A Confused Country
The citizens of the United States of America have been lied to so often that now they believe and recite the lie as if it were the truth. It is sad really, as this is how Democracy dies.
To take back our democracy the first thing that is required is that people understand that the politics in Washington DC are not our leaders. They are our representatives. The Senate and House are not your leaders. They are your representatives. Get that into your head and realize what it means. They are not supposed to lead you or make decisions for you. They are supposed to represent you. To vote and support bills on your behalf.
Why does no one seem to get this? Why do educated people keep referring to our representatives as leaders when they simply are not? Until people figure out that We The People are the real leaders of this county. We will keep being lead astray by politicians that have usurped our leadership role and taken it for their own agenda.
Is it to late for America to restore itself as a Democratic Republic? Have we become to complacent in our responsibilities that we now desire to be controlled? I wish I had some evidence to contradict these sad ideologies though at this point it looks as if the American Citizen just wants to be lead astray rather than accept the responsibility of leading our country.