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Trigger warning: transfobia

Un diputado republicano llama “señor” a una compañera trans y obliga a suspender la sesión: “No tiene usted decencia”

El republicano Keith Self se niega a dirigirse en femenino a la demócrata Sarah McBride y provoca la suspensión de una comisión en EEUU…

#queer #trans #transfobia #eeuu

Sure, eggs are expensive but Trump has made stocks affordable for everyone.

Matt Blaze reshared this.

Thinking about how the hanging Chads incident in the 90s caused a reform party candidate who was so hilariously unpopular that when opinion polls were conducted not a single person voted for him to get something like 20k votes that by all availible information were legitametly entirely by accident.

So I keep telling people we better pray to God their are no hurricanes this year because there may not be any disaster relief. Trump has called FEMA a yuge waste of money, and if he hasn't already, he'll cut off the funding to it. So with all the grifting the oompaloompa is doing, making taxpayers pay for his golf vacations and stupid air force one fly-overs, playing the economy like it's a toy by not delivering on his tariff promises, the ruby-red state of Georgia is in for a rude awakening. Taxpayers down there I guarantee you will be chipping in to pay for they're own disaster relief.

[15:00] Henk (77) uit Gees organiseert een wandeltocht voor het goede doel. ‘Meer stamceldonoren zijn broodnodig’

Henk Epping kampt sinds 2016 met de gevolgen van bloedkanker, maar de 77-jarige optimist uit Gees gaat niet bij de pakken neerzitten. Hij organiseert op zaterdag 24 mei een voorjaarswandeltocht vanuit Gees. De opbrengst gaat volledig naar het centrum voor stamceldonoren Matchis; de teller staat volgens Epping op ruim 700 euro.…

#Henk #2016 #Gees #zaterdag24mei #700euro

I just need to know. What possible advantage is it to medical practices to have their "hold" music play at 10-20 decibels higher than any of their actual messages, menus, notifications, or people?

Every time I call a doctor's office, I end up with impaired hearing in at least one ear!

Blaise reshared this.

Het #CDA is en blijft een lul. De omwonenden van Tata-Steel kunnen de pest krijgen. En nog wel andere ziektes ook, wat #HenriBontenbal betreft.

"Ook CDA-fractievoorzitter Henri Bontenbal waarschuwde voor het "slopen" van grote uitstoters als Tata Steel. Nederland moet niet harder willen verduurzamen dan de rest van de EU, zei Bontenbal, die zelfs open leek te staan voor een aanpassing van de Klimaatwet."… #FuckTataSteel

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The Guardian: Tennessee man shot by his dog while lying in bed

A bullet grazed the Memphis man’s thigh after his one-year-old pit bull got his paw stuck in a gun’s trigger guard


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in reply to AI6YR Ben

is that the guy who said he’d put the safety on next time? Dumbasses keeping loaded guns in their beds are not destined for long lives.
in reply to Steve Wart

@swart I'm having difficulty understanding folks who are so afraid they keep a loaded gun under their pillow. FFS people. I wonder how often people kill themselves in that kind of situation.
in reply to AI6YR Ben

@swart If you've got a loaded pitbull at home surely you don't also need a loaded gun!
in reply to AI6YR Ben

@swart Not unheard of... 2023:

Chicago-area man shoots himself while dreaming of intruder, then arrested on gun charges…

in reply to AI6YR Ben

@swart these are all pathetic wasters, going to guess they are single, creepy and entitled.
in reply to Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈

@Lazarou @swart Here's another one. I only mention it because of "shot himself in the scrotum"


Man accidentally shoots himself while sitting in bed

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — A Providence man accidentally shot himself in the scrotum while sitting on his bed Thursday night, police said.…

in reply to Steve Wart

@swart @Lazarou @feonixrift WAIT, THIS ONE IS BETTER (From March 9th... how often do Americans do things stupid with a gun?)

ABC 13: Man accidentally shot self in foot while attempting to kill cockroach


"DETROIT (WKRC) - A man accidentally shot himself in the foot while trying to kill a cockroach in an unlucky and unfortunate series of events.

Police said that the victim, a 50-year-old man who uses a wheelchair, was attempting to kill a cockroach with his shoe.

He took off his shoe and threw it at the bug to kill it, but a revolver he had hidden in the shoe fell to the ground. Upon making contact with the floor, the gun discharged and the bullet hit the victim in the foot."…

#guns #accident #cockroach #shoe

in reply to AI6YR Ben

"A revolver he had hidden in his shoe [that he had just been wearing]" I'd think that would make the shoe very uncomfortable even when he wasn't actually being shot by it.
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in reply to AI6YR Ben

@mattblaze @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift

i guess cockroaches are tired of the whole "i hear cockroaches can live through being microwaved" and started packing heat? 😀

in reply to Paul_IPv6

@paul_ipv6 @mattblaze @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift
Guy was in a wheelchair, so I guess he was not actually walking with a revolver hidden in his shoe. And he was not actually trying to shot the cockroach. But then, I wonder why he would carry a gun that way. Just imagine the scenario: "Wait a minute, mister highway robber, I need to retrieve the gun in my shoe and scare you off?"
in reply to Christian Huitema

