capacity…Lyle Smith (StorageReview.com)
Putin besucht Truppen in umkämpfter Kursk-Region
Russlands Präsident Putin hat erstmals seit dem Eindringen ukrainischer Truppen die russische Grenzregion Kursk besucht. Er gab dabei den Befehl, die restlichen ukrainischen Einheiten zu vertreiben.
'Diogenes received an invitation to dine with one whose house was splendidly furnished, in the highest order and taste, and nothing therein wanting. Diogenes, hawking, and as if about to spit, looked in all directions, and finding nothing adapted thereto, spat right in the face of the master. He, indignant, asked why he did so?
"Because," Diogenes, "I saw nothing so dirty and filthy in all your house. For the walls were covered with pictures..."
— Galen
India Sees Opportunity in U.S. Tariffs : State of the World from NPR
Posted into Business @business-npr
New York gallery for Visionary art offers an inner journey in time for the vernal equinox
The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in upstate New York is unveiling the second contemporary art exhibition in its Entheon museum at ‘an auspicious time of year’, according to its foundersVittoria Benzine (The Art Newspaper - International art news and events)
Universities across the U.S. freeze hiring as federal funding hangs in the balance
Posted into All Things Considered @all-things-considered-npr
in reply to George Takei 🏳️🌈🖖🏽 • • •tinydoctor
in reply to George Takei 🏳️🌈🖖🏽 • • •Serge
in reply to George Takei 🏳️🌈🖖🏽 • • •Lisa J. Warner / Lisa Luv
in reply to George Takei 🏳️🌈🖖🏽 • • •JimJoe
in reply to George Takei 🏳️🌈🖖🏽 • • •tuban_muzuru
in reply to George Takei 🏳️🌈🖖🏽 • • •MFTech
in reply to George Takei 🏳️🌈🖖🏽 • • •Dew
in reply to George Takei 🏳️🌈🖖🏽 • • •Jens Finkhäuser
in reply to George Takei 🏳️🌈🖖🏽 • • •