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Manager is micromanaging me to the fucking end of the earth and I can't spend time writing my resume.
in reply to Jo

work rant

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in reply to Jo

work rant

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PSA: Zombies in Rogule are no joke

#Rogule 2025-3-12
🧝 5xp ☠🧟 228 👣
streak: 0
⚔ 🐀🩇đŸș🧟

i just spent 15 minutes getting super glue off my fingers, only to look at the thing i glued and poke it to see if it was still wet. it was :neocat_facepalm:

Empathy rocks and kindness is punk as fuck

Pseudo Nym reshared this.

The best British fish and chips? 🐟

(Multiple choice for the aficionados)

#Fish #Chips #FishandChips
#Cod #Haddock #Rock #Scampi
#BritishFood #BritishScran
#Poll #FoodPoll #TakeAway
#Food #Scranodon #Scranodon

  • Cod (0 votes)
  • Haddock (0 votes)
  • Rock (0 votes)
  • Scampi (0 votes)
Poll end: 6 days ago

Tesla Dealerships Attacked With Molotov Cocktails

When you're in the red
No amount of green-washing
Will make it turn black.

#dailyhaikuprompt - green

Person: *makes a remark*
Me: "What?"
Person: "It's a joke."
Me: "What is? I don't understand."
Person: "Oh..."
Person: *just leaves*
Me: "Well, I still don't get the joke, but now I feel bad too."

I wish this wasn't such a regular occurrence for me.

in reply to Neia masks đŸ”đŸŒ™


I know what you're referring to, but I don't think that's the case here.

I think for this, it's more my neurodivergence at play. Unfortunately, sometimes I just need things spelled out for me. And I think people interpret my asking for clarification as being dismissive or rude, or something. But I don't intend it that way. I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad. I just really don't understand and want to be involved...

Which ironically often makes me feel even more left out. ^^;

in reply to Lynn Senpai

Yeah :/ Even if the person said "It's clear in my head but I'm having trouble getting it into words" that would be better, I suspect

No green new deal now
Got same stinking old red deal
Same old groan and gramps

#dailyhaikuprompt - green - red #haiku #prompt

So how is daylight savings working out for you? I think I have enough saved up for the foreseeable future. We can stop now.

Not even an hour in, and we’ve already got company! đŸŹâ›Žïž #Dolphins showed up right after departure—almost like they knew we were heading south to track down the #krill industry stripping the ocean bare and came to wish us luck.

These beautiful creatures depend on a healthy ocean. And so do we. Will you stand with us to #StopThePlunder?

Learn more about our campaign via the link in our bio.📌

đŸŽ„ Alice Gregoire / Sea Shepherd

girlfriend hasn’t accepted my linkedin request yet. she doesn’t want to connect. she doesn’t want to build
in reply to alinađŸłïžâ€âš§ïžđŸŸ

this got me thinking
surely people have met and started dating and had romantic relationships and whatnot on linkedin
not sure what to do with that info :neogob_pensive:

đŸŒżđŸŸ Join us for the 11th Compassionate Derby on March 22nd at St Peter's Church, Derby! A FREE event celebrating compassion, sustainability, & animal welfare. đŸŒ±

✅ 40+ stalls
✅ Talks, workshops & demos
✅ Proceeds to Brinsley Animal Rescue

🕙 Autism-friendly hour: 10-10:30 AM

#CompassionateDerby #EcoFair #Vegan #Sustainability 💚

A true story: at one point Microsoft was selling four entirely unrelated products all pronounced "link". Microsoft Link, Linq, Lynq and Lync.

You'd think whoever let that happen would have lost their job, but years later as we were struggling to fix a Teams interop problem in Firefox, we discovered that the real problem was that MS had _two unrelated products called Microsoft Teams_ who never talked to each other.

Well good news everyone, that guy got promoted:

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to mhoye

Two Teams teams, not acting as a single team. Of course.
in reply to Dan Scott

@dbs Like so much these days, if I wrote it as satirical fiction people would agree that no, that's a little much.
in reply to mhoye

Not to take away from the amusement but LINQ wasn't "sold" nor was it a product, it was a technology included in .NET.

Microsoft really do have a naming problem though. I used to work at Xbox and I couldn't tell you how all the Xbox console names relate to each other. Unlike PlayStation where any Joe can understand that.

Axon’s Draft One, which produces AI-generated police reports, purports to cut in half the amount of time officers spend writing police reports. But a recent police agency’s decision to discontinue use of the software and a new scientific study cast doubt on those assertions.

in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

I mean, police reports are between 40 and 100% Lies By Volume; show me a police officer who files a proper, truthful, and complete report, and I’ll show you a police officer who’s unemployed.

Protect Net Plurality! đŸŠŸ

Broad brush duties under the UK Online Safety Act threaten any website with possible penalties.

Small, safe sites can't shoulder this burden. We'll see the lights going out on blogs, Fedi instances and forums from 17 March with a devastating impact for online communities.

The Fediverse is under attack!

We must #SaveOurSites 🌐

#netplurality #onlinesafety #onlinesafetyact #ukpolitics #ukpol #mastodon #fediverse #activitypub

reshared this

in reply to Open Rights Group

I live in the UK and I'm in the process of building a website about vintage buses, a harmless subject, you'd think. But what if my opinions, or comments made by my readers fall foul of these unclear rules? The UK's freedom of speech is being quickly (not slowly) eroded.

