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Slicing up kumquats for marmalade takes a lot longer than I expected
in reply to Emily Velasco

It took me 90 minutes to get them all cut up, but cut up they are, and now they are marmalizing
in reply to fredy cosmoline

I'll let you know. It depends on my what my work day is going to be like
in reply to fredy cosmoline

You better show up in period-correct italian mail carrier attire, with a letter for me on genuine vintage italian stationery, written in italian by the hand of a bona fide italian person
in reply to Emily Velasco

Everything in my kitchen is sticky now. Send prayers to me for me as I clean up. I may end up perishing while adhered to a surface like an unfortunate fly on flypaper
in reply to Emily Velasco
in reply to Come On Giant Asteroid!

I don't actually know your age-ish so this may not be appropriate for Younger Viewers .... because they are too young to have been there at the time.
in reply to Emily Velasco

As I suspected - not suitable for younger viewers! Which of course absolutely *kills* me ...
in reply to Emily Velasco

marmalade and jellies are the most diabolically difficult things to fully eradicate. You'll be finding sticky drawer pulls and stuff for months
in reply to Emily Velasco

Do you plan to create a custom... artistic... label for kumquat marmalade to go with your kumquat liquor labels?

Today's Low Quality Ad is for this Leather Hole Punch Tool. I carry mine everywhere. You never know when someone's leather jacket will get wrapped around their face, and they'll be in need of a hero to punch an air hole into it so they don't suffocate.…

in reply to Cory Doctorow

this is why the Rs are taking union-busting to the states with laws like Ohio SB1 aiming to kneecap (first) university collective bargaining units

@riley imagining once again a guy who keeps getting distracted reading those books thinking how this clone army of that dude from the william blake mythos are being made in an ancient mesopotamian city and anyway it's such a relief when i see newer fantasy stuff just flat-out use irl people and place names or transparently obvious and easily translated compound nouns
in reply to dirty badwrong person

@apophis Hey, imagine being named, say, Devin or Damon or Dexter, and then, when you're in middle school, somebody makes a famous movie where the Big Bad shares your name.
in reply to Riley S. Faelan

they other day on bsky there was a thread asking everyone "who's the worst person with your first name"

started by a guy named elon

Let me tell you how I became a proud science denier, and how it saved my life.


If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…


in reply to Cory Doctorow

an older example of the same thing: to be gay in the 1970s, in many countries you had to think you knew better than the health authorities, who believed this was an illness you should try to cure.

and then, a couple of years later, the same health authorities ask you to believe that there's a dangerous illness going around that somehow mysteriously requires gay people to limit their sex lives.

knowing which scientific claims to trust is _very hard_.

Cory Doctorow reshared this.

in reply to Cory Doctorow

I don't think this science denial. A big part of science is rigorous debate of the evidence. If you have evidence to the contrary, whether it's "anecdotal" lived experience or published data, then not blindly trusting established narrative *is* science. Dissenting views and contradictions are more valuable to the scientific process than confirmations* because it's evidence of some misunderstanding that can be used to push science as a whole forward.

*Of course you need some confirmations, and the replication crisis is a whole separate issue that leads to mistrust in science

By the way nobody asked but I think that both rewriting pip in Rust (uv) and rewriting TypeScript in Go are catastrophically bad decisions, with rewriting TypeScript in Go being a slightly worse decision. The self hosting nature of TypeScript was such a huge benefit
in reply to Lucas Treffenstädt

@lucas There's a project called AssemblyScript which is designed around writing a near variant of TypeScript that gets compiled to wasm. This provides tantalizing hints of things that were possible.

I think (I've heard various things today, some contradictory) that AssemblyScript might partially depend on calling into the self-hosted TS however so I'm not sure what happens to it in Go/TS world :/

Morgen ist Nationaler Warntag

Morgen, am 13. März 2025, findet in Deutschland der jährliche Warntag statt. An diesem Tag werden in verschiedenen Bundesländern die Warnsysteme getestet, um die Bevölkerung im Ernstfall effektiv über Gefahren informieren zu können. Die Uhrzeiten für die
This entry was edited (3 days ago)

In case you weren’t paying attention, most of the people that understand economics told you that Trump was going to be a disaster. Only those that were part of the cult told you otherwise. So now you are going to act surprised because you voted for a felon, a bigot, a con man, and a dolt.…


WOW 😳 🤯

The Trump administration and GOP, they are admitting this!!!


iPhone 17 Air Reportedly 9.5mm Thick Including Camera Bump…

#Apple #news #bot

Die Warnstreiks im öffentlichen Dienst haben heute ihren Höhepunkt erreicht. Tausende Beschäftigte legten in NRW ihre Arbeit nieder. Warum sie streiken und was Betroffene dazu sagen.#WDR #Verdi #Streik #NRW #ÖffentlicherDienst #Tarifverhandlungen

Shorting stock is a risky and ill-advised move, only for experts, almost certainly a bad idea except for experts, yes, yes, I know.


With Tesla up a bit today, I wish I had a brokerage account already so I could short it for, say, one week out from now, just with a few symbolic bucks.

in reply to Paul Cantrell

OK, screw it, I want to do this. I want to put a little money in TSLQ and TSLZ (which is a way of betting that Tesla stock will drop). Clearly nonsense as a financial plan; I’ll only put in an amount I’m willing to lose. This is just for symbolic reasons. I’m willing pay a few bucks to raise this middle finger.

Recommendations: What's a less-terrible place to open an account where I can trade individual stocks? It needs to be low overhead and low nonsense; there will only ever be at •most• a few hundred dollars involved.

