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Chuck Schumer is worse than the dogshit I stepped in while reading about his cloture complicity.
in reply to Hannu Ikonen, MD

Time for a new Worker's Party. Check out the one forming in Workers Strike Back

Door number 414 (request URI too long) has been found in the garden. At least the important part of it. Upside down. Acting as critter barrier.

It held up better than the piece of crap plastic panel next to it.

#Http414 #Doors

Which OS Is Best: Windows, macOS, Linux, or ChromeOS? We take a close look, weighing the pros and cons of each:…

Washington Blues: A Government Town Faces a Gloomy Future

For years, Washington, D.C., was insulated from many of the economic forces that decimated many older U.S. cities. Now, as Elon Musk’s mass layoffs shake everything from employment to real estate, the region faces the prospect of decline.…

#News #DOGE #WashingtonDC #Economy #Government #Labor

Saw a post about teens not dating anymore, and... I think I am anti-dating? It feels like training kids in outdated courtship ritual that revolves around spending money and by extension commodifies relationship?

Essa figura feminina não usa nada, exceto um penteado trançado e um sorriso. Ela está segurando seus seios, um gesto típico das Deusas babilônicas. O acabamento é rudimentar, o estilo é simples, mas esse objeto cotidiano de bolso nos permite olhar de maneira direta para o rosto de uma personagem de três mil e quinhentos anos atrás. 122 mm de altura.
Sobre mim e meu trabalho: acesse o link da Bio -

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reshared this

USANazi regime:
We are gonna annex Canada! We are going to threaten & fire our most competent, most skilled professionals! We are going to do whatever we want because we are number one.

Number one most hated nation.
That is never going to happen.
We will fast track your medical professionals & look at fast tracking other skilled professionals who want to live/work in Canada instead of being under threats by their own government. Thanks, for for brain draining your best & brightest.

‘People Are Scared’: Inside CISA as It Reels From Trump’s Purge

“You've got a lot of people who are looking over their shoulder as opposed to looking at the enemy right now,”

“Most people are … doing the work of 2+ full-time [staffers].”

America is going *great*.…

First world problem: you eat whatever you want, including sugar and fastfood, yet your calorie deficit is about to kill you. Seriously, I might have to get used to proteine cocktails to compensate daily losses… guess in a way it’s even good to be me.
in reply to L

I'll admit, it's also lifestyle.

In my youth I served in the USMC - I was a well-oiled machine, used to burning 8-10K calories a day, and eating that much, too.

After the Corps, when I was unable to exercise and burn off those calories, is when the problem started - my appetite didn't diminish.

So, yeah, a combination of genetics and habits in my case.

I've always envied people who can eat what they want and stay fit... Hope and pray that you don't experience a metabolic reversal like I did.

in reply to Eh Eye Ate Dub Yah ✡︎

@admin i only started regular workouts recently (4.5 months ago), to my great surprise my appetite didn’t change and this resulted in calorie deficit and now in low energy. Genetics again, my whole family was unhealthy in almost every way except for metabolism… wishing you the best of health and strength, I wish we all were less dependent on things we can’t change no matter how hard we try.

pixelfed - Link to source

I have just sent a few #postcards with motifs from #Olsberg via #postcrossing.
I hope the recipients are happy...

Happy Pie Day in the Cloudflare Lisbon Office.

And … we’re hiring:…

Canadian woman put in chains, detained by ICE after entering San Diego border…

Everyone wanting web rings and search engines back…
Give me web directories back.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Leitura da semana: trecho de "Ela disse: Os bastidores da reportagem que impulsionou o #MeToo" -…

hrt, needle

Sensitive content

Cell phone insurance is so funny like
They are asking for over half what I pay monthly for car insurance
For a midrange smartphone

There's something people should consider before calling "robots.txt" and adjacent efforts not good enough: the alternative is worse. The only way to exclude AI scrapers would be to turn all platforms into closed off silos that don't expose anything to the public internet. You would have to create an account for all of them and confirm somehow that you're a human. If the whole internet did that, it would fucking suck badly. It's as if everything turned into Discord servers you can't peek into. It's basically what all the AI bros have been saying to justify their scraping: "Don't make things public, it's your own fault."
Do you really want this? I don't. I'd rather see laws passed that make obeying robots.txt et al mandatory.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Volpeon

Even more than ten years ago when I worked in tech support for a webhost, googlebot and baidubot (CN) barely if at all respected robots.txt.

robots.txt was a standard introduced by Google!!! And they barely respected their own standard by the early 2010s. No, they wanted you to sign up for a new Google Webmasters account and use their fancy new proprietary dashboard to direct their spiders. >:E

Yahoo and hilariously yandex (RU) were the best behaved spiders of the time.

in reply to Volpeon

Not the case. It is possible to block by user agent, and for the ones who spoof that (hello Bytedance) by IP address.

Attacks on known vulnerabilities are so widespread that a large proportion of sites already have some sort of captcha on the front end, and a law, in particular an unenforceable one, won't change that either.

Good morning. More new blooms sprouting in the neighborhood. Life finds a way through the decay. #Photography #Today #Bloomscrolling #Chicago #Spring

pixelfed - Link to source

Another night, another SniffiVerse™ walkies selfie 🐾 💜

📸 13/03/2025

#Labrador #DogsOfMastodon #Dog #DogsOfPixelfed #Labradorable #Dogs #PixelfedDogs #Selfie #EyeContact

#ScribesAndMakers March 13 Self Promo

Like others I wanted to share a link to a creator I really enjoy but more and more it's impossible to find their music online:

Someone else has grabbed their music on YouTube and is putting it uo as their own.

You could still get a used cd maybe.