I think I'll just build my website offline for now and just post on Mastodon, until Mastodon faces the same issues as been suggested regarding content by UK users.

Let's hope that it never comes to that.

in reply to Vintage Buses

Online speech went the moment the law was passed. Mastodon is the least safe from the law too, as there's no big lobbyist to help us. I'm starting to think if they're going to make us criminals just for talking to each other (the law talks about groupchats and email too), we might be better off just accepting it and talking via Tor anyway, sadly...

The “save page” button in browsers has been broken forever, and it’s easily fixable.

Don’t just save the source. Everything is scripted and will not work.

Instead take a snapshot of the DOM tree, and Base64 encode images. Leave Script and frame elements out. Inline stylesheets. Carbon frozen copy of the state the page was in in one standalone HTML file.

I scripted a console command to do this in 3 hours. It could save the front page of Google.

I may put that in a Gist if people are interested.

in reply to ducky

Another Firefox extension that does this is

Which is not to say that options aren't good to have! So by all means please do publish it somewhere.

Here's the second installment of my Paramilitary Leaks series. How you can set up your computer to read through the leaked militia chats yourself

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

reshared this

AND I killed a bug in the office

I'm practically a super hero at this point.

Don't @ me PETA

Trump has been asking #Ukraine for mineral rights in exchange for aid, but extracting those minerals will require new infrastructure, new roads, more processing technology, investment, technical expertise, and, above all, an end to Russia’s invasion.

[ It's decided, OPNsense is currently installing over pfSense! ]

So my Intel N100 quad core with 16Gb ram and a 256GB NVME drive and 4 x 2.5Gb ethernet ports has arrived with pfSense preinstalled but I'm thinking I'd be better off with #OPNsense installed instead?
Am I right as this is going to be my main router / firewall ? Feel free to comment and thank you.
No I'm not using #OpenWRT anymore sorry.
#FreeBSD #IntelNUC #RunBSD

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Justine Smithies

"No I'm not using #OpenWRT anymore sorry." Did you write anywhere something about why? Because I am just starting with OpenWRT on Banana Pi R-4.
in reply to samurro

No I haven't written anything. Basically just wanted to be more FreeBSD friendly.

in reply to George Takei đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆđŸ––đŸœ

I don't believe that image can possibly happen: Musk's trucks can't drive on a lawn without getting bogged down, right?

Desde la Red Federal por la Defensa de los DDHH y la Democracia compartimos la Guardia Jurídica que estarå funcionando este miércoles 12 de marzo, en el marco de la convocatoria al Jubilazo Federal.

Si reprimen o detienen a algĂșn compañerx tenĂ© en cuenta los telĂ©fonos de la Guardia.

En las calles nos cuidamos entre todxs.

ÂĄJubiladxs somxs todxs, sĂłlo es cuestiĂłn de tiempo!

🇹🇩 G7 foreign ministers meet in #Canada Wednesday to discuss moves to halt the Russia-Ukraine war, but US Secretary of State Marco Rubio shrugged off questions about a prospective American takeover of the host country.

in reply to Russia-Ukraine Daily News

Hopefully we don't let any convict felon rapists into the country, we have promised to keep our border secure.

Hey #Monsterdon. If you have any Yeti / Cryptid / King Kong / 1970s trope suggestions for this week's bingo card, throw them at me. I'm at a bit of a loss this week. This film seems to defy all rational description. 😂
in reply to Cherizilla 🍿

Sign of presence in nature
Howling heard
Native mythology described
Blurry photo displayed
Horrified victim babbles
Village incident
Expedition death
Scientist theorizes
Fur found
Violence recommended
Nightime scare
Blood on snow

imagine being able to afford a huge homestead

This is important

  • Ctrl-C (47%, 74 votes)
  • Ctrl+C (52%, 83 votes)
157 voters. Poll end: 6 days ago

in reply to George Takei đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆđŸ––đŸœ

Stock market over bloated... (checks notes) and you're saying this after Trump just created a "Strategic Bitcoin Reserve"? Uh huh.
in reply to George Takei đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆđŸ––đŸœ

If the republicans had anything significant to say about the decline of the stock market, they surely wouldn't use "tubby's" voice. I doubt the man can even spell stock market.

Migrants detained in Panama expressed fear of returning to their countries.

“They will execute me without hesitation,” one texted.

“I am LGBT. My country harass these people. I cannot live a normal life in my country,” said another.

#News #Panama #Trump #Immigration #Migrants #Asylum #Aid

ProPublica reshared this.

in reply to ProPublica

By now it should be clear to all refugees (for poverty or persecution) that the U.S. is no longer "the land of the free" but the "home of the Donald Trump ass lickers", who preach anyone who has no money is a criminal (most real criminals have lots of money).

Europe is no alternative: simply to many refugees coming, no place to stay, no jobs. Also Europe has a strict policy: any employer who hires illegal immigrants pays a large fine. Hospitals will not be payed for treating you.

You know, if Tesla fired him and brought back the guys he stole the company from, they might have a chance...

Blaise reshared this.
