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NEW: In the wake of the downfall of cybersecurity watchdog CISA, #Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes (D) plans to launch an alternative program aimed at safeguarding elections and rebuilding trust in the democratic process.…

Три роки боротьби. У ГУР привітали легіон «Свобода Росії» з подвійною річницею…

I've been lucky enough to be born and surrounded by the necessary conditions to recently scale from the 64.5% vulnerable/poor class to the 32.4% middle class of my country. I'm just a blink away from poverty.
I have the privilege of having spare time to think about the injustice we endure as a society.
I'm looking for a community to learn/help more.
I want to focus my energy and time on solutions. I would love to support any Open Source projects that need Spanish Translation.✊🏽
in reply to Ciclop

Welcome to the Fediverse! Your interests really align with some great hashtags here.

‘Incredible!’ CNN Busts Trump DOGE Spox Making Influencer Vids at Gov Office Amid Job Cuts…


when you have a kink for forcefemming the bus driver from The Simpsons


NEW: A D.C. federal judge allows Trump to fire the head of the U.S. African Development Foundation, one of the smallest federal agencies. However, the judge ruled that #Trump likely lacks authority to install a state department official to lead the agency.…

in reply to Laffy

Trump's fascism appears random until you realize Africa is Putin's source for replenishing his gold reserves.…………

The gold reserves that fund his war on Ukraine & Europe.

Africa is also a major source of fissionable minerals, just like Ukraine, Canada, and Greenland. Uranium mining.…

We can have one of two things — but not both.

We can either have a society that tolerates (celebrates?) millionaires and billionaires polluting the planet and destroying the biosphere...

Or we can have a planet with a healthy biosphere but with fewer millionaires and NO billionaires at all.

Your choice.

#Government #Politics #History #Economics #Capitalism

This entry was edited (6 days ago)
in reply to Bread and Circuses

I made that decision 45 years ago. Unlike me, society, particularly American society, chose millionaires, billionaires, and destruction. Lose, lose, lose. Yay me. Yay comrades and fellow travelers. I will continue anti-billionaire-and-destruction 'til I die. Maybe some billionaires will be taken out before I go. I do not expect the destruction to end.
in reply to tinydoctor

Even without the problem of climate change, the extreme concentration of wealth is unsustainable for many other reasons. And on top of that, it sucks.
This entry was edited (6 days ago)

Overseas Experts Declare Ukraine Army Defeated at Kursk

The Russian side says a huge victory has been won. There’s not a lot of information from the Ukrainian side.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #Breaking #BreakingNews


but like murse or man bun

when a guy wants to describe how he gets off at the idea of himself as a woman, but wants to make it VERY CLEAR that this doesn't mean he's gay or a woman or anything

in reply to Frankie ✅

I tried to this following their 'guide' and none of my settings looked like what they have listed. I was able to get through it but how many others won't and give up.

Bob Dylan Explains Why Music Has Been Getting Worse…

Keir Starmer’s government held a private meeting with Elbit Systems, Israel’s largest weapons company, Declassified has found.

The meeting occurred in December 2024 and was attended by three representatives from Elbit Systems and three officials from Yvette Cooper’s Home Office.

It took place months after Israeli forces used an Elbit drone to kill three British military veterans in Gaza who were protecting a humanitarian aid convoy.…

🕎 🇵🇸 ☮️
#Gaza #Palestine

Länderchefs pochen auf raschen Beschluss zum Finanzpaket

Die Ministerpräsidenten der Länder wollen keine Zeit verlieren: Das Finanzpaket von Union und SPD soll so schnell wie möglich verabschiedet werden, fordern sie. Die Reform der Schuldenbremse vom Sondervermögen zu trennen, lehnen sie ab.


#Bundesländer #Finanzpaket

Baca komik Magan no Akuyaku ni Tensei Shita no de Oshi Chara o Mimamoru Mob o Mezashimasu Bahasa Indonesia!!!
Segera baca di
#EKomik #Komik #Comic #Manga #Action #Adventure #Fantasy #Romance

Baca komik Magan no Akuyaku ni Tensei Shita no de Oshi Chara o Mimamoru Mob o Mezashimasu Bahasa Indonesia!!! Segera baca di #Komik #Comic #Manga #Action #Adventure #Fantasy #Romance
in reply to E-Komik

