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Little merlin (a bit of a blur-lin, tbh) keeping an eye on the woods from the top of the tallest Ponderosa.

Starting to think I should grow a few more edible plants this summer - I always grow tomatoes and loads of herbs, and will probably do more radishes. Will do a patio aubergine too.

What will do well within a flowerbed? Rainbow chard? Maybe long beans up a support? #gardening

Massive Layoffs at the Department of Education Erode Its Civil Rights Division

Only five of the agency’s civil rights offices remain nationwide. Those who are still with the department say it will now be “virtually impossible” to resolve discrimination complaints.…

#News #Education #CivilRights #Trump #Discrimination #Students

ProPublica reshared this.

[03:20 PM] Agreement reached on new coalition in Groningen; VVD and GroenLinks join BBB and PvdA

Four parties have reached an agreement about a new coalition in the province of Groningen. BBB, VVD, GroenLinks, and PvdA have agreed on a new governing program.…

#Four #Groningen #BBB #VVD #GroenLinks

“The President Wanted It and I Did It”: Recording Reveals Head of Social Security’s Thoughts on DOGE and Trump

In a recording obtained by ProPublica, acting Social Security Commissioner Leland Dudek portrayed his agency as facing peril, while also encouraging patience with “the DOGE kids.”…

#News #DOGE #SocialSecurity #Trump #Government #USPolitics

in reply to ProPublica

"I work for the president. I need to do what the president tells me to do,” Dudek said"
in reply to ProPublica

“They’re learning, let people learn and make mistakes” Typically you learn this stuff in a virtual environment as to NOT BREAK the real thing! This is not the way to be learning about social security, that is just a proposterous vision on DOGE’s actions!

Taiwanese chip giant's investments in US stir 'silicon shield' security worries…

in reply to Baldur Bjarnason

The buried lede here is the sale I'm running to ease over the transition, especially for those in countries with low to no sales tax or VAT on ebooks. A €5 EUR discount until the 19th of March using the discount code:


Direct links with the discount included:

- The Intelligence Illusion: Second Edition.…
- Out of the Software Crisis. baldurbjarnason.lemonsqueezy.c…
- Every Ebook Bundle.…

I have infusion therapy tomorrow. Today's my day to relax and drink tons of water, eat right, and prep myself.
in reply to mkj

@mkj Thank you so much. I'll be a grumpy panda tomorrow but it all be worth it. ❤️

reshared this

in reply to Miah Johnson

@miah I agree. That's why I'm the one trying to make their bosses aware of the alternatives. Many are intrigued, try them, and decide to stay. Others just follow the hype and continue to stick with those solutions as if 'everyone's using them, they must be the most appropriate.'
in reply to Stefano Marinelli

Yes. I applaud your efforts. Keep it up! If people like us aren't pushing back against these corporate platforms they will definitely win the long game (more than they already are).

I think this pattern might be kinda fun. But I might get bored with it after I do the caston.…

in reply to redbanjer 🪕🇺🇦🇨🇦🇬🇱🇲🇽

@redbanjer It's not that I don't like them. I wore them when I worked in an office; now that I work at home I have no need to dress up or put effort into not freezing to death at my desk. 😀

And with my hair long as it is these days (it was very short, pre-WFH), wearing a shawl or scarf for any length of time causes a terrible snarl at the nape of my neck.

in reply to ink and yarn

Oh, well I never wear shawls unless I'm out and about and want to look nice. If I'm home I just throw on a sweater. We just decide what works for us i guess. 😀

Was sorely tempted to buy a new graphics card just now. It would have stretched my finances for a while, but I'd been waiting for the new AMD Radeon 9000 series to come out and one turned up in stock that met my criteria.

Unfortunately (or fortunately), the internet made the decision for me, it was out of stock before I decided to push the button.

#Upgrade #AMD #Radeon

It's hard to say this, but science (& research more generally) is just being **stopped** in the US right now. This is just one university, losing nearly a billion dollars in project funding pretty much overnight. That's people's jobs, and the research that could save lives.…

#America #science

Joy_intl reshared this.

Somehow I got on a spam list that thinks I live in Brazil. Three SpamAssassin rules and something like six custom filters later and I may have managed to stem the flow. Fingers crossed.

