iPhone 17 Air Reportedly 9.5mm Thick Including Camera Bump…
iPhone 17 Air Reportedly 9.5mm Thick At Camera Bump End
Apple is expected to replace the iPhone "Plus" model in its upcoming iPhone 17 lineup with an all-new ultra-thin iPhone 17 Air, and so a lot...Tim Hardwick (
Linux Is Best likes this.
My own experience is, that I get paid for my day job, very often before any results, but for #freeSoftware it's rather difficult to get funding.
The good thing is, if the source code is free and open, you do not depend on the original author. If the original authors don't implement your pet feature for 2000 ₤, maybe somebody else does?
Btw. my employer paid for various free software enhancements, e.g. #modemManager, #ejabberd, #libstrophe.
Fifth Avenue at 44th Street looking north. New York City
#FifthAvenue #44thStreet #NewYorkCity #BankersTrustCompany #NewYorkCitys #DorotheaLange #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange
Ukraine-Liveblog: ++ US-Unterhändler auf dem Weg nach Russland ++
Nach Angaben Trumps sind US-Unterhändler auf dem Weg nach Russland, um über den Vorschlag für eine Waffenruhe in der Ukraine zu sprechen. Polens Regierungschef Tusk plädiert für eine starke Rolle der Türkei im Friedensprozess.
Ukraine-Liveblog: ++ Ukraine pocht auf europäische Beteiligung ++
Sollte es zu Friedensverhandlungen mit Russland kommen, sind diese für den ukrainischen Außenminister Sybiha nur mit europäischer Beteiligung vorstellbar. Beide Kriegsparteien melden weitere gegenseitige
@sybren @blender regarding the weekly module meetings: is there a Google Calendar or something similar I can subscribe to? That way I can see it time-zone-adjusted on my calendar and see which ones I could potentially make.
The meeting notices on have a Meet link but that doesn't share event details automatically in a calendar.
Reds Return Rule 5 Selection Cooper Bowman To Athletics
The Reds have returned Rule 5 draft selection Cooper Bowman to the Athletics, per announcements from both clubs. Cincinnati’s 40-man roster count drops to 39. Bowman does not need to go onto the 40-man roster with the A’s. More to come.…
Reds Return Rule 5 Selection Cooper Bowman To Athletics
Cooper Bowman is back with the A's, with the Reds sending the Rule 5 pick back. Read more at MLB Trade Rumors.MLB Trade Rumors
Signal is better that way.
I'm also able to use my Mac, iPad and watch to make and receive calls with it on.
「刺されそうな配信者筆頭なので震える」最上あいさん刺殺事件、過激発言で炎上した女性ライバーもコメント - ライブドアニュース
ライバーが刺殺された事件を巡る、X上の反応をFLASHが伝えた。配信者のたぬかなは「刺されそうな配信者筆頭なので震える」と投稿。これには身を案じる声とともに、「不謹慎だ」との声もあると芸能記者は話すSmart FLASH (livedoor News)
Amazon forest felled to build road for climate summit
Indigenous peoples are sounding the alarm. Illegal activities like mining and deforestation are expected to spike in this region…
#amazonnews #copsummit #climatechange #amazonbasin #indigenous #highway #COP30 #optics #climatedestruction
PSA: Zombies in Rogule are no joke
#Rogule 2025-3-12
🧝 5xp ☠🧟 228 👣
streak: 0
⚔ 🐀🦇🐺🧟
The best British fish and chips? 🐟
(Multiple choice for the aficionados)
#Fish #Chips #FishandChips
#Cod #Haddock #Rock #Scampi
#BritishFood #BritishScran
#Poll #FoodPoll #TakeAway
#Food #Scranodon #Scranodon
- Cod (0 votes)
- Haddock (0 votes)
- Rock (0 votes)
- Scampi (0 votes)…
Tesla Dealerships Attacked With Molotov Cocktails
Tesla car dealerships across the U.S. have been attacked with guns and Molotov cocktails in recent days over what protesters believe is Elon Musk’s overreach in government. What do you think?The Onion Staff (The Onion)
NASA Invites Media to Annual FIRST Robotics Rocket City Competition - NASA
Alabama’s FIRST Robotics Regional Competition is scheduled for Friday, March 14, through Saturday, March 15, at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, Alabama.NASA
[18:18] Topseizoen Jenning de Boo kan bij WK in Hamar alleen nog maar mooier worden. ‘Ik ga sowieso met een lach naar huis’
Het seizoen van Jenning de Boo kan voor de belangrijkste wedstrijd van het schaatsjaar al niet meer kapot. Toch wil de Groninger bij de WK afstanden in Hamar andermaal oogsten.…
#JenningdeBoo #Groninger #WK #Hamar
Topseizoen Jenning de Boo kan bij WK in Hamar alleen nog maar mooier worden. ‘Ik ga sowieso met een lach naar huis’
Het seizoen van Jenning de Boo kan voor de belangrijkste wedstrijd van het schaatsjaar al niet meer kapot. Toch wil de Groninger bij het WK in Hamar andermaal oogsten.Lars Goerres (Dagblad van het Noorden)
When you're in the red
No amount of green-washing
Will make it turn black.