I wrote the review that was quoted at times alongside the album:…

This is also just a PSA, shit disappears or gets co-opted on the internet. Be a curator.

in reply to ClaraBlackInk

I think I and a few folks who knew the band are the last remaining curators/collectors.

At some point I'll upload my written interview with the band again. I should try to digitize the interview itself. I haven't decided if I'll ever reupload the photos I have. They dropped offline before AI came along so it's hard to say if anyone else re-uploaded the lower quality versions.

I still want people to hear the music but...the corporate internet is gross.


“The target is not Christians, it’s Christian nationalism. The target is not men, it’s patriarchy. The target is not white people, it’s white supremacy. The target is not heterosexuals, it’s homophobia. Don’t take it personally; join the work and dismantle the oppressive systems.”

- Sylvia McAdam

A Canadian citizen has been detained by the USA’s ICE for trying renew her TN visa.

Note: I couldn’t find an accessible Canadian source.…
- - -
Une citoyenne canadienne a été détenue par l’ICE des États-Unis d’Amérique pour avoir essayé de renouveler son visa TN.

// Article en anglais //

#Canada #USA #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #ÉtatsUnis #ÉUA

:boost_requested: Dear Fediverse, I am about to step up into my first role as a tech lead (*context in follow-up post) and would like to ask some questions to help me prepare & improve:


  • 🔵 Technical: Devs, DevOps, Infra
  • 🟠 Product: Marketing, UX/Design, etc
  • 🟣 Business: HR, management C-roles.


  1. What are your initial thoughts when you hear you'll be getting a new tech lead?
  2. What are your hopes & expectations for them?
  3. What are your concerns when a new "tech lead" is hired?
  4. What changes do you hope for, or expect?

❗ Please add your colour to your reply & poll.

Lastly, if you have other advice for someone who wishes to be the best possible tech lead of their teams.

#programming #engineering #tech #techlead #management #leadership #python

  • 🔵 Technical (88%, 15 votes)
  • 🟠 Product (11%, 2 votes)
  • 🟣 Business (0%, 0 votes)
17 voters. Poll end: 1 week ago

in reply to Ada ​

🔵 I don't have that much experience with what a tech lead is supposed to do, but my first worry would be whether they come to boss me around and tell me I'm doing things wrong or are they guiding the team and explaining why a different approach would be better.

I'm pretty sure you would be able to quickly remove those worries, but still, that's my first worry. Good luck!

Hello Sunshine has you walking in the shadow of a giant robot so you're not fried by the sun…

#HelloSunshine #IndieGames #PCGaming #Gaming #LinuxGaming

Waiting for Pixelfed to get up and running with their encrypted messaging.

Seems single source platforms can be too easily compromised.…

in reply to eliseo

xmpp is pretty cool but I took up Matrix protocol as a replacement. All my ruby gems for xmpp are abandoned - but Matrix actively develops support for Ruby
in reply to G. Gibson

Matrix is a potential honeypot funded by the Israeli Mossad and multiple other western intel agencies, I'd rather keep a safe distance from anything that gets funded by a state intelligence agencies, specially a zionist one. That aside Matrix codebase is terrible, every single client is a clusterfuck mess and there's a total lack of a cohesive standard and agreement as to how a server and client should be implemented. XMPP is the antithesis of Matrix in that there's a standard first and then a reference implementation that developers can follow to make their own, XMPP also doesn't have influence of any government organization, unlike Matrix.
in reply to G. Gibson

As for why I avoid Signal. Other than the obvious things such as mandatory phone number requirements which is discriminatory against people that doesn't have phone number and also paradoxically very privacy unfriendly, the founder has a strong opinion in favor of centralization and has repeatedly showed an anti federation discourse over the years, given how Signal is designed it seems consistent with the kind of culture the project has as "convenient solution to a complex problem". I don't trust snake oil sellers, their clients being free software (which I doubt, requires investigation) means nothing if the server is in hands of a single company or organization.
in reply to eliseo

The mobile signal client is not free software - you cannot compile a working binary without authentication keys that the signal developers refuse to provide to f-droid for example.

It's only if you customize the server and client to no longer be signal, that you can actually compile it and it'll work, but you may as well use better chat software at that stage.

There is also a (somewhat broken) CLI library, but you can't use it without passing a "captcha" that requires a phone number and running proprietary JavaScript, so that's clearly not free either.

in reply to 翠星石

So Signal is essentially a western Telegram on everything Telegram sucks.
in reply to eliseo

@eliseo01 @mistergibson

Thanks for the information. I suspected the fediverse is the best way to go. I anxiously await Pixilfed.

in reply to Truth Or Consequences ✅ 🇺🇦

If I ever recommend Pixelfed to someone then I'm being impersonated. Pixelfed is absolutely proprietary and the developer behind it has been framed multiple times as a saboteur.
in reply to eliseo

@eliseo01 @mistergibson

Good to know. I was under the assumption that Pixelfed was federated and operated on independent servers.

#anishnaabe #WhiteFeathers
I sent you a little white feather
I placed it right there in your way
I wrapped it in love with a message
to let you know you’ll be okay

I drew you a colourful rainbow
It followed your car for a while
I made a spectacular rainbow
I hoped it would show me your smile

I flew down a beautiful robin
It landed right there on your ledge
I prayed he would give you the strength
to push yourself back from the edge
#spirit #light
I lite a candle today.....

#ScribesAndMakers Mar 13: Shameless self-promotion day

Books! I've got lots of books. Kobo and Kindle should have all of my ebooks.

For paperback, pretty much any place that sells books should be able to get them for you.

There aren't a lot of people named Steve DeGroof in the world, so searching for my name at a book vendor should point you in the right direction.

Or, y'know, google "steve degroof books" if you want.

#BC woman is being detained by ICE in an Arizona detention centre.

#Canada #CdnPoli #BoycottAmerica #News…