@huitema @paul_ipv6 @mattblaze @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift Perhaps (hear me out), the cockroaches are the ones that put him in the wheelchair in the FIRST PLACE, and were there to FINISH THE JOB?! 🤪
in reply to AI6YR Ben

@huitema @paul_ipv6 @mattblaze @swart @Lazarou @feonixrift I know people who are married and both spouses sleep with guns nearby and they're always strapped. It's gotta be really bad for your mental well-being to feel like you're constantly in moral danger and require lethal force at the ready. These are people who do not live in dangerous or rough neighborhoods.
in reply to AI6YR Ben

There's a particular kind of gun enthusiast who seems to be obsessed with the idea of shooting a home invader, as if they can't want for the opportunity.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

[15:21] Extra miljoen voor bibliotheek in Emmen lijkt geen probleem

De extra 1,1 miljoen euro die nodig is voor de bibliotheek in Emmen lijkt op weinig tegenstand te stuiten.…

#1,1miljoeneuro #Emmen

Hello, I’m a disruptor, very smart, here to create efficiency. I’m just going to drill holes in the bottom of this boat to see which parts of the hull are mission-critical.

More horrific anti-trans legislation out of Texas. Learn more and take action here:…
in reply to Blind LGBT Pride International

@dotsonapage I may have said this to you before, but at the risk of repeating myself, I’m really really sorry #ACB is meeting in the Fascist Republic Formerly Known As Texas. I think my strategy for when I’m there will be to spend as much money strictly inside the hotel as possible so as not to spread it around.

[15:27] LIVE | Vrachtwagen kantelt op bouwterrein in Groningen en auto belandt in sloot bij Nooitgedacht

Branden, ongelukken, files en vertragingen: met dit liveblog volg je het 112-nieuws in Drenthe en Groningen op de voet.…

#112_nieuws #Drenthe #Groningen

Nou de kogel is door de kerk, ik ben met mijn desktopcomuter over op linux. Het kleine zetje dat @mboelen me gaf bleek voldoende. Dus nu heb ik een Apple mac mini die 'helemaal' op Fedora Asahi remix KDE draait want die is speciaal bedoeld voor de M1 en hoger chip die in de hardware zit. Firefox is vooralsnog vervangen door Brave waar Google meteen is uitgesloopt. En het belangrijkste: 1Password draait er ook. Dan kan de rest ook volgen.
Misschien morgen de mail.
Ik vind het leuk, om allerlei.
in reply to Gerard van Oel 🍋

De mail doet het ook, tenminste het eerste account, op Thunderbird. Dat gaat stukken makkelijker dan met KMail, waar ik de ene foutmelding na de andere kreeg. Signal geïnstalleerd. De agenda van de Nas aangezet en via Caldav gekoppeld aan de Thunderbird agenda. Koppeling met de Fairphone lukte nog niet.

Het Apple universum voelde als een zacht bed, maar wel in Hotel Trump-California, dit bed is wat harder en je moet het zelf opmaken, maar het is wel je eigen bed. 😊 #linux #MacMini

in reply to Gerard van Oel 🍋

Ben ook sinds een half jaar over op KDE. Laat weten als je nog tips nodig hebt.

ELC Partners with Adobe to Scale the Production of Digital Marketing with Firefly Generative AI…

My new job is great sometimes I don't have a part and it means I can sit in a mcdonalds for a few hours and wait for a co-worker to bring it

[15:01] DPP directs no charges over murders of two innocent people in botched Dublin gangland hit

The DPP has directed that no prosecution should arise over the murder of two innocent people in a botched gangland shooting in north Dublin eight years ago.…

#DPP #two #Dublin #eightyearsago

Las Vegas Strip (Night), Paradise, NV, 2023.

An all-you-can-eat* buffet of pixels at…

* restrictions apply


Matt Blaze reshared this.

in reply to Matt Blaze

A technical challenge here was capturing the Bellagio fountain, which is split in half across the two shifted captures. Because the fountain changes continuously, it was hard to make two captures that could sensibly stitch together. After some trial and error, I ended up capturing them 15 minutes apart at about the same point during successive fountain "shows".

Matt Blaze reshared this.

in reply to Matt Blaze

This is part of a set of two identically framed images of Vegas. This one, at night, shows the strip at its best, such as it is, with the lights and excess at least hinting at some sense of glamor and excitement. The other, made during the day, shows the strip at its most depressing, looking like a failed mega-mall and theme park that you might find off a forgotten exit near an interstate highway.

Matt Blaze reshared this.