#dailyhaikuprompt - green
[18:23] Eva (43) richtte Samen naar School-klas op in Groningen: ‘Iedere ouder met een gehandicapt kind komt in deze shit’
Eva Boon zag een toekomst voor zich als onderzoeker in de evolutieleer. Ze zet zich nu dag en nacht in voor haar ernstig meervoudig gehandicapte dochter Anna* en richtte in Groningen de Samen naar School-klas op. Zodat Anna gewoon kan meedoen.
Person: *makes a remark*
Me: "What?"
Person: "It's a joke."
Me: "What is? I don't understand."
Person: "Oh..."
Person: *just leaves*
Me: "Well, I still don't get the joke, but now I feel bad too."
I wish this wasn't such a regular occurrence for me.
I know what you're referring to, but I don't think that's the case here.
I think for this, it's more my neurodivergence at play. Unfortunately, sometimes I just need things spelled out for me. And I think people interpret my asking for clarification as being dismissive or rude, or something. But I don't intend it that way. I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad. I just really don't understand and want to be involved...
Which ironically often makes me feel even more left out. ^^;
No green new deal now
Got same stinking old red deal
Same old groan and gramps
#dailyhaikuprompt - green - red #haiku #prompt
Not even an hour in, and we’ve already got company! 🐬⛴️ #Dolphins showed up right after departure—almost like they knew we were heading south to track down the #krill industry stripping the ocean bare and came to wish us luck.
These beautiful creatures depend on a healthy ocean. And so do we. Will you stand with us to #StopThePlunder?
Learn more about our campaign via the link in our bio.📌
🎥 Alice Gregoire / Sea Shepherd
surely people have met and started dating and had romantic relationships and whatnot on linkedin
not sure what to do with that info

[18:24] Zorgen om ‘tegenvallend’ aantal passagiers op luchthaven Eelde. ‘Wie gaat het verlies ophoesten?’
Niet voor het eerst en vermoedelijk ook niet voor het laatst debatteerde het Drentse Parlement woensdag over Groningen Airport Eelde (GAE). Een aantal linkse partijen maakte zich ernstig zorgen over het 'tegenvallend' aantal luchtreizigers via Eelde.…
#Nietvoorheteerst #DrentseParlement #Groningen #Eelde #GAE
Zorgen om ‘tegenvallend’ aantal passagiers op luchthaven Eelde. ‘Wie gaat het verlies ophoesten?’
Niet voor het eerst en vermoedelijk ook niet voor het laatst debatteerde het Drentse Parlement woensdag over Groningen Airport Eelde (GAE). Een aantal linkse partijen maakte zich ernstig zorgen over het ‘tegenvallend'’ aantal luchtreizigersMartin Messing (Dagblad van het Noorden)
🌿🐾 Join us for the 11th Compassionate Derby on March 22nd at St Peter's Church, Derby! A FREE event celebrating compassion, sustainability, & animal welfare. 🌱
✅ 40+ stalls
✅ Talks, workshops & demos
✅ Proceeds to Brinsley Animal Rescue
🕙 Autism-friendly hour: 10-10:30 AM
sprouting green growth
rotting black fungus
#DailyHaikuPrompt (green) #haiku #senryu #poetry #WritingCommunity #Resist
[18:02] Sale agreed on Sinéad O’Connor’s €1.295m former Bray home
Sinéad O’Connor’s former Bray home is off the market after going up for sale in December with a seven-figure asking price.
A true story: at one point Microsoft was selling four entirely unrelated products all pronounced "link". Microsoft Link, Linq, Lynq and Lync.
You'd think whoever let that happen would have lost their job, but years later as we were struggling to fix a Teams interop problem in Firefox, we discovered that the real problem was that MS had _two unrelated products called Microsoft Teams_ who never talked to each other.
Well good news everyone, that guy got promoted:…
Microsoft is replacing Remote Desktop with its new Windows app
Microsoft is replacing its Remote Desktop app with the new Windows app. The transition will take place on May 27th.Tom Warren (The Verge)
Not to take away from the amusement but LINQ wasn't "sold" nor was it a product, it was a technology included in .NET.