This entry was edited (3 days ago)
in reply to Paul Cantrell

if you have a bank account somewhere that also owns a brokerage most have low cost/self managed trading options (for example if you bank with Bank of America you can open an account at Merrill Lynch pretty easily. May not be the most ideologically pure but may be easy if you already have the accounts.

(fewer credit unions or b corp banks have brokerages)

I'm reasonably happy with Charles Schwab but not sure their minimums but generally decent (relatively for their industry)

in reply to Shannon Clark

I do have a Fidelity account through one old employer’s 401(k), and probably that’s the easiest. But I hate their web interface so much….
in reply to Paul Cantrell

huh, I tried out I think 6 different brokerages, and decided Fidelity was the best. There’s a few things Schwab does better, and it was a different one that allowed buying mutual funds by shares, but it was way better than most of the web interfaces
in reply to ShadSterling

right, I made my comparison public -…

Didn’t actually compare on how much I like the web interface

in reply to Paul Cantrell

I'm in. I have some "unrealized gain" from buying stock in my brother's employer 15 years ago and just... sitting on it. I sold a little and rolled it into TSLQ. I didn't do anything to earn that money and I'm happy to put it to work like this.

Paul Cantrell reshared this.

in reply to Paul Cantrell

Remember to short or buy puts. And buy a long enough term so you don't get caught in the Rancid Kumquat talking up the price.

I'm not sure why you'd want to just plain buy the stock. That thing is so overvalued it's floating purely on belief in Musk's genius. (Check out the P/E, over 100! _After_ it's down about 50%.) And that belief has nowhere to go but down at this point.

in reply to Linux Is Best

following your advice, the linux desktop is doing really well. Firefox, too. When you want something to change, just go and do it. That is the open source deal. Programming something I don't need isn't.
in reply to hunderteins

Linux is not doing well, as a desktop, and Firefox is almost dead. If Foss does not focus on keeping things simple, corporations and government oversight will always be the majority, and always the accepted norm.

Ukraine-Liveblog: ++ US-Unterhändler auf dem Weg nach Russland ++

Nach Angaben Trumps sind US-Unterhändler auf dem Weg nach Russland, um über den Vorschlag für eine Waffenruhe in der Ukraine zu sprechen. Polens Regierungschef Tusk plädiert für eine starke Rolle der Türkei im Friedensprozess.


#Liveblog #Ukraine

@sybren @blender regarding the weekly module meetings: is there a Google Calendar or something similar I can subscribe to? That way I can see it time-zone-adjusted on my calendar and see which ones I could potentially make.

The meeting notices on have a Meet link but that doesn't share event details automatically in a calendar.

in reply to Sybren A. Stüvel

thank you, I appreciate that. Is there a way to find out for other modules (devtalk, someone to ask)?
in reply to Spencer Magnusson

If they don't link anything in the meeting notes, I doubt that they have a calendar set up.

Hypocritical fans of Russia | Break the Fake…

Reds Return Rule 5 Selection Cooper Bowman To Athletics

The Reds have returned Rule 5 draft selection Cooper Bowman to the Athletics, per announcements from both clubs. Cincinnati’s 40-man roster count drops to 39. Bowman does not need to go onto the 40-man roster with the A’s. More to come.…

#reds #baseball #ATOBTTR

Question for my friends on #Mastodon who have smart phones, do you choose to turn Wi-Fi calling on or off and why? Thanks in advance for indulging my curiosity once again.
in reply to Robin Frost

I turn it on.
Signal is better that way.
I'm also able to use my Mac, iPad and watch to make and receive calls with it on.

Manager is micromanaging me to the fucking end of the earth and I can't spend time writing my resume.
in reply to Jo

work rant

Sensitive content

in reply to Jo

work rant

Sensitive content

Отбит масштабный штурм: потери РФ в солдатах и технике под Северском огромные. ВИДЕО… #ukraine

Что говорят в РФ о перемирии с Украиной: от осторожных заявлений до требований “гарантий”… #ukraine

Трамп подарил Cybertruck своей 17-летней внучке Кай… #ukraine

Партія головного опонента Орбана впевнено лідирує за рік до виборів… #Новини

PSA: Zombies in Rogule are no joke

#Rogule 2025-3-12
🧝 5xp ☠🧟 228 👣
streak: 0
⚔ 🐀🦇🐺🧟

i just spent 15 minutes getting super glue off my fingers, only to look at the thing i glued and poke it to see if it was still wet. it was :neocat_facepalm:

Empathy rocks and kindness is punk as fuck

Pseudo Nym reshared this.

The best British fish and chips? 🐟

(Multiple choice for the aficionados)

#Fish #Chips #FishandChips
#Cod #Haddock #Rock #Scampi
#BritishFood #BritishScran
#Poll #FoodPoll #TakeAway
#Food #Scranodon #Scranodon

  • Cod (0 votes)
  • Haddock (0 votes)
  • Rock (0 votes)
  • Scampi (0 votes)
Poll end: 2 days ago

Tesla Dealerships Attacked With Molotov Cocktails…

The Rocket City Regional – Alabama’s annual For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST) Robotics Regional Competition – is scheduled for Friday, March 14, through Saturday, March 15, at the Von Braun Center South Hall in Huntsville, Alabama. FIRST Robotics is a global robotics competition for students in grades 9-12. Teams are challenged […]

[18:18] Topseizoen Jenning de Boo kan bij WK in Hamar alleen nog maar mooier worden. ‘Ik ga sowieso met een lach naar huis’

Het seizoen van Jenning de Boo kan voor de belangrijkste wedstrijd van het schaatsjaar al niet meer kapot. Toch wil de Groninger bij de WK afstanden in Hamar andermaal oogsten.…

#JenningdeBoo #Groninger #WK #Hamar