[15:03] Verklaringen over geweldincident Oudeschoot leugenachtig en onbetrouwbaar: verdachten uit Balk en Heerenveen vrijgesproken

Een inwoner van Balk (20) en een 35-jarige Heerenvener zouden in juli vorig jaar een inwoner van Oudeschoot bij diens woning hebben belaagd. Het tweetal werd vrijgesproken door de politierechter.…

#Balk #20 #Heerenvener #julivorigjaar #Oudeschoot

Okay, so this one from @soatok really hits home.…

An interest in security is why I got into doing tech professionally, and "I care about the things that currently work continuing to work" is why I'm still here. It was talks by folks like Ollam, Hadnagy, et al. at DEFCON conferences that I snuck into my viewing rota while working split-shift clopens at a dead-end restaurant job that got me thinking about this shit.

And it was never because I cared about your buttcoin wallet getting leaked. It was the important shit. Telecom. Power. Sanitation systems.

He's an asshole for other reasons, but when Thunderf00t said that cholera was going to kill more people than rads after WW3, he wasn't wrong in principle. He was only wrong because it's not going to take WW3. It's going to take some skid from Belgovodkagrad with nothing better to use his state-of-the-art 14.4kbits dial-up connection throwing a bunch of "A"s at the right switch somewhere.

And nobody seems to give a shit.

Seriously, Apple, stop turning Apple Intelligence back on every time we install an update.
If we wanted it turned on, we’d turn it on. It provides absolutely no benefit to us.

[15:14] Theatervoorstelling over oorlogsslachtoffers Easterein: ‘Had het anders gekund? Zeker, maar zo is het niet gegaan’

Had het anders gekund? Die vraag stellen Jan Arendz, Marijke Geertsma en Thijs Meester zichzelf in de theatervoorstelling It Spoar Werom. Behalve het verhaal van Sally de Jong, spelen ook de verhalen van de drie omgekomen mannen uit Easterein een rol.…

#JanArendz #MarijkeGeertsma #ThijsMeester #SpoarWerom #SallydeJong #drie #Easterein

So a long long time ago I bought a bunch of music from Google Play. The other day I thought about that, and looked up how I can access my purchases. Turns out, I can't. All of that is gone, there is no way to access anything I bought from that time period.
in reply to Your Cool Uncle Itzy

meanwhile, i recently set up my grandmother with apple music and was surprised to see there was already music there…

it was the u2 album that was automatically added to everyone’s accounts 11 years ago

Little merlin (a bit of a blur-lin, tbh) keeping an eye on the woods from the top of the tallest Ponderosa.

Starting to think I should grow a few more edible plants this summer - I always grow tomatoes and loads of herbs, and will probably do more radishes. Will do a patio aubergine too.

What will do well within a flowerbed? Rainbow chard? Maybe long beans up a support? #gardening

Massive Layoffs at the Department of Education Erode Its Civil Rights Division

Only five of the agency’s civil rights offices remain nationwide. Those who are still with the department say it will now be “virtually impossible” to resolve discrimination complaints.…

#News #Education #CivilRights #Trump #Discrimination #Students

ProPublica reshared this.

[03:20 PM] Agreement reached on new coalition in Groningen; VVD and GroenLinks join BBB and PvdA

Four parties have reached an agreement about a new coalition in the province of Groningen. BBB, VVD, GroenLinks, and PvdA have agreed on a new governing program.…

#Four #Groningen #BBB #VVD #GroenLinks

“The President Wanted It and I Did It”: Recording Reveals Head of Social Security’s Thoughts on DOGE and Trump

In a recording obtained by ProPublica, acting Social Security Commissioner Leland Dudek portrayed his agency as facing peril, while also encouraging patience with “the DOGE kids.”…

#News #DOGE #SocialSecurity #Trump #Government #USPolitics

in reply to ProPublica

"I work for the president. I need to do what the president tells me to do,” Dudek said"
in reply to ProPublica

“They’re learning, let people learn and make mistakes” Typically you learn this stuff in a virtual environment as to NOT BREAK the real thing! This is not the way to be learning about social security, that is just a proposterous vision on DOGE’s actions!

Taiwanese chip giant's investments in US stir 'silicon shield' security worries…

in reply to Baldur Bjarnason

The buried lede here is the sale I'm running to ease over the transition, especially for those in countries with low to no sales tax or VAT on ebooks. A €5 EUR discount until the 19th of March using the discount code:


Direct links with the discount included:

- The Intelligence Illusion: Second Edition.…
- Out of the Software Crisis. baldurbjarnason.lemonsqueezy.c…
- Every Ebook Bundle.…

I have infusion therapy tomorrow. Today's my day to relax and drink tons of water, eat right, and prep myself.
in reply to mkj

@mkj Thank you so much. I'll be a grumpy panda tomorrow but it all be worth it. ❤️

reshared this

in reply to Miah Johnson

@miah I agree. That's why I'm the one trying to make their bosses aware of the alternatives. Many are intrigued, try them, and decide to stay. Others just follow the hype and continue to stick with those solutions as if 'everyone's using them, they must be the most appropriate.'
in reply to Stefano Marinelli

Yes. I applaud your efforts. Keep it up! If people like us aren't pushing back against these corporate platforms they will definitely win the long game (more than they already are).