Microsoft really do have a naming problem though. I used to work at Xbox and I couldn't tell you how all the Xbox console names relate to each other. Unlike PlayStation where any Joe can understand that.
Anchorage Police Department: AI-Generated Police Reports Don’t Save Time
The Anchorage Police Department (APD) has concluded its three-month trial of Axon’s Draft One, an AI system that uses audio from body-worn cameras to write narrative police reports for officers—and has decided not to retain the technology.Electronic Frontier Foundation
Protect Net Plurality! 🦾
Broad brush duties under the UK Online Safety Act threaten any website with possible penalties.
Small, safe sites can't shoulder this burden. We'll see the lights going out on blogs, Fedi instances and forums from 17 March with a devastating impact for online communities.
The Fediverse is under attack!
We must #SaveOurSites 🌐…
#netplurality #onlinesafety #onlinesafetyact #ukpolitics #ukpol #mastodon #fediverse #activitypub
Save our Sites: Deadline 17 March
Incredible as it may seem, thanks to the Online Safety Act, dozens of harmless, safe, small websites are closing down by 17 March, rather than face threats of fines that could lose their operators their homes.Open Rights Group
reshared this
I live in the UK and I'm in the process of building a website about vintage buses, a harmless subject, you'd think. But what if my opinions, or comments made by my readers fall foul of these unclear rules? The UK's freedom of speech is being quickly (not slowly) eroded.
I think I'll just build my website offline for now and just post on Mastodon, until Mastodon faces the same issues as been suggested regarding content by UK users.
Let's hope that it never comes to that.
Online speech went the moment the law was passed. Mastodon is the least safe from the law too, as there's no big lobbyist to help us. I'm starting to think if they're going to make us criminals just for talking to each other (the law talks about groupchats and email too), we might be better off just accepting it and talking via Tor anyway, sadly...
Paul Cantrell
in reply to Paul Cantrell • • •OK, screw it, I want to do this. I want to put a little money in TSLQ and TSLZ (which is a way of betting that Tesla stock will drop). Clearly nonsense as a financial plan; I’ll only put in an amount I’m willing to lose. This is just for symbolic reasons. I’m willing pay a few bucks to raise this middle finger.
Recommendations: What's a less-terrible place to open an account where I can trade individual stocks? It needs to be low overhead and low nonsense; there will only ever be at •most• a few hundred dollars involved.
Shannon Clark
in reply to Paul Cantrell • • •if you have a bank account somewhere that also owns a brokerage most have low cost/self managed trading options (for example if you bank with Bank of America you can open an account at Merrill Lynch pretty easily. May not be the most ideologically pure but may be easy if you already have the accounts.
(fewer credit unions or b corp banks have brokerages)
I'm reasonably happy with Charles Schwab but not sure their minimums but generally decent (relatively for their industry)
Paul Cantrell
in reply to Shannon Clark • • •ShadSterling
in reply to Paul Cantrell • • •ShadSterling
in reply to ShadSterling • • •right, I made my comparison public -…
Didn’t actually compare on how much I like the web interface
ShadSterling (
MastodonPaul Cantrell
in reply to ShadSterling • • •Parker Morse
in reply to Paul Cantrell • • •Paul Cantrell reshared this.
in reply to Paul Cantrell • • •Remember to short or buy puts. And buy a long enough term so you don't get caught in the Rancid Kumquat talking up the price.
I'm not sure why you'd want to just plain buy the stock. That thing is so overvalued it's floating purely on belief in Musk's genius. (Check out the P/E, over 100! _After_ it's down about 50%.) And that belief has nowhere to go but down at this point.
John Breen
in reply to Paul Cantrell • • •Paul Cantrell
in reply to John Breen • • •My dim and highly dubious understanding is that people betting against like this do actually help drive down the price, so I say go for it!
John Breen
in reply to Paul Cantrell • • •My account tools show the history of the fund, so I could look, but why...
John Breen
in reply to John Breen • • •John Breen
in reply to John Breen • • •My little portfolio has appreciated 20%, including about 10% today, though it's been quite volatile over the first week.
I'm not advising that anyone invest money they can't afford to lose in this way !
Paul Cantrell
in reply to John Breen • • •Finally managed to jump through all the hoops and get a danged brokerage account open, and my similar portfolio (basically yours plus a dash of TSLS) is up ten bucks the first day. Good times.
But of course making short-term money isn’t really the point; I’m not planning to sell unless / until the company is in the gutter. As an investment, it’s a little moonshot, and I kissed that money goodbye in my mind the moment I bought.
John Breen
in reply to John Breen • • •Paul Cantrell
in reply to John Breen • • •Eesh, grim