🔥 Pecinta Komik, Ini yang Kamu Tunggu! 🔥
Chapter terbaru dari Magan no Akuyaku ni Tensei Shita no de Oshi Chara o Mimamoru Mob o Mezashimasu (Chapter 06.1) sudah hadir dalam Bahasa Indonesia! 🎉
📖 Gabung bersama ribuan pembaca lainnya dan nikmati kisah serunya.
✨ Jangan biarkan orang lain tahu kisah ini lebih dulu, baca sekarang dan rasakan sendiri keseruannya!
👉 Klik di sini untuk mulai membaca sekarang:
⏳ Jadilah yang pertama tahu apa yang terjadi selanjutnya!
#EKomik #Komik #Comic #Manga #Action #Adventure #Fantasy #Romance

Baca komik Magan no Akuyaku ni Tensei Shita no de Oshi Chara o Mimamoru Mob o Mezashimasu Bahasa Indonesia!!! Segera baca di #Komik #Comic #Manga #Action #Adventure #Fantasy #Romance
in reply to E-Komik

🔥 Pecinta Komik, Ini yang Kamu Tunggu! 🔥
Chapter terbaru dari Magan no Akuyaku ni Tensei Shita no de Oshi Chara o Mimamoru Mob o Mezashimasu (Chapter 06.2) sudah hadir dalam Bahasa Indonesia! 🎉
📖 Gabung bersama ribuan pembaca lainnya dan nikmati kisah serunya.
✨ Jangan biarkan orang lain tahu kisah ini lebih dulu, baca sekarang dan rasakan sendiri keseruannya!
👉 Klik di sini untuk mulai membaca sekarang:
⏳ Jadilah yang pertama tahu apa yang terjadi selanjutnya!
#EKomik #Komik #Comic #Manga #Action #Adventure #Fantasy #Romance

Baca komik Magan no Akuyaku ni Tensei Shita no de Oshi Chara o Mimamoru Mob o Mezashimasu Bahasa Indonesia!!! Segera baca di #Komik #Comic #Manga #Action #Adventure #Fantasy #Romance

Are Senate Dems Tough Enough To Let GOP Shut Down Government?…

in reply to Cindy Weinstein

Going to Steve's account explicitly to boost his original post instead of this screenshot attention grab. 🙄
in reply to ticho

When I see posts like that, I think "activism" not "attention seeking" regardless of how they choose to post. If someone wants to amplify my post via screen grab, have at it. It's all good.

The majority of X refugees are #Resistance activists. Let's not scare them away.

OFFS! They'll chip away & keep claim-lying fraud & abuse til bye-bye SS.

" #SocialSecurity Admin considering ending phone program that helps w claims processing/used by millions of elderly & disabled Americans...would disrupt the agency’s internal operations, threaten its ability to serve the public..just as DOGE is targeting the agency for across-the-board staff cuts of more than 12%"…

in reply to Laffy

I read an interesting interpretation of what the goal is. To get Americans so disgusted with the SS administration that they welcome Social Security Advantage, a privately run SS payment system. Thereby moving trillions of dollars into the control of private financial services. SS itself wouldn't be destroyed, rather we'd make wealthy people wealthier by giving them the keys to the kingdom of SS cash. It's a huge money grab, much bigger than SS elimination would ever be.
in reply to Laffy

Here’s something we can do, according to Rep Jaimie Raskin:…

honestly we really need the 4-day work week (#4dww) just so we can get one spare day to play with all the new tools and models coming out at this insane speed

This is such a self-inflicted injury by Trump.

Glyn Moody reshared this.

Make it rain 🌧️

The UK government’s demand for a spy hole makes your iCloud storage leaky.

All your pics, docs, finances and more are up for grabs. Hackers, blackmailers and predators will have a field day.

Sign our petition to save Apple encrypted services!


#encryption #e2ee #privacy #security #cybersecurity #ukpolitics #ukpol #apple

This entry was edited (6 days ago)
in reply to Open Rights Group

History is a set of lies agreed upon.

The UK government took to revisionist tactics and wiped its advice for lawyers and barristers to use Apple encrypted services.

Putting victims of crime at a greater risk of harm so you don't contradict yourself isn't a good look 🤷‍♂️…

#encryption #e2ee #privacy #security #cybersecurity #ukpolitics #ukpol #apple

This entry was edited (6 days ago)
in reply to Open Rights Group

In response to the State's demand for insecurity, Apple withdrew its encrypted services from the UK and appealed.

