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A true story: at one point Microsoft was selling four entirely unrelated products all pronounced "link". Microsoft Link, Linq, Lynq and Lync.

You'd think whoever let that happen would have lost their job, but years later as we were struggling to fix a Teams interop problem in Firefox, we discovered that the real problem was that MS had _two unrelated products called Microsoft Teams_ who never talked to each other.

Well good news everyone, that guy got promoted:…

This entry was edited (3 days ago)
in reply to mhoye

The linked article seems to be about Remote Desktop. I'm not following the connection.
in reply to Demian

@dgodon what could possibly go wrong having an OS named "Windows" and also having an app named "Windows" :blobcatfacepalm2:
in reply to Skullvalanche

@skullvalanche D'oh, I get it! I was looking for something about MS Teams and the guy responsible for that and overlooked the obvious. Thx
in reply to Demian

@dgodon Occurs to me that this may be in preparation for a thin client future where Windows is an app- which you open up to use a Windows desktop hosted in Azure.
in reply to Skullvalanche

@skullvalanche @dgodon

Yeah, the semi-obvious endgame here is that windows becomes what we used to call a "thin terminal" where the OS is actually full-time SAAS.

in reply to mhoye

Having flashbacks to the days when MS had two video calling products: Skype, and "Skype for Business" (formerly Lync), which had absolutely nothing in common with Skype
in reply to Jason Lefkowitz

@jalefkowit Lync became Skype for business _became Teams_ so maybe it’s just one serial killer?
in reply to mhoye

A lone madman, massacring his way up the corporate ladder. Mr. Ripley in Redmond
in reply to Jason Lefkowitz

@jalefkowit after windows, what’s next? Microsoft, the app for Microsoft by Microsoft? At some point there must be nowhere else to go.
in reply to mhoye

@mhoye I had to read a long way to figure out what happened. I would like all the Remote Desktop Apps, please...
in reply to mhoye

Everything but what I really want: sausage links and lynx (the feline).
in reply to mhoye

Two Teams teams, not acting as a single team. Of course.
in reply to Dan Scott

@dbs Like so much these days, if I wrote it as satirical fiction people would agree that no, that's a little much.
in reply to mhoye

Not to take away from the amusement but LINQ wasn't "sold" nor was it a product, it was a technology included in .NET.

Microsoft really do have a naming problem though. I used to work at Xbox and I couldn't tell you how all the Xbox console names relate to each other. Unlike PlayStation where any Joe can understand that.