I have my old computer compressing a greater than 200GiB file & xz-utils is using five threads but this computer only has four. I'm worried that I have accidentally created a nuclear bomb. It's running at 53°C at 98% CPU usage at the whole 2.4GHz. That's 17.5°C less than maximum operating temperature but I'm still scared I'll melt the computer.
in reply to Luna Lactea

It's getting hotter. I keep blowing it with compressed air to cool it but it's not helping much & I'm going to have to leave for work before it finishes. It's going to be running for like 24 hours.
in reply to Luna Lactea

Am I out of line guessing this is Linux based on the mention of xz-utils? Consider switching the CPU frequency governor to powersave if so. The job will take longer to finish but the CPU should run much cooler.

i hope my posts make creatures even slightly more happy because then it means more hapy

If it wasn't for my beagles and making pots I would be be pretty damn depressed over the state of the Union, but Anyway, Another little glaze experiment on a mug I made, looking rather promising 😀 #art #mastoart #pottery #ceramics #clay

this is like a private messaging app but everyone can read my stuff , so basically it's like every other dm app

I wasn't even aware this was a problem, but now I want to open every single toot and read all the replies!

Definitely should've been a v1.0 thing, but better late than never?…

OMG the Mastodon issue about fetching whole conversation threads finally got completed after 7 years!…

#MastoAdmin #Mastodon

Bathroom Break Considered Self Care…

They always think it won’t be their face. Jennifer Piggott voted for Trump three times, cheered as he promised to gut the government, and now thanks to DOGE—she’s out of a job. Whoops!…

Joy_intl reshared this.

in reply to God

Would love to see you stop being a misogynistic prick to people duped by Trump. This is your Wizard of Oz moment 😈

[14:52] Oud-burgemeester Jan Rijpstra niet veroordeeld voor smaad en laster wegens ‘ondermijningsdocument’ uit Noordwijk

Jan Rijpstra, voormalig burgemeester van Smallingerland, hoeft geen schadevergoeding te betalen voor een gemeentelijk document dat hij liet opstellen in zijn tijd als burgemeester van Noordwijk over de inmenging van de vastgoedwereld in de Noordwijkse politiek. Het document rammelde weliswaar aan alle kanten, oordeelt de rechtbank in Den Haag, maar er is geen sprake van smaad en laster ten aanzien van de ondernemers Paul Brandjes en Victor Salman.…

#JanRijpstra #Smallingerland #Noordwijk #Noordwijkse #DenHaag #PaulBrandjes #VictorSalman

Baca komik Reincarnated as a Genius Prodigy of a Prestigious Family Bahasa Indonesia!!!
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#EKomik #Komik #Comic #Manhwa #Action #Drama #Fantasy #Shounen

Baca komik Reincarnated as a Genius Prodigy of a Prestigious Family Bahasa Indonesia!!! Segera baca di #Komik #Comic #Manhwa #Action #Drama #Fantasy #Shounen
in reply to E-Komik

🔥 Pecinta Komik, Ini yang Kamu Tunggu! 🔥
Chapter terbaru dari Reincarnated as a Genius Prodigy of a Prestigious Family (Chapter 43) sudah hadir dalam Bahasa Indonesia! 🎉
📖 Gabung bersama ribuan pembaca lainnya dan nikmati kisah serunya.
✨ Jangan biarkan orang lain tahu kisah ini lebih dulu, baca sekarang dan rasakan sendiri keseruannya!
👉 Klik di sini untuk mulai membaca sekarang:
⏳ Jadilah yang pertama tahu apa yang terjadi selanjutnya!
#EKomik #Komik #Comic #Manhwa #Action #Drama #Fantasy #Shounen

Baca komik Reincarnated as a Genius Prodigy of a Prestigious Family Bahasa Indonesia!!! Segera baca di #Komik #Comic #Manhwa #Action #Drama #Fantasy #Shounen
in reply to E-Komik

🔥 Pecinta Komik, Ini yang Kamu Tunggu! 🔥
Chapter terbaru dari Reincarnated as a Genius Prodigy of a Prestigious Family (Chapter 44) sudah hadir dalam Bahasa Indonesia! 🎉
📖 Gabung bersama ribuan pembaca lainnya dan nikmati kisah serunya.
✨ Jangan biarkan orang lain tahu kisah ini lebih dulu, baca sekarang dan rasakan sendiri keseruannya!
👉 Klik di sini untuk mulai membaca sekarang:
⏳ Jadilah yang pertama tahu apa yang terjadi selanjutnya!
#EKomik #Komik #Comic #Manhwa #Action #Drama #Fantasy #Shounen

Baca komik Reincarnated as a Genius Prodigy of a Prestigious Family Bahasa Indonesia!!! Segera baca di #Komik #Comic #Manhwa #Action #Drama #Fantasy #Shounen

[14:46] Het onverwoestbare geloof dat het anders kan, heeft verbeeldingskracht nodig

In de kerk van Bertjan van de Lagemaat gaat de digitale veertigdagentijd dit jaar over het thema 'Onverwoestbaar'. Maar wat kun je daarmee als je ziet dat alles in de wereld verwoest lijkt te worden?…