A secret tribunal now decides 🤫

This hearing MUST happen in public.

It starts with Apple... the UK government will chomp away encryption to a rotten core.…

#encryption #e2ee #privacy #security #cybersecurity #ukpolitics #ukpol #apple

This entry was edited (6 days ago)

Dutch Ship Launches Tomahawk Missile for the First Time…

Trump increasing the wrong kind of consumption.…

The largest camera ever built for astrophysics (3200-megapixels, >3000 kg) was installed this week at the Rubin Observatory at Cerro Pachón in Chile.

The Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) camera, the final major component of the Rubin Observatory's Simonyi Survey Telescope, was transported to the summit in May 2024.

After a few more months of testing, first light is expected around 4 Jul 2025.…
#Science #Astronomy #Space

in reply to AkaSci 🛰️

The Rubin Legacy Survey of Space and Time LSST Camera is the largest camera ever constructed for astronomy. It is a large-aperture, wide-field optical camera, capable of viewing light from the near UV to near infrared wavelengths.

Length: 3.73 m
Height: 1.65 m
Weight: 2,800 kg
Pixels: 3.2 billion
Wavelength: 0.32–1.06 μm
Filters: 6 (u-g-r-i-z-y)
Field of view = 3.5° (moon = 0.5°)
Operating temperature: -100°C

in reply to AkaSci 🛰️

The focal plane of the Vera C. Rubin telescope consists of 189 4kx4k charge-coupled device (CCD) sensors, arranged in a total of 21 3-by-3 square arrays. The system is cooled to about -100 °C to minimize noise.

The 3.5° field of view of the 64 cm wide array is 40 times the area of the full moon in the sky.

Camera Data Rates: ~3.2 GBytes/sec peak raw data 😲
1 pixel = 16 bits (raw)
Pixels: 3.2 billion
Detector read-out time: 2 sec…

This entry was edited (6 days ago)

USA und Ukraine: Was wurde vereinbart - und was bedeutet das?

Nach massiven Spannungen zwischen den Präsidenten Trump und Selenskyj haben sich die USA und die Ukraine überraschend auf einen gemeinsamen Vorschlag für eine Waffenruhe geeinigt. Was sieht der Vorstoß vor - und wie reagiert Russland?


#Ukraine #Russland #Waffenruhe #USA

Einer #ZEIT-Recherche von Georg Mascolo und Holger Stark zufolge ist der #BND davon überzeugt, dass das #Corona-Virus aus einem chinesischen #Labor stammt. Die Bundesregierungen überzeugte der Geheimdienst nicht, und die Erkenntnisse blieben unter Verschluss.…

Zugüberfall in Pakistan: Tote bei Geiselbefreiung

Die Geiselnahme von Hunderten Menschen im pakistanischen Balutschistan ist offenbar beendet. Alle Angreifer wurden getötet, erklärten die Sicherheitskräfte. Allerdings kamen auch bis zu 50 Geiseln ums Leben.


#Pakistan #Zug #Geiseln #Balutschistan

Marktbericht: DAX bäumt sich auf

Erneut versuchen sich die Aktienmärkte an einer Erholung. Diesmal sind die Vorzeichen angesichts der Hoffnung auf einen Waffenstillstand in der Ukraine und erfreulicher Inflationsdaten etwas besser.


#Marktbericht #DAX #DowJones #S&P500

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket with the company’s Dragon spacecraft on top is seen during sunrise on the launch pad at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, ahead of the agency’s SpaceX Crew-10 launch. NASA astronauts Anne McClain, Nichole Ayers, JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) astronaut Takuya Onishi, and Roscosmos cosmonaut Kirill Peskov […]

Laut Medienberichten ging der Auslandsgeheimdienst BND in der Pandemie mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit davon aus, dass das Coronavirus seinen Ursprung in einem Labor in China hatte. Doch das Kanzleramt soll die Einschätzung zurückgehalten haben.#Corona #Ursprung #BND #Bundesregierung #Labor #Wuhan

Pandemie-Ursprung: Hielt das Kanzleramt BND-Einschätzung zu Corona zurück?

Laut Medienberichten ging der Auslandsgeheimdienst BND in der Pandemie mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit davon aus, dass das Coronavirus seinen Ursprung in einem Labor in China hatte. Doch das Kanzleramt soll die Einschätzung zurückgehalten haben.


#Corona #Ursprung #BND #Bundesregierung #Labor #Wuhan