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Anyone who has given at least one of them an honest try, and then decided accordingly that tiling window managers do NOT work well with your specific workflow: Why don't they?

I mean this neither sarcastically nor rhetorically, nor do I intend to solicite any objectively bad takes any hotter than my own; I'm actually asking.

#tilingwindowmanager #askfedi #foss #linux #unixporn

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Day Use X Mockin' Uh reshared this.

in reply to Day Use X Mockin' Uh

for me, it's less about the window manager and more about the machine. On laptops I prefer tiling for two reasons. (1) I simply hate using trackpads, and I'm usually using my laptop on any surface other than a desk or table. A keyboard driven workflow here is essential. (2) Screen real-estate is premium.

On my desktop PC however, I have a dedicated mouse and large mouse pad. I also have a large 27" monitor so I simply have have no need for a tiling window manager.

Day Use X Mockin' Uh reshared this.

in reply to Day Use X Mockin' Uh

I tried #hyprland but issues of remembering workspaces and also keybinds is a mess and using different keyboard layouts
Plasma I can see graphically and bind only what I always open using general keys (Meta, Shift, Alt, , Numbers) is way better for me
in reply to Day Use X Mockin' Uh

@Day Use X Mockin' Uh

I have tried many WM over the last 30 years. I just do not like tiling Window Managers. It is just not the way I work. I do about 80%+ of my work from the CLI so it is just not a need for me. I do like using Awesome WM (the only tiling WM I liked) on Gnome DE instead of Mutter. Though currently I have just been using Mutter. I used to like the Bells and Whistles of KDE for the first few years after it came out in 1998 though it got fat quick and feature bloat was premium. When Plastic released Gnome had grown up a lot from the first time I used it in 1999 and I have used it ever sense.

I have Cosmic installed on my system because my 9 year old granddaughter loves it and it is her preferred WM.

in reply to Day Use X Mockin' Uh

My main issue with traditional tiling window managers is I just find the windows are too small unless you have a really big display. And I spend the most time using an 11” MacBook Air. I did try out qtile’s different modes and found TreeTab and Zoomy to be fairly nice. But I didn’t like having to configure things in Python. Then I found out about Niri and I love it. It might not be for everyone, but the scrolling columns really fits with my workflow.
in reply to Day Use X Mockin' Uh

I was pretty much a fan of floating windows for forever (Mac, Windows, Gnome, Openbox) until Pop_OS introduced their Pop Shell extension (auto tiler for Gnome) and tried that out for a while – now I’m on LabWC with a handful of hotkeys set up to emulate tiling

three main takeaways from tiling I get are: no overlapping windows (nothing hidden), workspaces (one Youtube video claimed workspaces were tilers’ killer feature), and keyboard focus (hotkeys everywhere)