#Lagemaat #Onverwoestbaar

fedi is the place where 🐛WhoA DID YOU SEE THAT BUG


[14:36] Katja (43) uit Emmen runt groep voor hoogbegaafde peuters en kleuters. ‘Als ze samen zijn, durven ze meer’

Dat haar eigen hoogbegaafde zoons vastliepen op de peuterspeelzaal en op school, was voor Katja Scheffer-van Wijnen (43) uit Emmen mede reden om een groep te beginnen voor hoogbegaafde jonge kinderen. ,,Deze kinderen voelen zich niet begrepen en dat kost ze zoveel energie.”…

#KatjaScheffer_vanWijnen #43 #Emmen

Estou lançando uma rifa no valor de apenas R$ 20,00 para concorrer a três livros de uma vez: “Quando Deus era mulher”, de Merlin Stone, “O renascimento da Deusa”, de Carol P. Christ e “Mulheres, mitos e Deusas”, de Martha Robles.
Basta fazer o pix no valor do número de chances que deseja ter (exemplo: 2 chances são 40 reais, 3 chances são 60 reais, e assim por diante) e informar seu nome completo e endereço de e-mail.
Chave pix:
Os livros serão sorteados na live do dia 30/03/25 às 17h.
Compartilhe com o maior número de pessoas para essa campanha em favor de Angela Natel.
Muito obrigada.

Estou lançando uma rifa no valor de apenas R$ 20,00 para concorrer a três livros de uma vez: “Quando Deus era mulher”, de Merlin Stone, “O renascimento da Deusa”, de Carol P. Christ e “Mulheres, mitos e Deusas”, de Martha Robles.
Basta fazer o pix no valor do número de chances que deseja ter (exemplo: 2 chances são 40 reais, 3 chances são 60 reais, e assim por diante) e informar seu nome completo e endereço de e-mail.
Chave pix:
Os livros serão sorteados na live do dia 30/03/25 às 17h.
Compartilhe com o maior número de pessoas para essa campanha em favor de Angela Natel.
Muito obrigada.

[14:41] Medewerkers werkontwikkelbedrijven in Groningen verdienen minder door belastingmaatregelen. ‘Ongehoord en onfatsoenlijk’

Medewerkers van werkontwikkelbedrijven in Groningen trekken aan de bel over verlaging van hun lonen. Een nieuwe belastingmaatregel treft mensen met een arbeidsbeperking onevenredig hard.…


Baca komik I Regressed, but the World didn’t End Bahasa Indonesia!!!
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#EKomik #Komik #Comic #Manhwa #Comedy #Drama #Fantasy #Shounen

Baca komik I Regressed, but the World didn’t End Bahasa Indonesia!!! Segera baca di #Komik #Comic #Manhwa #Comedy #Drama #Fantasy #Shounen
in reply to E-Komik

🔥 Pecinta Komik, Ini yang Kamu Tunggu! 🔥
Chapter terbaru dari I Regressed, but the World didn’t End (Chapter 10) sudah hadir dalam Bahasa Indonesia! 🎉
📖 Gabung bersama ribuan pembaca lainnya dan nikmati kisah serunya.
✨ Jangan biarkan orang lain tahu kisah ini lebih dulu, baca sekarang dan rasakan sendiri keseruannya!
👉 Klik di sini untuk mulai membaca sekarang:
⏳ Jadilah yang pertama tahu apa yang terjadi selanjutnya!
#EKomik #Komik #Comic #Manhwa #Comedy #Drama #Fantasy #Shounen

Baca komik I Regressed, but the World didn’t End Bahasa Indonesia!!! Segera baca di #Komik #Comic #Manhwa #Comedy #Drama #Fantasy #Shounen
in reply to E-Komik

🔥 Pecinta Komik, Ini yang Kamu Tunggu! 🔥
Chapter terbaru dari I Regressed, but the World didn’t End (Chapter 11) sudah hadir dalam Bahasa Indonesia! 🎉
📖 Gabung bersama ribuan pembaca lainnya dan nikmati kisah serunya.
✨ Jangan biarkan orang lain tahu kisah ini lebih dulu, baca sekarang dan rasakan sendiri keseruannya!
👉 Klik di sini untuk mulai membaca sekarang:
⏳ Jadilah yang pertama tahu apa yang terjadi selanjutnya!
#EKomik #Komik #Comic #Manhwa #Comedy #Drama #Fantasy #Shounen

Baca komik I Regressed, but the World didn’t End Bahasa Indonesia!!! Segera baca di #Komik #Comic #Manhwa #Comedy #Drama #Fantasy #Shounen